Inside the palace,

Since the first prince was injured, the guard of the entire palace has risen to a certain height.

Even the emperor was alarmed, and only slowed down after some condolences, while Qin Mu himself faced the piece of cloth in his hand and meditated for a long time after waking up.

Speaking of it, it was only a blunder that he would appear on the back mountain of Shuibian Village, but what happened later made him quite annoyed.

Just because that map is missing.

Qin Mu felt so angry when he thought of this, how much manpower and material resources he sacrificed for this map! Even he almost lost his life. For this reason, he was severely reprimanded by the queen, and lost so much. In the end, it was nothing but a basket of water!

Can he not be angry!

Qin Mu was holding that piece of cloth, his face was so dark that ink was dripping out, and even the physical injuries were less than heartache. That map is a treasure map left by the ancient family Xiahou clan. Just think about the good things hidden there. , Can make people jealous!

It is even comparable to the average treasury!

Such a huge treasure... slipped away in his hands.

Qin Mu felt that his wound was about to open again, but he couldn't find it with great fanfare. Originally, he got this map because of a coincidence. He wanted to hide it secretly and swallow it by himself, even the queen mother. I don't know, now that he is lost, he can only be eaten as a dumb loss.

If the emperor father knew that he had obtained this huge treasure map, he would not hand it in, but wanted to swallow it privately. Let alone the throne, his prince’s position would not be preserved. When the treasure is huge enough, the so-called The relationship between father and son is very thin, let alone the royal affection.

Qin Mu understood the truth better than anyone else, so he didn't reveal any news at all. He even pulled out an excuse to say that the palace was to be compassionate to the people, but he was negligent in defense and broke the thieves. Give a reprimand.

Qin Mu is not even more depressed. This depression cannot be revealed to anyone. All clues are only the piece of cloth he was pulling. He vaguely remembered in a coma that a figure swayed in front of him and treated his wounds. .

After the incident, he mentioned by the imperial doctor that his blood loss was too great, and if it were not dealt with in time, he might not be able to support the guards coming.

Qin Mu didn't know if the person who saved him and the person who captured his treasure map were the same person, but in his own heart, he didn't want to be the same person.

It’s because that the one who saved him, he still remembers the warmth of the pair of catkins wiping the wounds on his body, it warmed to the bottom of my heart, the one who saved him must be very gentle, he thought so, so gentle How can people take away the map?

What's more, that map is still a piece of blank paper, and even he hasn't figured out the mystery in it, he regrets it and wants to die when he thinks about it!

Why make a smart choice to bring the map back!

Why not make a decision after reading the map!

So he doesn't even have a clue now!

An angry Qin Mu accidentally smashed the porcelain cup in his hand, causing the empress Qing to look surprised.

"Emperor, what are you thinking about?"

Qin Mu came back to his senses and said, "It's nothing, queen mother."

The queen put down the cup in her hand, frowned, and said, "Since you woke up, you have not been in the right mood. What happened outside the palace?"

Qin Mu's expression was a little unnatural, and said, "Nothing happened. I was just thinking about who would frame me."

For this, Qin Mu also had some doubts.

His journey out of the palace is quite secretive, not many people know it at all, and the ones who are brought out are the ones who are cronies and diehards, no one betrays him.

Then, who knew his whereabouts, and moved away his guards and attacked him alone?

Qin Mu was lost in thought. He still remembered that on the return journey, those few people who were looming like shadows shot quickly and did not delay. They made a hit. Although he didn't want to admit it, none of his guards were opponents. Two died between the encounters.

Qin Mu doesn't feel sorry for the guards, he has as many as he wants, but it takes some time to cultivate. He is more worried about who is behind such a person?

Who wants his life?

This person's existence is like a snake, staring at him from behind, no one can feel at ease, let alone Qin Mu cherish his life very much.

The only thing he was fortunate was that he brought enough people with him when he was out of the palace, and he was able to hold back those shadowy things and leave him a chance to escape, but he also paid a heavy price when he escaped, so He fell into the mountain with exhaustion and almost lost his life.

A super master who exists like a shadow...

Qin Mu couldn't think of anyone with such a hole card.

After hearing Qin Mu’s words, the queen was also afraid for a while. It can be said that Qin Mu is her biggest trump card and the most solid foundation for her to stabilize her position. In short, Qin Mu must not have accidents, otherwise her power will be the same. Not to mention, there are many women in the harem who want to be in position.

But this time, it really sounded the alarm for the queen. She had to pay more attention to the protection of herself and her son. She thought for a while and said: "The queen has brought you someone with high skill to protect you. It will arrive the next day. Be careful in all things, and take your own safety as the top priority in everything, and remember that the queen is only you, and you are the queen's greatest support. Don't worry the queen."

Qin Mu immediately stated: "Mother, the child knows, there will be no next time. This time it is the child who is wrong, which makes the mother worried."

The queen sighed and said, "There are so many people who want to pull us into the water. You must be careful not to leave any handle."

"Yes, mother queen."

Qin Mu naturally knew what the mother meant. At present, his position seemed to be stable. Almost all courtiers believed that he would eventually inherit the throne.

But only Qin Mu knew it, not enough.

The father's trust in him is not enough.

Looking at the present, he is the only prince who is the most suitable. Whether it is talent or life experience, Qin Mu considers himself the most suitable candidate.

But the most important thing is that the current father is still young, and there are unlimited possibilities. There is also enough time to train a new heir. Even now the father is still extraordinarily spoiling his younger brother Qin Hao, waiting for Qin Hao to grow up. In time, who can say that the little Qin Hao is not a competitor?

After all, the current position of the prince has not been decided yet.

Anyone may finally inherit the Datong.

Afterwards, the queen seemed to casually say: "The women's training in the Ama Palace is about to end. Is there anyone to see the emperor? Tell the queen."

Qin Mu's smile stiffened.

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