Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 75: : Hunter Program

After going around for more than half a circle, they finally reached their destination and waited for the official start of the assessment.

When the pointer on the clock walked at a certain moment, the gate whose entrance was blocked by iron chains was also opened, and then the people of the 28 teams quickly entered it.

Eating chicken in the wild officially announced the start,

Hinata, Inuzuka Ya, and Oil Girl Shino, who were jumping fast between the branches, heard Inuzuka Ya say, "Hinida depends on you."

Compared with other squads, the three of them actually have an advantage in this environment. After all, they belong to the investigation squad, and all three have their own investigation methods.

It can be said that under almost any conditions, they will not fall into the trap of others, and if they have this advantage, if they have the heart, they can be the candidates to take advantage of the fire.

But on the surface, the three of them are still very cautious, and generally do not take the initiative to provoke others. Basically, they set up traps according to the places they have come along, hoping that some unlucky people will be directly recruited.

On the other side, Uncle Snake led his two minions, and went directly to find Sasuke pretending to be evasive with a clear purpose. Although Orochi does not belong to the investigation ninja, he is a poisonous snake.

The poisonous snake living in the jungle naturally has his own way of detection, of course, the effect is not necessarily faster than the three of Hinata's.

The area of ​​the forest of death is still quite large. Although there are 26 teams and 78 people in this exam, the intersection is like throwing a stone into the sea.

Therefore, in a short period of time, there should not be any battles. Now, many teams may actually plan to rush directly towards the center tower, take the advantage of where to stay, and wait for the prey to take the bait.

But these are the thoughts of those who really want to pass the Chunin exam. Some special guys who regard this exam as a game, in fact, let them sum up is almost like coming out to relax.

Beside a puddle, a mustache with a sand ninja forehead, a bandaged man and three non-mainstream people, with a leisurely posture, walked steadily forward without rushing.

After walking for a while, the bandaged man said, "Huan Sheng, you are too reckless."

The non-mainstream said: "Where am I being reckless, Snow Bird, you have to make it clear, you say whether Orochimaru will directly attack me at that time, I don't care if it's a big deal, I just fight it and pretend to be Konoha's pommel horse family. A baby lost abroad."

"Does Orochimaru dare to reveal his identity? You say so! Boss!"

The mustache on the side said: "Don't ask me, I'm just a shadow clone."

Kurama Wuyue said: "Oh, I'm going, boss, don't say that! Anyway, we should show you the way!"

Ying Xiaotian said: "It doesn't matter, it is estimated that it will dissipate in a while, the main body will come over, I feel that the main body is really angry this time."

Shui Wuyue Bing said: "Let them wither."

Pommel Ma Wuyue said, "Are they the naive ones from Yin Ren? This time they are considered unlucky, and they dare to provoke the boss."

"But we don't need to rush, we don't need to take the third exam, and the three idiots of the Yin Ninja, in such a big forest, if there is no investigation method, it is actually very easy for people to find."

Ying Hina said: "I can also use white eyes to detect, but this is a shadow clone after all, and its ability is naturally far less than the main body."

Shui Wuyue Bing said: "Then let's go! So as not to let the other party escape."

On the other side, the three of Yin and Nin are all gold, and the three of Tos and Sark are standing together on a tree trunk, and their expressions are a little grim.

Sak, who had the word "Death" engraved on his clothes, said, "The three of us obeyed the orders of Lord Orochimaru and came to hunt down Sasuke Uchiha, but since this forest is so big, it's probably not easy to start."

Hei Changzhi's sister Jin Yin said pitifully, "Oh! Sack, do you want to go against the wishes of Lord Orochimaru?"

Sack said, "Don't say that, it's our honor to be able to do things for Lord Orochimaru."

"I mean, we're not good at investigation. If that Uchiha Sasuke escapes, then I'm really sorry for Mr. Orochimaru."

Tos, the bandaged man on the side, said: "There is no other way, we can only try our best to find it. Maybe after this time, we can ask Lord Orochimaru to give us the ability to investigate. In this case, it will be good to encounter such a thing in the future. Do more."

And Tian Tian, ​​who was still on the road, Ningci and Xiao Li asked casually, "Ningci, won't you help Hinata?"

After Ningci heard this, his face immediately became ugly. After a while, he said, "Don't worry about it, let's not say how big the forest of death is. Just looking for it is a hassle."

"Although her strength is not very good, she is also a member of the Hyuga clan. She has white eyes and can do good investigation. Besides, her team is also an investigation department. As long as they are a little more timid, there should be no problem in saving their lives. "

Xiao Li blinked a few times and said, "Ningci, you are actually very worried about her! Teacher Kai said that everyone has something to protect, so if you can, go and help them. Bar!"

Ningci's heart moved when he heard the words, but he said, "Little Li, you are taking care of too much."

Under a sturdy tree, Hinata looked around with his white eyes and said, "About 700 meters from the left, there is a team of ninjas who are very fast. It is estimated that it will be difficult for us to chase them without being noticed by the other party."

Inuzuka Ya squatted down, and after Akamaru let out a loud bark twice, Inuzuka Ya said, "It's probably right, Akamaru smelled it too."

Oil Girl Shino put her hands in her pockets and said, "We can't go on like this. It's impossible for us to pass this second test. We may have to think of other ways."

But generally at this time, Hinata has become truly transparent, and all issues are discussed by Shino Oil Girl and Inuzuka Ya. After they are determined, they will ask Hinata to see if there is any problem. Replenish.

Hinata once suspected that You Nvzhi was the kind of mentality that she did not want to do to others. Maybe it was because she didn't exist for too long on weekdays. I don't know when the idea of ​​pulling a back was born, so I had a young girl. Tian's embarrassing situation at the moment.

But how could Hinata suspect the oil girl Shino because of this trivial matter? The most important thing is that she is set up here, and people rarely ask her own advice on this kind of thing.

So Hinata still has a big belly! Just because her big belly can tolerate a lot of things. (Bah~www.readwn.com~ If you have a big belly, you have to find Yin Ren San Hanhan.)

Sure enough, the oil girl Shino was very powerful and finalized the plan, and very thoughtfully gave the plan a name, the name is called: Hunter Plan.

The plan is also very simple and rude. Hinata Baiyan is responsible for detecting the enemy. After detecting two groups of people, oil girl Shino and Inuzukaya are responsible for attracting the enemy, and then bringing them together. They are taking advantage of the fisherman. .

In this way, as long as you are lucky in the early stage, if you can meet two teams at the same time, you can basically declare their victory, and if they are responsible for pulling the two teams in the early stage.

But it can avoid some unnecessary troubles more than going to the back.

In the end, Shino Oil Girl asked, "Do you have anything else to add, Hinata?" Hinata immediately shook her head and said no, blinked her big eyes, and said in her heart: "There is a plan by Shino Oil Girl in the original book." A scene of this kind of plan? It doesn't seem like it is!

This seems to be the rhythm of the plot turning over again. I hate this feeling.

After the plan was completed, the few people didn't stay, so they continued to rush towards the central tower. After all, the only way to really move forward, the greater the possibility of implementing this plan.

So the premise is to run in front of others with energy, but after running continuously for more than an hour, Hinata stopped and said: "I found the target, there is a pair 800 meters behind the right, and the position on the left is equal to us, about 500 meters. There is also a team."

Hearing the words, Inuzuka Ya said immediately, "Yangxi, it's almost time for us to act!"

Shino, the oil **** the side, said: "I am in charge of the left, you are in charge of the right, remember not to fight, Hinata will continue to observe, and notify us immediately if there is any accident."

Thank you for the reward at the next moment, my real self, the first time, a little excited

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