Turning around, he saw that he was a middle-aged man with a big stomach. He was looking at her with a narrow face. Seeing her, he seemed to be very surprised and shook his glass at her.

Ye Yinxin ignores him and turns a blind eye to him. She goes on to her destination.

The delicate jewel lay quietly on the red velvet, and the silver white light hit on it. Her eyes could not stand the glittering and translucent light.

In fact, she had seen these works in magazines when they first appeared, and had studied them carefully. Even if she is not a designer now, she still can't refuse the beauty of gems.

The real object is far more dreamy than the photo. The incomparable beauty can only be truly realized after seeing it with one's own eyes.

She can't help but look into the God, intoxicated in it.


A voice from behind interrupted Ye Yinxin's thoughts.

Ye Yinxin turned to see that it was the middle-aged man who had been looking at her. He followed her.

"Can you meet me?" He pretended to be a gentleman and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Ye Yinxin. "I'm the general manager of Huamei jewelry."

The man arrogantly reported his own identity, the face can not help showing complacency, self feeling very good appearance.

Ye yinxinwei nodded, stretched out his hand and gently pointed it on his hand. He was ready to receive it as soon as he touched it. Who knows, she just met the middle-aged man's hand, was caught.

"Miss," the man smiles and reveals the yellow teeth in his mouth, which makes Ye Yinxin feel sick. She frowns slightly: "this gentleman, please let go!"

"What's the hurry, miss?" The man slid his finger slightly and rubbed it on the back of Ye Yinxin's smooth hand. Ye Yinxin only felt a disgusting and sticky feeling. She earned it hard, but didn't get rid of it. Subconsciously, her eyes turned to Shen Fuxiu for help. However, Shen Fuxiu turned his back to her and was talking to several people. He didn't care for her.

"Miss, you see that you are also a person. Why don't we make a friend?" The man became more and more proud. Relying on the blind spot of people's sight, he began to lean towards yeyin's heart, and the other hand also stretched out to yeyin's heart.

Ye Yinxin's cold look became colder, but the middle-aged man was not afraid of her cold treatment at all. Instead, he showed his obsessed eyes. It seemed that this kind of cold look was more suitable for him.

"Sir, I'm an employee of roton company, the female companion of Shen Fuxiu, general manager of roton."

Disgusted to block the man's action, ye Yinxin's voice is cold and harsh, showing her inner anger. It's not the first time for her to meet such a person, but she is so bold and blatant that she has never been seen before.

"Don't cheat me," the middle-aged man said with a contemptuous smile. "If so, how can no one stop me? The general manager of roton can't be known by anyone. Miss, if you just make it up like some, I don't think you can believe it. "

"What are you doing?"

A cold voice came from behind them. Ye Yin's heart involuntarily tightened his back, and the voice was undoubtedly deep and cold.

She turned around, Shen Hanshen took three steps and two steps, moved her long legs, and came to the two men.

The middle-aged man has already quietly taken back his hand, and saw that a man came to help Ye Yinxin come forward, with some chat on his face.

Shen Hanshen stood in front of him. His eyes were as sharp as a knife. He seemed to kill the middle-aged man. He was sweating unconsciously.

"Who are you? Why do you mind my business? " Even so, the man is still unrepentant, he boldly brawled to Shen Hanshen.

"It's not your turn to ask who I am, and now I'll disappear right in front of my eyes!" Shen Hanshen's momentum at this time can't be compared when he loses his temper in the appraisal department on weekdays. His fierce eyes make people dare not look directly at him. Looking at the man who dares to challenge him, his eyes are full of disdain and irony. It seems that in his eyes, he is not even a thing.

"You The middle-aged man's face turned red with pig's liver. His stomach was full of anger. "What are you! I tell you, I'm the general manager of Huamei jewelry. Think about my identity before talking

"Oh! I'll give it back to you. "Shen Hanshen laughs contemptuously. It seems that Huamei, one of the four major jewelry companies in a city, doesn't pay any attention to him at all. It's true that Huamei can't match luodun's share of the national market. However, Shen Hanshen's current identity is only a small head of the identification department, and he has dozens of people in charge of it, In fact, he is not as good as Huamei's general manager, but don't forget that he is still the second son of the Shen family, which is enough to frighten the man out of his wits.

"It turns out that you are the new general manager of Huamei jewelry. I thought you were a little white faced person who took office relying on women! If you look at it carefully, it turns out that even a small white face doesn't count. Look at the face, "I don't know when Shen Fuxiu came here, bypassing the people around him. He had a casual smile on his face. When he came to the man, his eyes were sharp as a sword." I just don't know, if madam GUI knew that you were acting on women at the exhibition, What would be the reaction? "

The middle-aged man, who turned pale when he saw Shen Fu Xiu coming, turned pale like a piece of paper when he heard that Shen Fu Xiu mentioned the female tiger at home. He didn't dare to say a word more. He buried his head and would never leave.

Just passed by Shen Hanshen, his shoulder was suddenly caught.

"Did you forget something?" Shen Hanshen's hand holding the man's shoulder is as hard as iron. The cold air sent out from him makes the man shiver“ Sorry

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Men bow and bow.

Ye Yinxin nodded indifferently in her eyes. There was no expression on her face. She felt that it was unnecessary to say more.

After seeing the man leave, Shen Hanshen suddenly turns his cold eyes to Ye Yinxin, who has to slightly side his head to avoid his eyes.

"Why are you here?" His voice cold let Ye Yinxin bare shoulder from a layer of goose bumps.

"Naturally, I brought it," Shen Fuxiu stepped forward and gently put his hand on Ye Yinxin's waist, looking very gentlemanly and polite. "Miss Ye is my invited companion, and it's my honor that she can come."

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