His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 103: Male unmarried female unmarried

Qin Che stopped slowly after coughing again. Han Fei leaned against the pillow, hurried to pour water, and handed it to him. After watching him swallow it, his dry lips were slightly moisturized.

"I'm fine."

He says.

Han Fei was angry, "Are you okay with this! Give me your hand!"

Facing Han Fei who suddenly became fierce, Qin Che was not angry, but he did not give her his hand, but said, "Help me up. I don't want to lie down."

"but you……"

"Han Fei."

When he called her name like this, she couldn't help but soften. She had no choice but to hold him up and sit up, just when she was about to pick him up easily-about this, Han Fei's strength towards her But she is very confident, her body, not to mention anything else, is very strong, of course, such a small body like a male **** is not a problem, she can move it at any time.

But Qin Che refused.

Han Fei wondered, "What's the matter?"

Qin Che pursed his mouth, sighed, and said, "Han Fei, go out and call the wind."

Han Fei asked stupidly: "Why?"

Qin Che lowered his eyes and said, "I don't want you to see it."

Han Fei was startled, and then seemed to understand something.

Yes, this person doesn't care about his legs at all as he seems.

Under his cold, breezy surface, there is a sensitive heart. Those disabled legs are like a scar, a scar that will never get better, entrenched and unavoidable.

Han Fei lowered her hand and clenched her fist tightly. She took a deep breath and turned and left.

When Monsoon saw Han Fei coming out soon, he was a little surprised, and said, "Girl Han, what's wrong?"

Han Fei said lowly: "Go in, the prince is waiting for you."

After a little thought, Haifeng understood it, turned around and closed the doors.

Han Fei leaned against the door dejectedly with a lonely expression. After Yun Tao saw it, she hesitated for a while, approached, and whispered: "Miss Han, are you sad?"

Han Fei glanced at her, and said vigorously, "It's okay."

Yuntao obviously didn't believe it anymore, and tried to comfort him: "The prince always doesn't like others to help, so don't worry about it, Girl Han."

This is better if it is not comforting. Han Fei is even more sad after comforting. After all, she hasn't walked into his heart. He is still ostracizing her, so does he avoid her?

How come, my heart hurts suddenly.

Han Fei numbly touched his chest, raised his head, and looked at the moon in the sky. The hollow in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

Not long after, the gust of wind came out and signaled that Han Fei could go in, but Han Fei suddenly didn't want to go in, and she couldn't bear to go, so she hovered at the door with messy steps.

The people inside heard the footsteps outside, and Qin Che sighed silently in the darkness. He could even think that she must be downcast at this moment, and even the shiny eyes must be dim, she will definitely He slumped his shoulders, stopped from time to time, and stepped on a few heavy steps from time to time to attract his attention.

The corners of Qin Che's mouth rose a little, it seemed that as long as she thought about it, she could outline her every move, she was such a clean person.

"Han Fei."

Hearing the sound in the room, Han Fei raised her head and glanced inside, even if she wanted to go in, she restrained it.

"Han Fei."

He called again.

It's just that the tone is softer.

Han Fei couldn't take it anymore and murmured: "Why, don't you know it's not good to be alone in the same room!"

On the side, Yuntao and Haifeng looked at Han Fei as if they had seen a ghost.

Who just rushed in like a wolf who couldn't wait!

Who has been going in and out unscrupulously for so long!

Who has touched the prince up and down?

This product is simply pushing the nose to the face!

The prince will be angry! The prince will definitely be angry! Will be angry!

But... there was a chuckle from inside, and then a word came out so lightly.

"A man who is unmarried and a woman who are not married, why not?"

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and Han Fei suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence.

With a coax, Han Fei's entire face was red, bloody, and even her eyes dodged.

This, this, this...

The male **** is teasing her!

Right, right? It must be teasing her! Cheating! Damn it! The blood tank is empty, empty! !

Han Fei’s legs were a little weaker, she reluctantly held the door frame, and then floated into the room lightly, and said: "Then I'm here~"

Outside the door, Haifeng and Yuntao had been struck by lightning, like magic.

Just... Is that really the prince?

Is it really that cold and icy lord?

This is a lie!

Girl Han must have used the demon method!

In the room, the temperature on Han Fei’s face was getting higher and higher, and she was rarely shy. She almost moved closer to the man who was sitting in the chair again. The closer she got, the faster her heartbeat. Up.

Looking at her, Qin Che's smile deepened, but the hand placed on the armchair tightened. At least for now, she had forgotten the worry about his body just now.

His body...


"Master, you, are you calling me?"

Han Fei was playing with her fingers and talking with some shame. As soon as she opened her mouth, she realized that her voice was sweet and scary, like a hairy mother. She coughed quickly and tried to get back to normal, otherwise she felt a little bit of herself. Disgusting.

"Ahem, I mean, uh, um, are you okay?"

Qin Che just wanted to speak, but the sweetness that came up made him shut up, and his expression instantly turned pale, but he tried hard to hold it back, at least, not to cough up in front of her!

But in the end, Qin Che suddenly raised his hand, covered his mouth, coughed and bent down, his face under the mask was full of pain.

Han Fei saw that all her shyness disappeared in an instant. She rushed up, grabbed his wrist with eyesight and hand, stopped breathing under her pulse, and stiffened her body.

Qin Che felt a moment of moistness in his hands, he sighed silently in his heart, and then said, "I'm fine."

While talking, he clenched his hand and quietly put it down, but he forgot that the corners of his pale lips had been stained with a bright red, and the hand that was about to be retracted was grabbed by Han Fei in the next moment Up.

Han Fei's face was cold, and said, "Open your hands."

"Han Fei."

"Qin Che, open your hand!"

For the first time, she called him by his name, her face cold.

Qin Che was startled, but slowly spread his hands.

A pool of red and black blood in the palm of her hand stung Han Fei's eyes.

"When did it start……"

Han Fei trembled a bit when she heard her voice, she almost couldn't say a word, and the hands holding him were shaking, shaking violently.

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