"You're tired," Shen Hanshen raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Yinxin's eyes with pure black pupils. He was focused and persistent, but ye Yinxin was not moved at all. He seemed helpless and turned back to the door of the bedroom.

"You have a good rest. I'll go." With that, he really closed the door from the outside and left.

Ye Yinxin was relieved. She moved her body hard and moved toward the bed.

It was only after she really got back to bed that she felt better.

That kind of pain and hot feeling, still surging in the body, can be better than standing up and walking.

After a slight sigh of relief, ye Yinxin finds himself in Shen Hanshen's room.

She frowned and looked around. There were deep cold things everywhere. Even on the pillow and quilt, there was the smell of deep cold. The smell had made her feel at ease and infatuated. Now, after smelling it, she frowned deeply.

She shouldn't have stayed here.

Thinking like this, ye Yinxin can't sit still. She turns over her clothes from the ground and finds them dirty. She puts them on her.

Standing in front of the mirror, ye Yinxin looks at her numb face. Even if she gently pulls the corner of her mouth, it's so stiff. But there are still traces of last night on her body. Ye Yinxin looks at the disgusting feeling in her heart. She no longer looks at it, but just reaches out to brush her slightly swollen lips, and her mouth is bitter.

When people grow up, the most sad thing is that they become the kind of people they don't want to be.

Now, ye Yinxin feels like a mistress who has been fooled at will. In Shen Hanshen's words, she doesn't feel the existence of any emotion. Before, she had a good name, which is nominal. Now that it's OK, it really has a relationship. Maybe the next step is for Shen Hanshen to give her money.

Ye Yinxin never thinks that she can get love from Shen Hanshen. Her previous fantasies have long been worn out in the careless hurtful words again and again.

Open the door, ye Yinxin silent to the living room, through the living room will be out of the deep cold this single family house.

There was no one in the living room. Ye Yinxin quietly went through the living room, pushed the door open and went out.

Shen Hanshen didn't know where he was, but he didn't see ye Yinxin leaving.

In a trance, ye Yinxin has left the community, walking slowly on the side of the road.

Hanlin community is close to the center of the city. Outside the entrance of the community, there are a lot of people. Ye Yinxin is walking in a trance. Suddenly, a bicycle rings the bell from the opposite side, and she rides it. She doesn't know how to avoid it.

Surrounded by people, the middle-aged man dodged, but was so scared that he immediately got off the car and couldn't help scolding: "what's the matter with you? You don't look at the road when you walk!"

Ye Yinxin, as if she had not heard him, walked around him directly. There was nothing in her eyes, and her mind didn't know where to fly for a long time.

The man saw that ye Yinxin ignored him. Although he was not reconciled, he was in a hurry to leave, so he left.

There are good people in the crowd, casting strange eyes at Ye Yinxin, but they can't see anything at all.

Ye Yinxin just stepped lightly. She didn't even know her own direction and where she was going. She didn't care what people around her thought of her.

The pain in the body continues and spreads. Ye Yinxin hoped that she would have more pain, which would make her brain a little clearer. In this pain, she really felt that she knew Shen Hanshen, what kind of man he was. In this pain, she really cut off her last thought about him.


In the distant sky, there was thunder.

Some pedestrians are talking: "look at the weather, it seems that it is going to rain..."

"Then go home quickly, my clothes are still out in the sun!"

Everyone can not help but speed up the pace, began to walk home in a hurry.

The blue in the sky is gradually replaced by dark clouds, big pieces, like gray heavy lead fragments, suppress this gray world.

Ye Yinxin looks cold, seems to feel the rise of the sky, the dark clouds are more and more low, the gray cloud feet in the distance seem to be within reach, soon it will rain, and ye Yinxin is not worried, she is walking on the road.


Accompanied by another violent thunder and lightning, the gray world was instantly reflected into a pale color. With the strong wind, people on the street ran one after another. Only Ye Yinxin was still dragging his feet slowly. A warm-hearted aunt was shouting to let Ye Yinxin go home quickly. It was going to rain soon.

Ye Yinxin just gave a stiff smile, but there was no change in his action.

It's hard for passers-by to understand, but at this time, no one has time to care about a stranger. Why do you walk in this way regardless of the weather on the road? We can only care about ourselves.

The wind rolled up the ground scraps of paper, leaves and garbage bags, flying in mid air.

This gust of cold wind blowing, is blowing leaf India heart all cold, but it did not last long, almost the next second, the big rain fell down.

It's the end of April. It's the season of plum rain. City a is a city in the south. At this time of year, it will rain continuously. The air is so humid that when people go out, they will be covered with water vapor.

This is the first rain of this year's Meiyu season. The weather is moving and the city is full of rain.

Ye Yinxin is almost instantly wet clothes by rain, she slightly closed her eyes, raised her head, let more and more rain, drench her face, body.

I still remember that day in such a rain, her parents lay in the car covered with blood, the rain is still like today, no change, only her change.

Mingming reminds himself to keep a distance from Shen Hanshen all the time. Why, in the end, it turns out that he is confused with Shen Hanshen, and now he has completely lost his most precious thing as a woman.

Terrible is that this man, but not a trace of treasure.

Ye Yinxin's face is full of water. She doesn't know whether it's rain or tears. She sobs silently in the rain. The sound of rain covers up all the sounds, leaving only the crackling sound in the world.

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