The person who screamed was the third aunt, but it was Soy who had the trouble.

Han Fei's first thought was that she was poisoned when she saw Soybean's bluish complexion.

She rushed over immediately, grabbed her wrist, her pulse was messy, and Soy was already in a semi-comatose state.

The third aunt was already sweating profusely next to her, and she was too panicked. If it weren’t for the convincing power that Han Fei had accumulated, she felt a little comforted in her heart. She always felt that Girl Han would have something to do, otherwise she would have already Fainted anxiously.

Han Fei frowned and said, "Bring a hot towel over here!"

Immediately someone ran out to prepare hot towels.

Han Fei lifted Soybean's eyelids, the whites of her eyes had already occupied most of her eyes. Her heart sank and said, "Soybean, can you hear me? Open your mouth and let me look at my tongue."

Soybean heard Han Fei's words, barely opened her eyes, and opened her mouth as she requested. The faint green tongue coating has fully proved Han Fei's guess.

The third aunt looked at the side and couldn't help but ask, "Miss Han, what's wrong with him? Why is this all of a sudden?!"

Han Fei sternly said: "What did he eat? Tell me in detail!"

The third aunt stood aside and recalled carefully, and said: "It was only breakfast, but we all ate breakfast. We were all okay, but he suddenly fell. I was so anxious. ..."

In the following words, the third aunt was already crying. She is a woman and her son is all hope. Now that such a thing happens suddenly, what can she do!

Han Fei’s calm voice interrupted the crying of the third aunt, and said, “What else was used besides breakfast, please think carefully, don’t leave any omissions! Find someone to help me inform Boss Hao and Chang De, and bring people here. , Besides, help me take the baggage in my room, hurry! Move fast!"

Orders were given methodically from Han Fei's mouth. At this moment, her voice became like a lifesaver.

All the people began to mobilize, and the villagers who had originally watched the soybean reaction produced unpredictable hopes were regained.

"Come two people, lift him up, and into the house, remember, don't move too much, don't shake, it's best to lighten it!"

When Rice heard it, he did his part to lift his brother, and together with another strong villager, he carried soybeans onto the bed.

At this time, Boss Hao and Chang De were also brought over. When the two came over, they also brought the medicine box. Han Fei couldn't help being moved and satisfied with their wit.

"Changde, come here, listen carefully, I need some medicinal materials, the quantity must not be wrong, grind it into powder, and pay attention to it when cooking."

Changde nodded seriously.

Han Fei read out a few medicinal materials, and Chang De wrote them down one by one, then turned around to prepare.

And Han Fei said to Rice: "Wipe him all over with a hot towel."


Han Fei turned to the third aunt and said, "Do you remember?"

The third aunt continued: "I remember! Bean drank the water from the well! That well has been used for a long time, I told him not to drink it, but he is greedy for convenience!"

Han Fei's expression changed and she stood up with a brush, and said, "Quick! Control the well! Don't let anyone touch it again!"

The third aunt didn't react, Han Fei didn't wait for her to recover at all, she was about to rush out.

However, when she rushed out of the door, four or five villagers with panic expressions were hurriedly running over, the anxiety in their eyes was clear.

Han Fei sighed inwardly, but after all, it was still too late.

Nearly ten villagers were poisoned.

This is still so far. Han Fei has ordered that he is not allowed to drink the well water, otherwise the number of poisoned people will only increase.

Changde was busy with his feet, and the dose of nearly ten people made him unable to take it. However, the medicinal materials that Han Fei needed were very tricky. He had strict requirements on the age and dosage, not to mention that it was a matter of life. Regarding the matter, Changde didn't dare to use others, so he had to come all in person.

Han Fei was too busy to stop, but fortunately, after Soy drank the medicine, the situation stabilized a bit, and she could still keep a little conscious to speak and answer Han Fei's questions.

It is basically certain that there is a problem with that well.

Han Fei was holding a glass of well water in her hand, but no matter how she checked it, she couldn't find out what poison it was. Fortunately, the poison was too diluted with water. Even if the poison came quickly, it could be detoxified and saved.

"Taobao, can you check out the poison in this well water?"

"Yes, you only need 5 stars at a time."

Han Fei was surprised and said, "So cheap?"

"Because this is a disposable item~ Should the host check it?"


When Han Fei got the inspection report of the well water, her face became deep.

Someone poisoned.

This was her first thought.

And the second thought is that the person who poisoned the poison is the same person who poisoned the back mountain.

The ingredients in the well water contained traces of poisonous weeds, which were neutralized by other poisons, so Han Fei didn't smell it in the first place.

Who is it that is so targeting the waterside village? Obviously it's just a poor and backward village from the outside, is there something that the other party is so worried about? Even if there is a series of poisonings like this?

This is to kill Shuibian Village!

Han Fei put the question aside first, first went to see the situation of the poisoned person, after everyone's situation stabilized, it was already night.

Han Fei was invited to the ancestral hall, and there, all the residents of Shuibian Village had already gathered, and Boss Hao and Chang De were also there. This time, Boss Hao and Chang De have done a lot, and the villagers have completely removed them. They all regarded them as their own, so they were invited to come over in this village meeting.

Everyone's expressions were very serious, especially the old village chief, who was so black.

If it weren’t for Miss Han’s discovery early this time, the well water had been brought under control, and the poisoned person would have been brought back from Lord Yan, otherwise a lot of people would have been lost this time!

Their Shuibian Village never lost so many people when they were most hungry! If the loss is huge because of this poisoning, he, the village chief, will kill himself!

When Han Fei walked in, he clearly felt the sight of the villagers. It was a sight respected by everyone. Today, each of them saw the performance of Han girl.

Not afraid of danger, doing things neatly, calmly and properly, every step has been done without any mistakes. If there is no such calm performance of Han girl to give them peace and hope, it is hard to say whether soybeans can survive this level.

Han Fei was not complacent because of this sight. The existence of Shuibian Village didn't matter much to her, but it was better to be popular than spurned by others, especially this time even she couldn't bear it!

It's an insult to poison it into the water as such a dishonest thing!

Han Fei did not accept the gratitude that the old village chief was about to speak, but directly said: "That person is about to do it, you are ready, it is definitely not just such a means."

The audience was in an uproar.

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