The soles of Shen Hanshen's feet softened and fell to the ground, with layers of cold sweat on his back.

Did ye Yinxin fall here? Is this sea mercilessly devouring her life? The Black Sea is like an abyss, like leading to another world.

"Come on, go down and look for it!" Shen Hanshen suddenly cried out, looking at the people with flaws. His eyes were covered with red blood, and he described it as a terrible Ghost: "she's still down there, she must be alive! I'm sure I can be saved

No one answered him, and no one left.

"I'm sorry for your change." Someone said behind his back.

Lu Yun had never seen Shen Hanshen like this. He couldn't bear to step forward and wanted to pull Shen Hanshen up: "Hanshen..."

Sorry? What's the festival?

Ye Yinxin, how could she... How could she... Shen Hanshen denied it again and again, but everything in front of her was saying that it was true, and this suitcase was the biggest proof.

He lost all his strength, even the strength to scream and roar. He sat on the ground in a daze, and suddenly burst into tears in his eyes.

"It's so cold and high here. How can she come here? She is afraid of high..." his tone suddenly changed. "The sea is so cold. She must be very afraid when she falls down."

He closed his eyes powerlessly, and outlined the scene in his mind like self abuse - suddenly out of control of the car, ye Yin held xiaodouya in a panic, she must have been injured when the car rolled, would it still bleed?

How scared she would be if she fell into the cold sea. How painful it would be if she couldn't breathe in the dark sea

Shen Hanshen gasped heavily. His heart almost couldn't bear to beat any more. The collar of his shirt was torn open, and he still didn't feel better. His fingers were tightly clasped on the ground. Because of too much force, his fingernails turned over, but he didn't notice.

The blood soaked the asphalt road, adding blood to the miserable scene.

With the sound of lightning and thunder, the rain is pouring down, washing the whole world.

Shen Hanshen first let the rain get wet, then he suddenly thought of something, suddenly stood up, staggered and rushed to Ye Yinxin's suitcase, blocked the rain with his body, and closed the suitcase in a hurry.

Even so, the clothes inside were still wet. Shen Hanshen didn't like it. His white knuckles grasped the trunk tightly, like the last straw.

——He was angry that she left with everything, but he didn't expect that she would come back to him like this.

In the end, it belongs to him.

"Cold deep..." Lu Yun locked eyebrows, face is full of worry looking at him, he is wearing a heavy coat can not withstand the wind and rain, not to mention wearing a thin shirt Shen cold deep?

He opened his mouth to persuade him, though he knew it was impossible. Because of the rain, the records of the scene were almost done, and the police began to put away their things and prepare to withdraw to the Bureau.

Torrential rain washed the traces on the ground, and Shen Hanshen's blood mixed with the rain and flowed to the sea.

He suddenly straightened up, as if suddenly awake, although the face is still very terrible, the words are not as incoherent as before: "you go back first, I'll wait here."

The police knew that he was hurt by the scene, and they didn't know the relationship with Shen, but they lost their lives innocently. They didn't say much and nodded one after another. Some people even said "I'm sorry.".

Shen Hanshen nodded with his face, and the rain on his face flowed wantonly. It seemed that he was not as painful as when he just heard the news. Everyone was relieved. After all, it was a great psychological burden to watch the president cry in front of everyone.

Flashing lights of the police car soon left, here only Shen Hanshen and Lu Yun two people.

With the wind, the rain from all directions, the two people wet through, Lu Yun in front of the rain blocked, with his hand hard to wipe a face to see clearly.

"Get someone to salvage it."

He suddenly heard Shen Hanshen's voice, and his eyes widened: "Hanshen, the police officer said that they had salvaged it once here, but they didn't find it. You know, the depth and velocity of the sea are impossible..."

"Go Shen Hanshen doesn't want to listen to him say any words. He extrudes this word from the root of his teeth. He looks at Lu Yun's fierce eyes and almost devours him.

"... yes"

Knowing that Shen Hanshen is iron, Lu Yun can only answer: "I'll drive you back first."

Shen Hanshen didn't answer him, only a cold voice came into Lu Yun's ears with the wind and rain: "it's so cold and lonely here, I won't leave her here..."

He was stunned and looked at Shen Hanshen's eyes. For a moment, he was extremely sad.

Shen Hanshen's feelings for ye Yinxin can be said to have always been known by Lu Yun. All the things that Shen Hanshen didn't know were displayed only when facing Ye Yinxin. Knowing that they meet again and live together, he sincerely feels that Shen Hanshen will be happy.

However, who would have thought that happiness came too late and left too fast?

Seeing his pain, Lu Yun even regrets that he shouldn't have left Ye Yinxin by Shen Hanshen's side.

In fact, the dead are natural and unrestrained, while those who stay in the world are always lonely in the memory.

With a storm, they returned to the Hanlin community, together with a box of Ye Yinxin's luggage.

Lu Yun leaves in a hurry to contact Shen Hanshen's salvage team. Shen Hanshen solemnly puts his suitcase in his bedroom. Now it's his last thought.

In a person's dark room, he finally sobs. No one knows that his tears and rain fall together, and no one knows that he is crying for a woman who left him heartlessly.

For a long time, his mood became more stable. He dealt with the wounds on his hands in silence. The pain of alcohol on his hands did not make his face look any more. He was still wooden, like a stiff walking corpse.

He pulled out the broken nail, and then wrapped it in bandage. Even if it was handled, he no longer cared about it. He just stared at his mobile phone and waited for Lu Yun's call.

Wet clothes stick on the body is very uncomfortable, but now he has no mind to manage, he always feel Ye Yinxin is still alive, still waiting for him to save her.

At this time, he dare not close his eyes. Every time I close my eyes, it seems that ye Yinxin's questioning face appears in front of me.

Please remember this website: huaxiangju

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