Han Yan retracted her gaze and saw Han Fei's unnatural movements. She calmly said, "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Han Fei stood up in a daze and said: "I, I'm a little sick."

Han Yan was surprised and said, "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Han Fei took a deep breath, pretending to be uncomfortable, and said: "I'm a little uncomfortable, Master Crane said that Xiaoshu needs more rest, sister, let's go out first."

Han Yan hesitated, but agreed, and said, "Little book, take a good rest."

Han Wenwen nodded obediently, and slowly closed his eyes.

Han Fei immediately reached out and dragged Han Yan away, fearing that Han Yan would stay in the room and choke Han Wenwen to death.

Until the door was closed, Han Fei hadn't completely let go of her heart, and said to Han Yan: "Master Crane said that it is best to stop disturbing Xiaoshu. We still need to pay attention to it in the future."

Nothing was effective in moving out of the name of the master.

Han Yan had no doubts, so she nodded her head unwillingly, and said, "Then let's go back. Sister is not feeling well, do you want to see the doctor? It happens that Master Crane is still in the house."

Han Fei immediately showed an awkward expression, touched her belly, and said: "Sister, I, I want to go to the cottage..."

Han Yan showed a clear expression, completely believed, and said: "Then sister, go!"

Han Fei left with her belly in her arms. After she left, she could still feel Han Yan's eyes behind her staying on her back for a long, long time.

After returning to her room, Han Fei immediately rushed to the table, drank all the water on the table before calming down, and then slammed Taobao.

"Hey hey hey! Come out! Things are going big!"

"I'm here, host, calm down!"

"Fuck! How calm is this! What I saw just now! Han Yan actually wanted to do something with the Korean textbook! And that, that pinhole! I saw a pinhole! What the **** is this!"

"Calm down! Host, I heard it all!"

Han Fei patted her chest, and an almost terrifying thought came to her. She said in a daze, "Difficult, is it Han Yan that Han Wenxue's situation is the cause?"

"Host, is there evidence for your conjecture?"

Han Fei muffled: "No."

"Then don't take the situation too badly."

Han Fei frowned, and said: "No, her expression, that look, I swear, I was right, she really wanted to kill Han Wenxu!"

The system still didn't believe it, and said, "That's my brother, no one will do it!"

Han Fei said solemnly: "No, it is possible."


"Like... a mission."

For a while, the system was also silent.

A strange silence permeated.

After a while, the system trembled and reported in a very humane manner, "Host... how did you think of this..."

Han Fei sat down with a serious expression, and said, "If it is required by her system mission, it is possible."

"Such mission requirements are already in violation of the regulations, how could the general system issue such missions!"

"No, didn't you say that last time, there is a problem with the total system, not according to common sense, not to mention, if she is an intruder, then this assumption is true. If we think this way, Han Yan's mission may not be to kill Han. Documents, otherwise it won’t be delayed for so long."

Han Fei's mind seemed to have stepped out of a net, her mind was running fast, and every guess was raised, and one by one was denied.

"Korean writing is poisoned. This poison is related to Wangu Valley. If you want to kill a person, you don’t need to be so troublesome, let alone use such a high-level poison, or a poison that has disappeared. Yan worked so hard...If there was no sudden appearance of Master Crane, then Xiaoshu would have been unable to save him. He would die of this silent and breathless poison... silent and breathless... The disappeared Wan Gu Valley... "

At this moment, the system was also waiting for Han Fei's next words with bated breath.

Han Fei's eyes changed and said, "I'm afraid, her mission is related to Ten Thousand Gu Valley."

How could a cult that disappeared become her mission?

The more Han Fei thought about it, the more confusion she felt, but she had no idea that the system was shocked again.

Although Taobao had prepared to change its host, it never expected that it would refresh the senses again and again. I don’t know when it started, and its host has been on the right track step by step. In one action, the best choice was always made by mistake, and even many times, the best results were obtained when it did not expect it.

Even the mind... is getting clearer.

Even the identity of the intruder was caught by her!

Taobao exclaimed, "Host, your mind is getting better and better."

Han Fei was immersed in her thoughts: "Get out!"

"Ahem, pull back to the topic, if the host's guess is true, then we must speed up the progress, and Han Wenxue must save it quickly."

Han Fei said seriously: "I know."

It was night, in the dead of night, Han Fei opened the window, leaned against the window, and shouted in a low voice, "Hey, zero, three, and four! Where are you guys!"

No one answered, it was very quiet.

Han Fei raised her eyebrows, curled her lips, and said, "Zero three zero four? Isn't it there?"

Still no one answered.

Han Fei muttered to herself, "Well, it seems that I have neglected his duty. I want to tell the prince that such subordinates will deal with it quickly, it is useless!"

Zero Si couldn't help it anymore, and flew in from the window with a squeak, dressed in black, about to hide in the shadows.

But Han Fei still saw the gritted expression on her teeth in the dark night, and she held her smile.

Seeing that Ling Si had already appeared, Ling San sighed and flew in from the window, hiding in the shadows properly.

"Oh, you are here!"

Zero Four snorted and said, "Are you busy?"

Han Fei smiled and said: "Don't be angry, I was just joking, I won't tell the prince."

How did Han Fei know Zero Three Zero Four?

This is what the male **** told her.

The male **** said that if you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can call them out and don't force yourself.

As a result, Han Fei really didn't force herself, so she screamed out.

Zero Four scolded a hundred times in his heart, ah, a hundred times, but he also had to grumblingly and said, "What do you want to do."

Han Fei touched her chin and said, "It's very simple. Help me catch someone."

Zero four: "?"

Han Fei smiled, "Just grab a medicine farmer, knock it out, and bring it over."

Zero Four's mouth twitched, "Do you know what we are?"

Han Fei continued to laugh, "I know! Fighter!"

Zero four: "..."

He is a shadow guard! It's a shadow guard who kills like hemp! It is the shadow guard who hunts down sharp weapons!

Han Fei said with satisfaction: "Well, I can treat you as thugs!"

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