His Daughter Naught

17 HEATHER: My Lips Are Sealed For Any Protes

I don't open my eyes just yet but I know it's already morning. Or probably afternoon judging by the sun hitting the window at my side. Where am I? Should I call Brand? I want to pee but I can't move. My body feels like a ton of bricks is pushing me down the bed.

Am I still in cast? Can't I walk yet? I try to summon the power to move and my legs twitch in response. Too slight a move and everything aches and sores. I moan, wishing Brand will hear me at the side of the bed. But I've been moaning and whining, yet he still hasn't woken up.

I finally open my eyes, one after the other, squinting at the shining sun. I'm in Brand's room. Of course, I'm in his room. I've been here since after my accident. My mind numbs. But that's been like three months ago. I remember going to the hospital and had my casts removed from me.

My heart slams against my chest as memory of last night returns to me. Shit! I suddenly sit up on the bed and cry out as my muscles protest. Jesus Christ! I've never felt this sore and aching before. Not even after my accident. Brand really stands to his promise of 'using' me.

My pussy clenches at his word. Use. Like I'm some kind of puppet. A sex doll he so much enjoyed playing all throughout the night. I bite my lip and survey his room. He isn't here and his side of bed is cold to the touch.

I wince and curse as I start moving, sliding to the edge of the bed. A trail of cum rushes out of my pussy, smearing across the sheets. I look down and gasp. Blood and other dried matter soil the covers, making it look so obscene and dirty.

With enough strength, I haul myself up from the bed and walk towards his bathroom. Shit! I'm not actually walking. I'm fucking wobbling while supporting my pussy with a palm because it feels like it's going to fall out of my body.

Jostling to the door, I stumble in the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. Oh, my God! What has he done to me? I gingerly touch my neck and chest at the marks Brand left there now turning purplish and a little yellow. My nipples also suffer the same fate. My stomach and the soft skin at the start of my thighs have bite marks as well.

I look horrible. Well to the people that might look at me and not knowing what actually happened. But to me, I feel like I just won a tournament in world cup and this is my prize. My medal. A slow smile spreads my lips, grinning like silly at the girl in the mirror.

I'm so freaking happy! I prepare my bath with a smile on my face, still reeling at the aftermath of last night's activity. Wild activity. I use daddy's shampoo and soap and imagine him hugging me, surrounding me with just by his scent on my skin.

I take extra time and care washing my pussy without hurting me more than I already feel. I still throb and looking very red. I can't even touch myself without flinching. Shit! Brand fucks like a beast. But I'm not complaining. Will never be.

This has been my wild fantasy ever since. And now that it's come true, my lips are sealed for any protest. In fact, I think I might want to get fucked that hard again. But not tonight please. I seriously need to heal. I'm a freaking virgin and he fucked me like I'm a porn star!

I finally finish my shower, open Brand's closet to borrow his shirt but freeze. My eyes squint at the suspicious thing hanging out of a box at the side of his closet. I don't want to snoop but it really looks familiar. At least, I think it looks familiar.

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