His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 115: You don't believe in women

Han Fei's words completely dispelled all boss Hao's pride.

Han Fei looked at that charming face and became dejected, and she was a little embarrassed. She felt that she had said too much, and she barely comforted her: "Of course, it can be used for minor illnesses and minor pains. You have a method like this, but after all, it is not the right way. You still need to focus on how to dig out the doctor."

Boss Hao gave a wry smile and said: "If I can, I will definitely do it, but Zhongcaotang...Zhongcaotang has two doctors at the medical saint level, and all doctors will only be willing to take refuge in the name of Zhongcaotang, we Shennongjia What can you do? It's just a struggle."

With that, Boss Hao showed a lonely look, coupled with that charming appearance, if it were an ordinary man, I would have been comforted, but Han Fei would not.

"Hmph, don't cry miserably with me, your method is useless to me."

The blue veins on Boss Hao's forehead were about to burst, but the final reason was restrained, and he still cried and said, "What does Han girl mean? Weak Han girl has such a posture, then I won't bother."

To retreat is to advance, this is Hao Mei's unsound tricks.

Hao Mei had studied carefully before Han Fei came. Originally, a little doctor under her rushed over to tell her that she had found a prescription for malaria. She still didn't believe it, but when she heard those practices and Gu Qisheng When she really got better, she was moved and had to believe it. Then she came to visit in person, but she didn't expect Han Fei to disappear after leaving the prescription.

That day, many spies were inquiring about Han Fei's news, but without exception, those spies were gone, and the dark forces were shocked all the time, and no one could find Han Fei again.

But from the clues of a few words, Hao Mei inferred that this should be the disciple taught by everyone in the hidden world, but a female disciple is not very similar. Too many speculations turned into a conjecture in the end, that is behind Han Fei. There must be an expert pointing, and that expert did not want to show up, so he sent a woman to the stage, which can reduce the attention. As for Han Fei, really a female doctor?

Oh, no one believes it.

Almost everyone thinks that there is a medical expert behind Han Fei, even Hao Mei thinks so, so she said that when she first met.

But when she saw Han Fei's doctor who was familiar with the road and was about to prescribe a new prescription, Hao Mei was shaken, but she quickly denied herself, guessing that Han Fei must have been taught by the'superior' before coming. What do you want to say.

Hao Mei suddenly felt that she couldn't see through the fat woman after Han Fei spoke the sharp words.

She once boasted of her talent to come up with such a method, but unexpectedly forgot one of the most fatal shortcomings. After being pointed out by Han Fei in public, only one sentence reappeared in her mind.

Yes, the prescription is dead, but the doctor is alive, one is always in place, and the other will move forward. She was wrong from the beginning.

Therefore, Hao Mei has changed her mind about Han Fei again, and when she was about to win a little, she was overwhelmed by Han Fei's unreasonable words.

Han Fei nodded, took a glance at her, and said, "You didn't believe me from beginning to end, and you were reluctant to find me to cooperate. Although I am a girl, I am also a temperament!"

Boss Hao said humbly: "Miss Han, you must have misunderstood, how could I not believe you, I..."

Han Fei sneered and interrupted: "Oh, if you believe me, then you won't just ask for my prescription. You never even thought of inviting me, because in your heart, a woman is just rubbish, no To be precise, you don’t believe in women’s medical skills at all. Even if I master this prescription, in your eyes, I’m just a person who has a little better luck and knows some medical skills."

Boss Hao is completely stiff, and he has a feeling that the loss of his heart has been pierced.

"Whether you admit it or not, you are also a patriarchal theorist. I don't blame you. It's normal in this country, but I feel sad. You control a Shennongjia. I think you will be different. I can't think of yourself. Because women don’t believe in women, if I’m not wrong, you are the boss behind Shennongjia. The boss on the face is not you, but your puppet."

In an instant, Hao Mei's heart was dead.

Han Fei said...

Completely correct.

The boss in Shennongjia is indeed her puppet, and she hides behind the people who really matter and did not take the initiative to appear.

Seeing Hao Mei’s face, Han Fei knew that she was bet on the right, and she was relieved, but at the same time she felt a little sad. She has been in this world for so long, and she has never found that it is not much different in other fields. There are such unwritten regulations in the field of medicine.

"You don't believe me, then you will doubt the prescription I gave you. Is such a transaction necessary?"

After a while, Hao Mei took a deep breath. Her expression changed. Her face changed. It was a kind of ruin. For the first time, she lowered her arrogant head and said: "Ms. Han's words today have taught me. I have been wrong all the time. I will definitely remember the teachings of Girl Han. This time, Hao has bothered me, so I retired."

Being said to be like this, Hao Mei knew she was wrong, and there was even a kind of shame that made her dare not face Han Fei at all. She was ashamed of the low self-esteem she had always hidden.

But before Boss Hao went far, he heard Han Fei lazily say from behind: "Why are you going? Your transaction has failed. My transaction has not yet been proposed."

Hao Mei was taken aback and turned her head in disbelief. She didn't expect that after being so ruthlessly broken, there was still room for this matter to turn around. At the moment, she bowed down respectfully, bowed her head, and said: "Miss Han Please tell me if you have anything to do, I will give my full help. It is my rude compensation to Girl Han."

Han Fei waved her hand and said, "No, I don't care about these, but I want to buy the same medicinal material as you."

Hao Mei breathed a sigh of relief on her face. She was most afraid of Han Fei's request that could not be seen, but the medicinal materials, their Shennongjia, could there be a drug store? !

"Miss Han, please say!"

This sentence, Hao Mei said with confidence.

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said slowly, "Snow lotus."

Hao Mei breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't the snow lotus. Although it was a little precious, her wealthy Shennongjia still had stocks, and she opened her mouth to say that there is. Han Fei took another sentence.

"The kind more than a hundred years old."

Hao Mei's face stiffened, she couldn't laugh or cry.

This thing...

They are really rare!

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