Changde was simply frightened, his face turned blue.

Han Fei smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Spread it all away, don't frighten people, help him up, tsk tsk, zero four is as rough as always."

Han Fei was a little grateful that Ling Si didn't fall her like this, so falling from the sky would definitely hurt her.

As everyone knows, if Zero Four dared to throw her like this, he wouldn't have to live anymore.

And Boss Hao was completely overwhelmed by Han Fei's methods, this man actually **** a medicine farmer! It was **** from the heavily guarded Zhongcaotang!

Boss Hao remembered that the spies who had followed Han Fei had disappeared, and suddenly realized that this Han Fei must be accompanied by a peerless master!

Boss Hao poked Changde, and the latter trembled. Hao Mei confirmed that the opponent was alive.

Is a big living person **** like this?

Han Fei said directly: "Hurry up, time is running out, I will get the snow lotus tonight!"

After confirming that Han Fei was deeply hidden, Boss Hao started to do things neatly, and ordered the subordinates to set up Changde directly to the medicine garden behind. Han Fei followed quickly, but was very curious about the medicine garden.

The location of the medicine garden has to pass through a long corridor, and there are countless checkpoint certifications in the middle. Han Fei looked a little surprised at the various anti-thief measures along the way, and had to admire the wisdom of the people of this era.

Seeing Han Fei's interest in this, Boss Hao stood tall and showed his beautiful figure at a glance, and then said in a charming manner: "Miss Han, are you satisfied with the structure of Shennongjia? I spent all of these institutions. I bought it with a lot of money from the agency city, and it's absolutely impossible for a mosquito to get in!"

Hao Mei's tone meant to show off. Since she wanted to cooperate, she always had to come up with something!

Han Fei was noncommittal, but said casually, "Are so many institutions just protecting an ordinary medicine garden? The snow lotus in the medicine garden should be the most valuable, right? After being taken away by me, what's the equivalent? Worth of medicinal materials?"

Hao Mei: "..."

Not really!

How could she always lose face in front of Girl Han!

Boss Hao was so depressed that he didn't want to talk, and he didn't even have any interest in introducing these institutions to Han Fei.

It can be said that after meeting Han Fei, Hao Mei's strong confidence that she has been building has been almost beaten.

Han Fei walked along, looking calm on the surface, but started a lively discussion with the system in her mind.

"Host host! This is the product of Organ City! According to the data of this world, these are all higher-level organs, and you may not be able to buy them with money! This local tyrant must fudge!"

"What am I trying to fudge!"

"It doesn't matter! You can even win over the princess, and think about it! Your mind has been very useful recently! I will definitely think of it! Come on, host!"

This is the first time that the system has been so bluntly praised, and Han Fei has refreshed the shamelessness of the system. In order to achieve his goal, he said all these things!

"This person is not short of money, and lack of medicine and doctor. This can be done."

Han Fei wondered.

In fact, she was also moved.

This boss Hao's wealth is about to drain. The most important thing is that she has what she asks for.

To help the male god, she also needs money.

Han Fei looked at Boss Hao's back, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Boss Hao shuddered as if he felt it, and wondered if he had become cold?

Soon, the group of people came to a huge enclosed medicinal garden with Changde, who was supported by them. At a glance, the green eyes were very gratifying.

The sharp-eyed Han Fei even noticed the planted, pleasing-looking medicinal materials waving in the wind, and her eyes lit up for an instant.

As a traditional Chinese medicine doctor who often deals with all kinds of medicinal materials, Han Fei feels physically and mentally relieved when he sees these medicinal materials!

As a medicinal farmer who grows and gathers herbs all the year round, Changde was so excited when he saw these numerous medicinal materials!

The eyes of Han Fei and Chang De were instantly brighter than Ye Mingzhu, which shocked Boss Hao.

Han Fei took the lead and squatted down and looked at these herbs carefully. She unexpectedly discovered that the appearance of these herbs was quite good. At least at first glance, there was nothing underdeveloped, which was extremely rare.

Seeing that Han Fei was interested in this, Boss Hao finally opened his eyes and smiled, and Chang De directly pushed away those who were supporting him, rushed over by himself, and muttered at the medicine garden.

Even if he admits that he has seen the market in Changde and has been a pharmaceutical farmer in Zhongcaotang for so many years, he has to admit that this girl is really rich!

Fuck, every drop of those gods dew is silver!

In Zhongcaotang, only the cultivation of high-grade medicinal materials can be used!

it's here!

What did he see!

One bucket by one bucket!

Isn't that really used to hold ordinary water!

Is it really good to treat Xianlu in such a simple and rude manner!

Such a wealthy performance...really...

So happy!

Chang De's face flushed with excitement.

Han Fei also noticed those buckets of water. It seems that these medicinal materials are so good that they are related to the water. Sure enough, they are rich people. This is what the rich do!

After praising, Han Fei did not forget her most important thing, she got up and said, "Where is Xuelian?"

At this time, Hao Mei also withdrew the other subordinates, leaving only two burly men like big hands, and said to Han Fei: "Inside, in the special zone."

Having said that, Hao Mei took the lead to take them to the depths of the medicine garden. This time, Changde no longer needed help and followed.

As he went inside, Han Fei's eyes gradually became more serious. Judging from the appearance and quantity of these medicinal materials, it was enough for Han Fei to see one thing clearly.

Perhaps Shennongjia is not as good as Zhongcaotang in terms of high-grade medicinal materials, but this considerable amount of ordinary herbs seems to be more traditional Chinese medicine.

After all, those complicated diseases are still a small number, and most of them are common intractable diseases. There is a large demand for common medicinal materials. Such an inventory can unceremoniously say that half of the country's drug needs can be afforded.

Perhaps Shennongjia is more valuable than she thought.

If so, then maybe the herbs needed by the male god...

Han Fei's heart was suddenly moved. She looked at Boss Hao with scorching eyes, and had a small abacus in her heart. Originally, she was just trying her best to try, so now she is thinking of winning.

What can be done to maintain a ‘solid’ cooperative relationship?

Before Han Fei came up with a solution, the high-level medicine garden arrived. At a glance, every acre of the medicine garden was planned very neatly, and a wooden sign was erected in front to indicate the species, even the detailed time. The years are all recorded.

In particular, there are also some more expensive medicinal materials in an astonishing quantity.

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