Biquge, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The girl reached out and covered her heart, trying to control her boiling heartbeat at the moment. She turned her head and took a picture against the wall. When she looked at her appearance without any problems, she smiled and said to Rong Mo, "Hi, my name is Zhu Yu. jade."

Rong Mo also smiled at her: "I'm Rong Mo."

"Rong Mo, you are the grandson of your aunt's friend. I ... Grandma Shang is my aunt and Shang Mo is my cousin. I'm glad to meet you," Zhu Yuyu said excitedly. She believed in love at first sight, but did not think of herself There would be love at first sight, but she had to admit it, although she had only known each other for a few minutes, but she felt that she had fallen in love with the boy.

"I'm also very happy to meet and leave first." Rong Mo didn't say she was too much. After politely speaking, she smiled at the girl and turned away.

Zhu Yuyu felt that Rong Mo was quite indifferent and alienated, and right when she was a stranger she had never met.

But it doesn't matter. They are strangers, but they won't be.

Unlike Rong Mo's indifference, Zhu Yuyu's hot face can be used for fried eggs.

She touched her own little face, all in her head was Rong Mo's face, and then she walked to the Shang Mo study in general, and then knocked on the door.

After getting permission from Shang Mo, he pushed in the door and walked in, but his face still smiled like an idiot, watching Shang Mo shouting, "Cousin."

Although her cousin was tall and upright, she was almost one head taller than Rong Mo, and she had a good family, cold and handsome, high-cold personality, wearing a pair of glasses to exude ascetic temperament, but she still felt that Rong Mo was more handsome and more beautiful.

My aunt said that Rong Mo was only eighteen years old this year and he was still a teenager. He would grow up a taller, taller and more man than his cousin in two years.

Shang Mo looked at his cousin's idiot, raised his finger and knocked at the table.

Zhu Yuyu turned back abruptly before thinking of rushing to herself, but when something happened, she immediately smiled, and softly asked the girl's unique coquettish voice, "Cousin, are you busy?"

Shang Mo seemed to know what she was going to say, before she said something coldly: "You can come by yourself later, don't bring Zhao Anyuan any more."

"Ah? Why?" Zhu Yuyu looked puzzled. She propped her hands on the table, holding her chin to sell Shangmoe: "Sister Anyuan is pretty good, and isn't her father your godfather? Two The relationship is also very good. Why don't you like me to play with Sister Anyuan? "

"You'll stay away from her in the future!" Shang Mo said, took out a document to open, a shelf that I was busy with, and you rolled quickly.

Zhu Yuyu mumbled her mouth with a displeased expression on her face. When she turned to leave, suddenly her eyes brightened and she thought of another thing.

She coughed slightly and looked at Shang Mo again. "Cousin, that ... am I not going to the college entrance examination next year? My math grade is a little poor."

Shang Mo looked at her and let her continue: "..."

Zhu Yuyu's little face, a rare and serious book, said indifferently: "So ... that ... cousin, can't I ask you something ..."

"Please tutor?" Shang Mo asked lightly.

Zhu Yuyu nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes. I heard my aunt said that Rong Mo at home is very powerful, especially math. The last time I taught Xiaobu is good, so I want Rong Mo to teach me math."

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