What if something happens to bean sprouts when she is not at home. She is so young that she shouldn't have stayed at home alone.

But ye Yinxin had no other choice but to send him to the nursery during the day.

However, if you come back late in the evening, there is no way.

"It's OK, mom." Bean sprouts very sensible comfort her, "I am a person at home, never open the door, I remember my mother taught me, especially good."

"Well, my bean sprouts are the best."

Ye Yinxin showed a smile, in the face of small bean sprouts comfort, feel very intimate, but she had no way not to worry about this problem.

Once, there must be a second. If one day, what really happened, she didn't want to do the same thing as before.

So, in her heart, still very worried, but, ye Yinxin's eyes flashed firm light.

In any case, can not live here, she tried to protect her bean sprouts.

No matter what the cost, she can!



In the dark corner, something unknown is happening.

A group of men in black surrounded a person who described as obscene.

One of the leading men stepped forward and kicked him in the leg.

"Ah The thin man, who described obscenity, with a timid face, screamed directly and fell to the ground. Obviously, the man used a lot of strength.

Looking at this group of tall men who were obviously different from his physique, the thin man didn't know what had happened, let alone who he had offended.

He covered his painful leg and curled up on the ground like a mouse in a ditch. He said, "who are you? What do you want to do? Who allows you to beat a good citizen like this?! Be careful, I'll call the police

The leading man in black didn't want to talk much, but when he said that, he immediately felt very funny.

He stepped forward with another fierce kick and said with a sneer, "you are a little thief. You can be called a good citizen. You are really lying with your eyes open."

"What thief, I'm not!" The thin man is still struggling hopelessly, wriggling on the ground.

At this time, the leading man no longer cares about him. With a wave of his gloved hand, several other men around him were instructed to circle.

"Get rid of him quickly!"

While saying this, he picked up the headset and reported to the other side: "master, this person has solved the problem. This is the third of the month. "

"I see."

Shen Hanshen's calm voice came from the earphone.

On the contrary, his expression was very irritable.

"What's the matter I asked you to check before?"

"Master, we have found out some of them. Ye Yinxin was very close to a man three years ago, and some people said that they were really together and called each other "girlfriends and girlfriends."

"Damn it

Shen Hanshen said very irritably.

He grabbed his bow tie hard, trying to make his throat knot more comfortable. The tie was loose and hung loosely around his neck, full of wild hormones.

But even so, it can't relieve Shen Hanshen's tense mood.

He never thought that this woman really stirred up with other wild men after she was happy with his appointment.

Three years ago? I don't know what happened in three years.

What should and shouldn't have happened happened, with a three-year-old child!

And where's that damned man?

"Go and check it for me Shen Hanshen frowned. Now he wants to rush to Ye Yinxin's house to question her.

Three in the morning.

The sky is still grey and the moon is gone. The world is peaceful.

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling!"

Suddenly the telephone rang, and in the silence, the sound was very harsh.


Bean sprout was woken up, she rubbed her eyes with her little fist.

"It's OK, it's OK." Ye Yinxin gently patted her stomach, quickly picked up the phone with one hand, and hung up without looking.

The only one who calls at this time is psycho, right? Needless to say, it must be a pervert, or it's a brain problem.

She was sleepy and thought.

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling!"

The phone rings again, representing the perseverance of the host.

"Who is that?" Ye Yinxin helplessly picked up the mobile phone, and the screen was filled with the words "big abnormal".

She was so surprised that she almost fell on the ground with a shake of her hand.

The ring of the telephone was so harsh that she answered it in a hurry.


"You woman!" Shen Hanshen's voice didn't know why.

Ye Yinxin only felt that this man was really crazy, and his tone was so bad.

"Hello, Minister Shen, it's three o'clock in the morning. It's out of working hours. If you have any arrangements, please contact me during working hours. Thank you!"

Ye Yinxin banged and hung up directly.

But after hanging up, she had a little regret.

This man, can't use common sense to speculate. Ye Yinxin lies down on the bed and closes his eyes. After a while, he opens another one and stares at his mobile phone.

Strange, hung up his phone, actually did not call? It's not his way of doing things.

However, what's the matter? Do you think of a new way to punish her? In addition to this, ye Yinxin really can't think of a reason to call her at three o'clock.

Anyway, if you don't fight, ye Yinxin closes his eyes again and goes to sleep at ease.

6'o clock.

It was just daybreak when the phone rang again.

Ye Yinxin's hair was disorderly, and he fumbled to answer the phone: "hello?"

"Buy breakfast at the imperial restaurant and send it to me."

Clear male voice, low and full of magnetism. This pleasant male voice makes Ye Yinxin want to swear.

But she can't.


She got out of bed and arranged bean sprout's breakfast. Then she ran to the door of the imperial restaurant.

Imperial restaurant is the most famous and representative restaurant in a city. It is said that the chef's ancestors cooked for the Buddha in the capital. How about the food? Ye Yinxin has never eaten it, but he is very famous. He has heard about it in every street.

Every season, it's hard to find a table. Price is not so important.

The breakfast recently launched can be said to be a pro citizen move of the imperial restaurant. Although it is more expensive than normal, it is acceptable to some people.

However, it is limited!

Ye Yinxin looked at the dark crowd in front of him, a little desperate.

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