The old He who was on the side was unhappy. Almost everyone felt that Ye's unhappy. The old face of the kind-faced and kind-looking old man wrinkled. He was so frightened that Han Shangqing was so frightened that he did not dare to say a word. Ask before.

Old He is indeed unhappy. Although this unhappiness is a bit inexplicable, this meal was made by his apprentice earlier. He was not lucky that he had accepted a good apprentice, so he saw Han Shangqing. A proud face.

Obviously his apprentice!

Han Fei noticed the look of Old He, and after a little thought, she realized after thinking that this master had a childish temperament that was different from the appearance. She was a little bit dumbfounded, and gave Old He a use when no one noticed. Buns wrapped in oil paper.

She made it deliberately, and put some fragrant herbs. It was not only delicious, but also beneficial, but she didn't make much, so she put it away.

Speaking of which, Han Fei's craftsmanship has been honed in modern times. She is an orphan struggling to grow up, and she has developed a good cooking skill, like these simple pastries, it is no longer a problem!

A breakfast was exhausted in the atmosphere of Han Shangqing's relieved smile, the stiff face of the second wife, Han Yan's calm face, and the atmosphere of Helao secretly laughing.

After using the breakfast, Old He straightened his face, put the processed medicinal materials, together with the snow lotus that Han Fei brought back, into the medicine jar, and personally controlled the decoction.

Han Shangqing also nervously did not dare to step forward to disturb, and ordered the next person not to make any noises. A layman like him knew that a doctor would not allow others to disturb when he was decocting medicine.

A little bit of time passed, and when the water in the whole medicine tank boiled into a thick black liquid, He Lao's forehead was sweating, and he sighed that he was really old.

Han Shangqing cautiously took the bowl of medicine in person, and delivered it to the Korean paper in the room without pretending to be someone else's hand.

When Han Fei saw Han Shangqing feeding the concoction to Han Wenshu, he quietly stepped back, found a corner where no one was there, and said softly: "System, activate the reward for that wonderful hand rejuvenation."

"Okay! Rejuvenate your hands! Target person, Korean textbook!"

Han Fei waited for a while. After a while, she heard the second lady’s surprise screams and crying from Han Wenxue’s room, and more and more lively voices came from the room, seeming to be celebrating something. .

Han Fei curled the corners of her lips, and finally let go of the boulder she had mentioned in her heart, so that the child left and right was fine.

After confirming that Han Wenwen was out of danger, Old He left the room and did not go to see the happy appearance of the family, because he found that his lovely disciple was missing, and it took a long time to see Han Fei standing quietly. in the corner.

"Disciple, what are you doing here?"

Han Fei adjusted her clothes when she saw Lao He was looking for him, and said, "Master, why are you here?"

"Your brother is okay, why don't you go take a look?"

Old He was almost puzzled.

Han Fei's concern for Korean writing is not bad at all. This is known from the snow lotus, but now it seems that Han Fei has been avoiding it?

Even Han Fei kept him a secret where the snow lotus came from.

No one in the entire Han Mansion knew that the person who really saved Han Wenxun was Han Fei.

"Master, I don't need me there."

Such ambiguous words made Old He stunned for a moment, and then remembered the happy atmosphere of the family just now, as if he had understood something.

After getting along these days, Old Crane knew a little about Han Fei's situation, so he sighed and said, "Attendant, why don't you go wandering around with me, it's a waste of being stuck in these places!"

The loss of his biological mother, the second room, the birth is unknown, the day after tomorrow is fat, and only a little can destroy an ordinary girl, let alone all the added Han Fei?

The more He thought about it, the more he felt sorry for this closed disciple, and asked him to say that he didn't keep her here, he is still a little capable as a master, at least not worse than in Han Mansion!

Hmph, if those old guys knew that he had accepted such a disciple, they would definitely be jealous of him!

Master Crane is almost constructing a beautiful future, and can’t wait to say: “Apprentice, you follow me back. My disciples can just get to know you. Staying here will only make a living, and your talent shouldn’t be lost. Strapped!"

Han Fei was silent.

Old He thought her heart was moved, and immediately said happily: "You can't keep this Han Mansion anymore. Just think of an excuse for the teacher, and say that you are sick. I will take you to treat the disease and need to go to another one. The place hasn't been back for three or five years, so no one will doubt it!"

Han Fei lowered her head and sighed, not denying that she was actually moved at that moment.

This is not her home, nor the original home. There are no real family members here, and some just pretend to be. Even she is just keeping a happy face in order to brush up her favorability.

If you can go, who doesn't want to travel around the world and live the life you want, at least you don't need to be a man with a fake face.

However, she can't.

"Master, I'm sorry."

Old He didn't expect Han Fei to refuse. He obviously saw the wavering in her eyes, and he couldn't wait to take his good apprentice away.


Old Crane asked the reason very calmly.

There must be a very important reason for Han Fei to hesitate but refused.

"Master, I am the show girl of the Ama Palace."

He was taken aback for a moment, and he thought about it and said, "This is a bit troublesome... I think about it, by the way, Emperor Qin still owes me a condition, and it happens that I have nothing else to achieve, so I might as well pick you out. Amar Palace is not a simple place."

For Old He, marrying the royal family, everything is farting! He had already seen more of those unhappy women in the harem, what would happen to them, intrigue and **** for tat, how could there be a peaceful life in such a place?

"Master, I know your kindness, but... I don't want to go."

Old He couldn't hold back it, and blurted out: "Do you want to marry into the royal family?"

Han Fei's face flushed, she immediately remembered the face of the male god, a little embarrassed, and waved her hand: "No, no, Master..."

He Laoang: "Then what reason do you have! Listen to the master, don't get involved in the royal family, that's not a world you can live in, those rules and regulations will drive you to death! Even a slight mistake may not protect you as a teacher! "

"I know."

What Old Crane said, Han Fei didn't know.

"then you……"

"But Master, I have important people, so important that I want to protect them."

Her words were uttered clearly.

Old He was surprised.

But Han Fei is very serious.

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