His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 186: Don't touch some things randomly

The qualifications for the physician contest are very loose and there are no regulations. Anyone from the 70s to 80s to the talented teenagers down to their teens can participate. This can be regarded as a major issue in the medical profession.

However, because the conditions are too loose, the number of participants is quite terrible. Whether it is a well-known doctor or a fledgling kid, they want to give it a try. These doctors are distributed all over the country. Naturally, it is impossible to do so easily. It was gathered in a group, and there was not such a big place to hold it, so the first level was to set up test centers in various places.

Yuze Town, the nearest town to Shuibian Village, was a test site. At this moment, the town was full of doctors who came from all walks of life, and it seemed that even the air was smelling of medicine.

Boss Hao left for Yuze Town early. The entire inn in Yuze Town is full. It is hard to find a room, but who is Boss Hao? Then there is no shortage of money! Early on, I packed an entire inn to wait for Han Fei's'junior sister' to arrive.

Before heading to the inn, Han Fei found a corner of no one, poked at the system, and said, "What is the shortest time for this transformation opportunity?"

"Don't worry, host, given that you performed very well before, I secretly used my private authority to increase the transformation time this time to three days, enough for the host to participate in this preliminary contest."

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief. She was most afraid that the time effect of this thing would be too short.

"But the host should pay attention. If I extend the time, there will be side effects. The host must not touch the salt before again, even if it is eaten in it. Once touched, it will return to the original state."

"Then how do I eat?!"

"Host Shinobi!"

Han Fei took a deep breath and decided not to care about it. She found a corner with no one to secretly change her body. Han Fei even felt ashamed of being a beautiful girl, but fortunately, when she entered the town, she put A and B Bingding has been dispatched to work.

Han Fei looked at her figure after the'transformation', and she felt sorrowful. Although she had lost a lot of weight, she was still a little away from such a perfect figure ratio after her voice change!

"How do I feel that my life is so bitter?" Han Fei suddenly sighed.

The system said in a puzzled way: "What happened to the host?"

Han Fei curled her lips: "People who travel through the country are all looking ugly. For convenience, they all pretend to be ugly. I am the opposite. There is also a sense of shame that an ugly duckling becomes a white swan!"


After Han Fei complained a few words, it was fine, but she didn't really care too much, but she was more determined in her heart and had to exercise more after returning.

After tidying up, Han Fei walked towards the originally agreed inn with light steps, and heard noise coming from inside before entering the door.

"Why did you contract the entire inn! We have money, what happened to vacating a room? Who is so selfish to pack the entire inn!"

Han Fei was stunned when she heard it, and looked at the arrogant woman with interest. This was the first time someone had compared money with Boss Hao.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Boss Hao to come down. Today Boss Hao wore a matte dress and walked over with graceful steps. He showed infinite styles and styles. The men who walked with women. They were all dumbfounded.

Han Fei sighed, but what made her strange was that this time it was not Boss Hao who came forward, but a man next to her. Han Fei was surprised when she glanced at it. It wasn't Gu Qisheng! Gu Qisheng who was cured by her!

At this moment, Gu Qisheng no longer looked sickly. After he recovered from his illness, his spirit was also healed. Wearing capable clothes, he looked really domineering and mighty.

"The girl is looking for?"

The girl removed her jealous eyes from Boss Hao, looked at Gu Qisheng, and said, "Who are you? Are you talking about it?"

Gu Qisheng said calmly: "I am the deacon of Shennongjia. I can take over all external affairs of Shennongjia on my behalf. The girl might as well speak up if I have something to do."

The girl snorted and said, "Shennongjia? What is it? Such a big face! Don't you know that the doctor contest is being held recently, the whole Yuze Town is full of people, and the inn is full. Why are you just like this? Stay selfishly in the whole inn!"

"Qiu Tong, let's change one."

One of the men tried to persuade.

But the woman named Qiutong didn't appreciate at all, and said: "What to change! This city is full, where else can I change?! Brother, I want this one! We have been on the road for so long, how can I change? tired!"

Han Fei was about to be amused by the girl's logical thinking, but she did not step forward either, but was interested in seeing how Gu Qisheng would solve it.

The shopkeeper of the inn stood aside and was embarrassed. Originally, it was a gratifying thing that his inn could be fully covered by such a generous winner. He had not seen such a generous tenant for a long time! But how can he think of a girl who will be so difficult today? He has said several times that this room is full and this room is full, why this girl has selectively ignored it! Right now, I feel a little displeased. Such a difficult person can be tolerated by those men!

Gu Qisheng is not a weak person either. Since he was hired by Boss Hao, he has determined to give back to all those who helped him. He said in a very domineering tone: "Why the girl is so arrogant, if you really can't find it. It’s not impossible to squeeze out a room."

The turning point of this is that you can't live in another room if you have no money, just say it, I will give you a room for charity.

The girl was stunned for a while before she understood, she was so angry that she couldn't say a word.

Han Fei didn't hold back his laugh, but suddenly laughed, causing everyone inside to look over.

A weird man in a black dress and a hat. This is everyone's first reflection of Han Fei.

Han Fei coughed, and said, "I'm sorry to bother you. I came here to be entrusted."

Boss Hao's eyes lit up and her face was full of excitement, but she restrained it and motioned to Gu Qisheng with her eyes to solve it quickly, and their distinguished guest had arrived.

Gu Qisheng naturally received the intention from Boss Hao, and quickly put on a respectful look, and quickly walked towards Han Fei, saying: "We have been waiting for the girl for a long time. Please go upstairs and sit down. Everything is ready. Hurry up. Guests go up."

Boss Hao quickly walked up to Han Fei, showing a sweet smile, leading Han Fei upstairs.

Han Fei nodded very chicly, followed Boss Hao, and glanced at the woman when she passed by. She didn't know that the girl just saw the disdain and contempt from Han Fei's eye through the hat, and she exploded all at once. Now, he stretched out his hand to grab her hat, and planned to take a good look at which ugly monster is showing off with a broken hat.

"Qiu Tong! No!" the man shouted.

"Stop!" Gu Qisheng shouted nervously.

It's just that her hands were completely numb before they even touched Han Fei's hair.

Han Fei slowly withdrew her hand, and a silver needle pierced her acupuncture point, making her whole hand stiff and numb.

"Don't touch some things randomly."

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