After playing with Baili Minxiu, Han Fei also understands the principle of accepting once you see it, and said: "Don't be so nervous, Baili is always smart. This is just an unremarkable joke, but this one is very powerful. It's tight, even Yun Zhu's royal family dared to take things."

Han Fei felt that she had to re-examine this organization called Anxie.

A country that dared to offend a country and prevented it from being arrested in a fair manner. It is necessary for a prince to come out to look for clues, and it will not just look at a waterside village.

Han Fei is more and more wanting to know about this cunt.

At this moment, on the other side, Qi Wukong took Han Fei’s letter to break through the palace’s numerous barriers, and finally arrived at Qin Che’s imprisonment palace. Before he could rest, he was fixed by the sight of death from all directions. Up.

Qi Wukong didn't dare to move, and was shocked. The palace inspections on the way didn't have such a sense of danger, but he ran into it in this small palace!

The sweat on Qi Wukong's face slowly slipped off, but he didn't dare to wipe it off. He swears that if he dares to move more, he will definitely fall to the ground! He had no doubts about the power of those hiding in the dark.

This feeling was very familiar. He only felt it on the two guards of Girl Han, but at this moment, there were definitely more than two.

"Don't be nervous, I just came to run errands to deliver the letter! No other meaning!"

Qi Wukong quickly plucked himself out, and threw his weapon to the ground, to show that he was really not threatening.

Soon, a familiar shadow appeared in front of Qi Wukong instantly, zero three.

Qi Wukong just wanted to say hello in a friendly way, but before his friendly greeting was revealed, he was startled by the murderous intent on Zero San's face, so he stretched out and prepared to show that his brother's good hand stopped in the air. in.

"Whose letter."

Zero Three asked coldly.

Qi Wukong swallowed, and said tremblingly, "Yes, it belongs to Girl Han."

In an instant, a burst of killing intent rushed towards him, Qi Wukong almost kneeled, why his life was even more dangerous!

Zero San said directly: "Go back."

Qi Wukong slowly understood, and said with a heavy face: "This is a letter that Girl Han has confessed that I must personally hand over to King Qin."

Qi Wukong repeated it again, but Zero Three's reaction did not change, "Go back, immediately."

Qi Wukong really didn’t understand this time. Obviously, from Zero Three, this person was sent by the King Qin to serve as a guard with Ms. Han. To protect Ms. Han, then the relationship between Ms. Han and King Qin It must be extraordinary. Why is it strange this time?

"Wait, let me see King Qin! This letter must be given to King Qin!"

Qi Wukong persisted. This was the first task that Girl Han had given him. He didn't want to even be unable to complete this task.

Zero San's expression became colder, and he drew out his saber with a brush, and said, "Leave, or die."

Qi Wukong's nerves are tense, and his strong killing intent makes him quite jealous. He is very self-aware. He is not the opponent of the person in front of him, let alone such a small place, there is not only such a powerful person. But in the same way, he cannot retreat.

When the atmosphere was deadlocked, a sound came from the closed door, and Qi Wukong heard a cold voice saying: "Take the letter."

Zero Three took the Sabre back all at once, and the original killing intent was restored to calm. The speed of this transition is staggering, but this can also be seen from the side, the voice in the room. It must be the King Qin.

For the first time, Qi Wukong felt that King Qin was not as useless as in the legend.

With such a strong subordinate...what exactly does King Qin want to do?

Before Qi Wukong could understand, the letter in his hand was snatched away. Just about to **** it back, four or five black shadows popped out from all sides and surrounded him. In an instant, he was happily She couldn't move, letting Zero Three walk into the room with the letter.

And that letter finally fell into Qin Che's hands.

Qin Che did not open the letter immediately, but closed his eyes, as if suppressing some emotions, and said, "Leave him behind."

"Yes, Lord."

Qi Wukong outside the door didn't expect that his dignified assassin would be reduced to a prisoner, unable to even resist, and he died.

Jifeng and Yuntao were a little anxious. I don’t know when the prince stopped drinking the medicine left by the Korean girl. He also refused to invite other doctors to see it. What made them puzzled was that, The prince seemed to have forgotten the existence of Girl Han.

This is simply impossible for them!

But no matter how puzzled they were, they did not dare to put it forward in front of the prince. They had clearly felt that the current situation was becoming tense. Queen Qing's movements were getting bigger and bigger, and the palace became more and more tolerant of their master. , And as for Girl Han...after all, I will postpone it.

Inside, a dark room, a silver-white mask lying quietly on the table.

In the darkness, the heavy gasp was especially obvious, like an uncontrollable surging, rolling in the silence, Qin Che sat on the armchair, covered his face with one hand, and completely covered the emotions in those eyes. With the other hand, it seemed as if he had exhausted his strength to restraint, clutching the brand new letter.

After a while, his breathing slowly calmed down, and the covered hand fell a little bit. At that time, moonlight came in from outside the window, shining on the face that never sees the sun all the year round, that white almost transparent face The complexion looks like a ghost under the moonlight.

The black hair pouring down like a waterfall, the white silk ribbon embroidered with Han Fei fell to the ground, like an object abandoned by the owner.

Qin Che raised his head, dark clouds drifted by, covering the moonlight, his white face was hidden in the darkness, and the outline of his face was vaguely glamorous, with a touch of wanton madness.

He opened his mouth, it seemed as if he was muttering something in small pieces. When he listened carefully, he called out.

"Han Fei..."

"Han Fei..."

With a little bit of force with his fingers, the paper was crumpled up. The font on it was neatly written with lines of words. At first glance, it was full of paper. ,

Every word is very serious, you can see the heart of the person who wrote it.

Han Fei wrote almost every word stroke by stroke, and wrote all the thoughts and worries in the letter, but she would never think of it. For him, this letter is a Disaster.

A violent cough sounded in the room, and Qin Che bent his eyes, and all his emotions were hidden in those dark eyes.

"Han Fei..."

"Don't betray me."

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