His Daughter Naught

6 HEATHER: What I Truly Wan

At first, I thought I'm just infatuated with Brand so I indulge myself as I daydream about him being my boyfriend instead of my dad. But year after year living with him, my feelings flourished into something more. Something deeper. I don't just have a crush with Brand. I'm actually in love with him. Very cliché right?

And the worst part? I just discovered where my clit is located and starts pleasuring myself every night. Each night I think of Brand's hands or tongue touching my pussy instead of my own. Sometimes, when I feel bolder, I envision his cock pushing into my tight, virgin hole. Using me, pounding into me over and over until I come. And when I feel even more daring, I imagine him finishing off inside me, giving me his sperm, breeding me. Making me a mother.

I angrily wipe my tears away and turn on the ignition. It's just a shame. All of those will remain as mere imagination. Last month, I found out Brand and Nicole were actually screwing. Probably doing her all the things I imagine him doing to me. I want nothing but to rip that bitch's face.

But I know it's not Nicole I'm having a war with. It's actually Brand. Because of his lies, we're in this situation. We never lie to each other. But he destroyed my trust. He crashed my heart. And now he has the nerve to ask me what's going on.

It's not that I don't want Brand to date. I want him to be happy, of course. But is it bad that I'm hoping I'm the one to give him that? I want to be his woman more than anything in this world. I love him more than anything in this world. But Brand sees me no more than his ward, a daughter. A goddamn responsibility he can't wait to get rid of.

Heavy rain suddenly pours down, imitating the heaviness of my emotions. I curse inwardly. I hate rain. I haven't had the time to have my wiper fixed. It's Brand who usually does it. Every little whine I have, Brand will move heaven and hell just to make life better for me. But since I'm not in speaking terms with him, my wiper isn't working right now and I can't see the road.

I slowly step on the brakes because I know I'm approaching blind curve. I pull up at the side and take my phone from my bag. I don't want to call Brand for my situation. I'm a big girl now, I'm supposed to take care of myself starting now.

Especially now. Because one of these days, he'll need me to move out because he and Nicole will be starting a family together. That sick thought makes my heart pound hard inside my chest, fresh tears fall down my cheeks. I'm sure I look like a mess because of smeared mascara. But I don't bother since I'm not really going to a bar or something. It's just actually a ruse.

"Frances." I say when my friend picks up after two rings.

"Heather. Where are you? Are you still up for tonight's sleepover? Dad and mom just left. I have the wine opened already."

I smile and fish some tissue from my bag. "I'm stuck. You know my wiper isn't working. I don't want to drive with rain pouring this hard."

Frances sighs in the other line. "And here I thought you'll talk to him before you come over. It's obvious you're still not ok with your dad because your wiper isn't fixed."

"Nicole came this afternoon. He's got no time to talk." I say through gritted teeth as the image of the bitch registers my mind.

"Ok, I'll just drive by and pick you up. Where are you at?"

I tell her my location and hang up. Pulling my compact mirror, I fixed myself and totally erase my makeup from my face. I'm not a partygoer contrary to what Brand thought I am. I don't like dresses either but I wear them because he bought them for me.

I'm just a plain jane actually if Brand doesn't go out of his length to buy me superficial things. He buys my clothes and shoes. Damn, he even buys me my underwear all the time. I'm not a picky person. And I've never asked him anything because Brand is already a good provider.

Just as I've said, I'm only plain. The only thing that's expensive with me is the necklace he bought for my graduation. Something I never take away since he put it around my neck. But if I'm being asked for an honest answer of what I truly want, my answer will be a wedding ring he put around my finger. And I know it's something he can't give. I'm asking him to tie himself to me for life and that's very expensive.

I sigh and peer at my rearview mirror at the headlights blinking at me. The driver is telling me something. I frown and focus on the message he's flickering lights tell me. I gasp when I finally get it. Shit!

I fumble with my door but I think because of sudden fear, I'm unable to open it. I just scream when the car hit me full force, forcing my own car further off the road down the edge of the cliff. I hear sudden buzz in my ear, my head hurt and I can't seem to control my neck.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I grab for my bag to call for help but I can't feel my hands. I look down and see my fingers are dislocated. Horror makes me scream louder that I just passed out.

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