Han Fei's silence only those who are familiar with her will know that she is really angry at this moment.

Qi Wukong and others quietly lit a candle for those who did not speak through their brains.

Han Fei waved his hand and said faintly: "Have I closed all the needles I asked you to take back?"

Yulong hurriedly stepped forward and opened his hand. The palm of his hand was filled with silver needles. Yesterday, Han Fei used almost all the silver needles when he killed people, so he specially ordered Xiaoyu to take back all the silver needles. This is something worth 998.

Taobao's mood is also very complicated. At the beginning, it exchanged the silver needle for the host on the basis of better treatment for the male god, but unexpectedly it became a killing weapon.

Xiaoyu added another sentence: "It has been cooked in boiling water according to your instructions."

Han Fei nodded, saying that he had heard it. The people looked at Han Fei holding the embroidery needles and burst into laughter, and said, "What do you want to do with the embroidery needles! Is it possible to sew and repair! "

Xiaoyu placed a candle silently for this person again. This person might not know that almost all of their three bosses died on this small embroidery needle. When it comes to this, even his back feels cold.

Yulong didn't forget that when he went to collect the corpse, the one-eyed tiger and leopard, the dignified red bandit leader, was in pain! Such a brawny man died in this way, which is simply chilling.

Han Fei took the needle and said, "Tie him to the shelf."

Several people immediately **** the most arrogant and unobstructed bandit.

"What do you want! Don't move me! Listen to what the woman says! What kind of man! If a man is a man, he will fight it upright! What is the ability to listen to a woman!"

No matter how hard the bandit was struggling, Yulong still tied him firmly, and the rest of the awake Red Scarf bandits raised their heads and looked over, with expressions of waiting.

Han Fei sneered from the bottom of her heart, are these bandits tough, then she has a way to convince them!

Han Fei strolled to the front of the bandit, and said lightly: "Why come to this village and what is the purpose."

The gangster moved his lips. Han Fei had already picked up a handkerchief in front of him, and a mouthful of saliva was sprayed onto the handkerchief. Everyone immediately felt irritated. Soya became anxious and hit the gangster's. In the abdomen, the other party spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"You! How dare you be so rude to Girl Han! I'm going to kill you!"

Han Fei threw the handkerchief away and stopped soybeans. Seeing soybeans' flushed face, she smiled blankly and said, "It's okay, I will make him regret it."

When the words fell, no one saw Han Fei's movements, but the bandit suddenly let out a tearing scream, shaking all the people present.

A thin silver needle, the silver needle nicknamed an embroidery needle by the bandits, was piercing his acupoint mountain.

Qi Wukong and the others shook together. Such a bandit guy called it like this. It should be so painful, no wonder the bandit leader is alive!

"What is the purpose?"

Han Fei asked again.

"You...you go...die..."

Another silver needle fell, and there was another scream.

The other bandits who were **** were a little afraid.

Han Fei curled her lips and said, "It's pretty hard, you know, there are 52 single acupoints, 300 double acupoints, 50 extra meridian acupuncture points, 720 acupuncture points in total."

Everyone was blinded for a while.

Han Fei slowly pulled out the two silver needles, and continued: “Among the 720 acupuncture points, there are 108 key acupoints, of which 72 are generally not fatal to click, and the remaining 36 are fatal. It’s commonly known as the “death point”, don’t worry, I will not let you die."

As Han Fei said, she stabbed again.

The bandit yelled and fainted, actually in pain.

Soya swallowed and said, "Han, girl Han, do you want to wake him up?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "No, I naturally have a way to wake him up."

After that, it was another shot. The bandit woke up screaming, and when he looked at Han Fei, his eyes were already filled with fear, as if the woman in front of him was a devil.

"Did you know that the cartilage of a person's wrists and ankles is the most fragile. I want to try a stitch...what will happen?

When Han Fei said these words, the smile on her face was quite amiable, but the bandit broke down completely. He had never tried the illusion of wishing to die so easily!

That kind of pain is a chronic murder.

The bandit could not stand it anymore and shouted: "I said! I said everything! Old man, after receiving a letter, the boss rushed here with the brothers! I don't know the rest! You kill Kill me! You kill me!"

Han Fei squinted and said, "Whose letter? What's in the letter?"

"I don't know! I really don't know! I'm just a squad leader! I can't access such high-level secrets at all! I only know that the boss is bound to win!"

Han Fei was thinking about the meaning of this sentence, but the amount of information was too small, and the man in front of him had been tortured with pain, his clothes on his lower body were wet, and there was a stench coming out.

It was painful to incontinence.

Han Fei took a step back in disgust, and did not continue to use torture.

"You don't have to force him, he really doesn't know anything."

A calm voice came from the bandits, and Han Fei looked over in surprise, only to see a relatively young man among a group of big and rough bandits, looking at her with a dirty face.

Han Fei pointed at him and said, "Catch it over."

Soybean eyes quickly slid the man out. Han Fei looked at the man, raised an eyebrow, and said, "Then what do you know?"

The man took a deep look at Han Fei. During the execution, he saw with his own eyes how this plump woman tortured a person without blood. This woman is simply a demon! Who provokes death!

"Are you the one who can speak here?"

The man asked.

Han Fei has not answered yet. Soybean has already preempted to say: "Girl Han is our leader, she means all of us!"

The man nodded and said, "Then we change a place, I will tell you everything, a major secret, you must be interested." There is a hint of confidence in the tone.

Han Fei smiled and said softly: "Do you think this can threaten me?"

The man was taken aback.

Han Fei said indifferently to the soybean: "Shove it back."

The man was anxious, "Wait! You really don't want to know! What caused the entire Red Scarf bandit to make such a big move! I can guarantee! You will be shocked! You will regret it if you miss it!"

The smile on Han Fei's lips became even more mocking, and said: "I don't want to know anymore, I temporarily changed my attention, kill all these people."

The man was completely shocked, he did not expect this so-called leader to be so capricious! The abacus that was calculated in my mind is useless!

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