Inside the room, Emperor Qin stared at Qin Che with an obscure expression, and said in an unkind tone: "Che'er, do you know what you are talking about?"

The shards of the broken teacup scratched the back of his hand, and a blood stain remained. A trace of bright red blood rushed out of the scratch and stained the book.

But Qin Che seemed to be unable to feel the pain. He still hooked the arc of mockery and said: "Father, if the child offends, please forgive me."

It was clearly such a begging for mercy, but Qin Che didn't have the slightest regret in his tone.

Qin Huang's patience was completely successful, and the emperor's domineering was fully demonstrated. He coldly pressed his face and stretched out his hand directly. The target of the hand was the mask on Qin Che's face.

Just when Qin Huang's hand was about to touch the cold mask, another huge sound rang, the ground shook, and Qin Che fell to the ground.

The chair was turned over, the book and the words fell, and Qin Che fell to the ground in embarrassment. The huge pain made him let out a muffled sound, and the face covered by the mask was painful.

Qin Huang was stunned and watched Qin Che fall to the ground blankly, opening his mouth and saying with difficulty: "You..."

Qin Che didn't move, but raised his head, sneered, and said, "Father, are you going to die for the child?"

Qin Huang grabbed his heart fiercely. The gaze he looked at Qin Che was extremely complicated. It was a combination of pampering, regret, remembrance, and a faint obsession that was almost invisible. Sorry.

Qin Che resisted the nausea pouring up from his stomach, the sneer on the corners of his lips deepened, and that dark negative emotion rose gradually, as if he was about to encroach on all his thoughts.

"Che'er, you know what I mean..."



"Father, please go back."

This sentence is an obvious chase.

If it were placed on someone else, it would be worthwhile to die 10,000 times.

But Emperor Qin sighed, put his hand down, and said, "Che'er, you are not in good health. Rest early. I...will come again. As for the don't have to worry, I will keep it. you."

Qin Che remained silent.

Qin Huang didn't expect any response, but he looked at his mask somewhat reluctantly, finally sighed and left.

Jifeng and Yuntao finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Emperor Qin finally came out, and Gong Gong, who guarded against them, also put down their hands, and said respectfully, "Is the emperor going back to the palace?"

Qin Huang gave a hum, and then his eyes fell on Haifeng and Yuntao, and said meaningfully, "Take care of the emperor."

The two knelt down and said: "Yes, the emperor!"

In the end, Emperor Qin slowly left under the horrified eyes of the two.

When she saw that the figure was completely gone, Yun Tao fell down and sat on the ground, her legs still trembling a little, muttering to herself: "Why did the emperor come here? Why did he come..."

Ji Feng was reluctant to help Yun Tao, he rushed into the room and saw the prince falling to the ground. He was so embarrassed that his face was pale with fright, and he quickly helped the prince to his feet.

Qin Che lowered his head and let the gust of wind lift him up, but from beginning to end, his grasping hand did not let go.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Get out."

The hoarse voice spoke.

Dafeng's expression changed, and he said, "Master, you..."

Qin Che suddenly raised his head, his red eyes staring at Haifeng, like a ghost in the abyss, and Haifeng stepped back subconsciously.

The prince at this moment is strange and terrible.

"I said, get out."


In the end, Haifeng subsided.

When there was no one in the room, he quieted down, leaving only Qin Che's heavy panting, intense and rapid.

He covered the mask with one hand, and laughed madly while looking up to the sky, laughing and coughing.

The next moment, his hand threw out, a silver arc fell, and then hit the ground, bounced, and finally lay quietly in the corner. It was... a silver mask without any patterns.

Qin Che covered his face with one hand, his laughter stopped slowly, his hands fell, covering his lips, and a violent cough, the red blood flowed out through the cracks of his fingers, dripping onto his clothes. Above, smudged into a red circle.

Slowly, something seemed to be spit out in his mouth.

Over and over again, as if repeating something.

Listen carefully, that is a familiar word...


"It's dirty..."

"Broken, just fine."


After a while, Qin Che slowly straightened his waist, his hair fell, and the white silk ribbon fell on his hand lightly, dyed red by the blood on the back of his hand, half as white as red. , And the white end, faintly, seems to have a small print embroidered.

That is……

Han Fei.

Suddenly, his crazy face suddenly quieted down.

His eyes looked at the ribbon quietly.

In my mind, that silly face with a big smile and white teeth popped out without warning.

"Master, don't die!"

"Master, I will definitely save you!"

"My lord, I, I just don't want you to be in trouble!"

"Lord, I am willing to go through all fire and water for you, and I will do it!"


Qin Che stretched out his hand and grabbed the silk ribbon. It was tight and tight, as if to squeeze it into flesh and blood.

Just like the master holding this ribbon.

The woman who broke into his filthy world hard also brought the ease he could still breathe.

The heart that was originally full of dark emotions finally dissipated a little bit, and the extreme sense of world weariness was also driven away.


Why would he calm down as long as he only thought of her smiling face.

Slowly, Qin Che closed his eyes, and his black hair poured out, blocking his face. Only the slightly leaking skin can be seen, it is almost a kind of almost transparent white, sickly white. White is illusory.

The soft whispering sound replaced the original crazy laughter, and passed slowly in the room.

"Can I... trust you."

"Han Fei..."

The dark night swallowed this life a little bit.

On the other side, Han Fei in her sleep frowned fiercely, as if she was having a nightmare. Her face was very painful, and she was muttering words, as if calling.


"do not do that……"

"Don't die! Ache!"

With that, Han Fei opened her eyes all of a sudden, panting with sweat, looking at the room beam, she didn't recover for a while.

The chest pain still existed. She clutched the neckline tightly, wondering why she felt so uncomfortable, as if a very important person had been hurt, the pain was severe.


I miss the male **** so much that I will dream.

It's just that such a dull pain is too real, what happened to the male god? Han Fei couldn't help thinking like this.

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