Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 275: : Target, Craftsman Ninja Village

Although the picture may be a little out of tune, in short, there is no major problem in the future.

Today is a memorable day. No matter what other people think, Hinata is still very happy.

And this meeting is not just a summary, but also a celebration to be expressed after all this is over.

Although Hinata didn't show it, she was already happy inside.

But when some important things were finished, she thought of saying a few words of celebration.

However, she found that it seemed a little embarrassing, because after she glanced around, she didn't seem to see how cheerful the eyes were in any of the people present.

It seems that these people are completely a group of wood, or these people simply did not get her excitement.

All of a sudden, it seemed like a pot of cold water was poured directly on the head of Hinata.

Let her calm down all of a sudden, no, it should be woken up by reality.

Since this matter can be said to be yellow, Hinata naturally won't say something to celebrate.

At the same time, he secretly scolded everyone present, and drew a circle around each of them.

But Oscar is Oscar, Hinata automatically exposed this topic without showing any expression or action.

Instead, the topic changed directly, and the direction of the conversation turned directly to another direction.

Maybe the car was driving a little faster, and it was still drifting with a 180-degree rotation in place.

When this sentence was said, everyone present didn't react at once.

I heard Hinata say: "Okay, then, let's discuss about the Craftsman Ninja Village and his party!"

Obviously, this is a very confusing thing for everyone. After all, Hinata has not mentioned this idea to anyone in advance.

So after speaking, everyone was a little stunned.

Seeing this, Hinata seemed very satisfied and continued to say: "After all, we now have a real headquarters, and because of some of the finances left over from the annihilation of the Baitu hunting group,"

"Actually, it's really quite wealthy, so I decided that it's almost time for each of us to develop a matching weapon for each of us."

"At present, if you want to obtain a weapon that can effectively cover chakra, it is actually very difficult to buy on the market or on the black market."

"The only way is actually to go to the Craftsman Ninja Village for specialized manufacturing."

Wuzhu, who was beside him, spoke at this time. At this time, he slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and then said, "Suoyue, according to your meaning, is it a collective dispatch?"

"However, these words may really inspire a lot of people! After all, the location of the Craftsman Ninja Village is going to cross the country of Sichuan,"

Its destination is on the other side of the land of wind,

"And our newly established headquarters is naturally impossible to go directly to the empty building."

"At least someone should be in charge of some things here!"

Wuzhu said here, a voice sounded, and Huimina said timidly, "I won't go!"

"After all, I'm just an ordinary person,"

When she said this, her voice became smaller and smaller, obviously she didn't know what Huimina had in mind.

After Huimina spoke, the passerby first smiled bitterly and then said: "Sir, I won't go! Although I'm barely a ninja in the blood, but to be honest, I can play a real role. is too small."

"The headquarters here has just been established. Naturally, someone needs to stay here, so I won't make trouble."

"Of course, if you can, give me a weapon that suits me, that's even better."

After Beichen touched his bamboo hat, he stood up, revealing his majestic body.

Then he said in a very contrasting voice: "Me too, if there is a weapon that suits me, then it will be fine."

"Besides, it's been a while since I left the Bird Country Base. If possible, I'd better go back earlier."

"Lest my subordinates make a big mess because of my long absence."

Obviously, at this stage, it can already explain the problem.

This time, as members of the Dawn Organization's periphery, they still have their own ideas, and they can see it. They feel that this operation is still given to these people who are obviously younger than them.

But the status and strength are much higher than their full-fledged members of Dawn.

Maybe in their opinion, the two sides are not people of the same era after all, if they act rashly with this group of real core members in some tasks that do not really endanger the organization.

Maybe this will be a big blow to them.

Besides, what skills do they have, how many pounds and how many taels do they have, in fact, they are still relatively clear in their hearts.

It's okay to be ashamed of yourself, but if you drag others back in some actions, these shameless people naturally don't want to see it.

If there is no mandatory necessity, the core members basically cannot play with the peripheral members at all.

This seems to be a deep ravine, but it doesn't matter, everyone present can actually see it.

And the organization of Dawn is still very small in scale.

Whether it's Old Man He Yan, the others, or Hinata, they all know that they can actually suppress all of this.

And the most crucial point is that only Hinata can see through it.

Although now it seems that there is some division between peripheral members and core members,

But in fact, in Hinata's view, the treatment of both parties is not biased towards anyone.

And the real reason for the existence of the so-called core members is that each of them was shaped by Hinata himself.

Naturally, whether emotionally or rationally, it is easier to get close to others than others.

And He Yan looked around, rolled his eyes, didn't know what he thought and said, "Forget it, I'm already quite old, so it's really rare for me to participate in these things."

"Of course, if you really want to go to the Craftsman Ninja Village, you must also pass through the Land of Wind, so to speak."

"Actually, I can still walk with you."

Hinata naturally didn't believe that what the old man was saying was in his heart, and he was definitely talking nonsense.

But now that the situation has reached this point, it is impossible for her to forcefully take the old man He Yan to the Craftsman Ninja Village.

Then since the other party is unwilling to go, it is not easy to force it.

So she asked casually, "Then are you planning to return to the Kingdom of Chuan?"

The old man He Yan seemed to be really addicted to acting. He sighed and said, "Yes! Now that I have my daughter here, it will definitely be better than following me in the future."

"And I, that kind of life has been over for almost a lifetime, and I can't bear those people, so I'd better go back earlier."

After saying this, there were actually many people in the field with black lines all over their heads, including Huimina, who lowered their heads for some reason, and was about to stuff their heads into their necks.

In fact, everyone in the field has basically had a general understanding of each other during this month.

Obviously, everyone has almost seen it clearly. He Yan may be the oldest, but he is the one who can pose the most.

It is impossible for such people to say such words and to kill them.

Now that the answers of the peripheral members have come out, Hinata also turned his attention to the core members.

First of all, Kurama Wuyue said, "Craftsman Ninja Village, that's actually possible, count me in!"

The corners of Dong Shiyu's mouth slightly curved, and she said in a clear voice, "Is it Craftsman Ninja Village? It should be quite interesting."

Obviously, the intention has also been expressed to go,

Shui Wuyue Leng said most simply: "Go."

In the end, Hinata's eyes fell on Wuzhu with some scrutiny.

Wuzhu seemed to blink his eyes innocently, looked at Hinata's eyes, and said, "Go! Since everyone is going, I must go too!"

Now that the results have come out, there is nothing else to do, so Hinata will not shy away from telling the details of these things.

Hinata said: "Okay, since there is already a result, then it's settled."

"But of course we can't be really stupid and go directly to the Craftsman Ninja Village."

"There must be reasonable arrangements in the future. Besides, our current identities are not easy to be exposed prematurely."

"What do you guys think!"

There was silence in the field, and everyone's eyes were fixed on one person, and this person was naturally Wuzhu.

At this time, Wuzhu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but it wasn't that everyone's eyes would fall on Wuzhu unconsciously because of Hinata's question.

But from the very beginning when Hinata said this, Hinata's eyes were fixed on Wuzhu. Obviously, everyone knew that Hinata was asking Wuzhu.

And Wuzhu's expression at this moment seems to be showing a kind of expression because of the pressure of everyone's eyes: I'm so afraid, you guys are running away.

It was as if time had paused. After ten seconds had passed, Wuzhu seemed to be too breathless to say in a low voice, "What the **** are you guys trying to do?"

Kurama Wuyue seemed to have a smile on her lips, and said casually, "It's nothing, just take a look."

No bamboo,,,

The next moment, Wuzhu immediately seemed to be a different person, as if a wave of domineering aura emanated from his body, ahem, a little exaggerated.

But because of this, the others also took their eyes back very honestly.

Wuzhu's heart: "Oh, it's not that I'm not innocent, and it's not that I'm not innocent, but all the bad people I've met, they won't let me be a good person!"

"Goodbye, my kindness is added, once greenness, goodbye..."

Of course, other people naturally don't know that there are so many inner dramas in Wuzhu's heart.

Seeing that Wuzhu simply shook off his domineering aura, he rolled his eyes and said directly, "Cough, now that I'm here."

"Then let me tell you a few of my own opinions."

"How to say it, one is that since you choose to go to the Craftsman Ninja Village, we will find suitable weapons for everyone that can efficiently transmit chakra."

"Then naturally a lot of money needs to be paid, but that's where the problem arises."

"Money, it seems that we have no shortage of money at the moment, but we are really stupid and go straight to the door with these things."

"Let's not say whether the other party can create it in a short time."

"Actually, even if it is possible, people naturally don't have to take this order."

"Of course, it is true that our business is relatively large. However, the Craftsman Ninja Village has a very special status. In fact, people are basically unwilling to build these weapons for unidentified people like us."

"If it's ordinary, it's better to say, but this kind of weapon that transmits chakra efficiently, or even perfectly transmits chakra, it is estimated that the other party is likely to reject it."

"Because it's impossible for people to risk offending the Five Great Ninja Villages and make them for our group of mysterious elements."

Everyone didn't speak, and continued to wait for Wuzhu to continue talking like this.

Wuzhu said without hesitation: "Of course, this should be a cool thing to say."

"But now there are some turning points and opportunities."

After saying that, Wuzhu smiled and continued: "I wonder if you have heard of the Four Celestial Phenomenon."

"Forget it, I'll go on talking! The Sitianxiang belongs to a force in the village of Craftsman Ninja Village."

"Actually, from a long time ago, the Craftsman Ninja Village began to be divided into two factions. One faction is based on the traditional craftsmen. The concept advocated is actually ~www.readwn.com~ The disturbance in the ninja world basically has nothing to do with them. relationship, in order to maintain the unique identity of a village that specializes in making ninja tools."

"Actually, no matter which village is strong, it basically respects them."

"And that's obviously that kind of conservative."

"And the other faction is the Sitianxiang. It is said that the Sitianxiang is a position second only to himself after the village was founded by Qingming, the suzerain of the Craftsman Ninja Village and the same generation of Qianshou Zhuma."

"According to legend, Qingming when he opened the village was said to be a guy with huge ambitions and an unusually irascible personality. He used to be all-powerful in the Warring States Period."

"But later, he was defeated by the leaders of the Five Great Ninja Villages, led by Senju Hashirama, and he has forbeared since then."

"But this guy's ambition never subsided, but because of the situation, he chose to forbear for the time being."

"And the position of the four celestials that he set up can be regarded as a complete inheritance of his character, and the people of the four celestials are basically two extremes from the current conservatives."

"They hated the five great powers and hoped to provoke war."

"But because of the passage of time and the changes in the ninja world over the years, the four celestial images were gradually suppressed by conservatives."


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