His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 219: Your eyes look like your mother

Han Yan's steps are very light, like ghosts, and slowly came to the remote backyard following the system's prompts. When she saw the rockery, she said viciously: "Jingdong, have you started to fool me now?! "

"No, host, it's here."

"I believe you for the time being."

After all, Han Yan approached the rockery, but after seeing nothing important, Yu Guang saw a small passage and was taken aback.

Han Yan curled her lips and said, "That's right."

She walked through the passage and saw the dilapidated pavilion and a dilapidated view, standing in place and frowned.

Does the luxurious Arma Palace lean against such a ruined palace?

Is that King Qin really in such a place?

Han Yan walked forward slowly with doubts, but she did not know that when her figure appeared, the shadow guard had already noticed, but she did not expel the strange visitor in the first place. , Today... A high-ranking guest came to the prison of love.

Qin Huang sat on a chair that has been for a long time, his expression of anger and prestige formed a contrast with everything that was broken around him, but he seemed to be indifferent, looking in one direction, and said: "There is something in Che'er's heart. The right person?"

Qin Che lowered his head and said, "The child doesn't understand what the emperor father means."

Qin Huang slowly clenched his hand on the table, and said, "Do you want to marry a wife?"

Qin Che's lips curled up, full of sarcasm, but the words spoken in his mouth were extremely humble, "but let the emperor make the decision."

Qin Huang's eyes were cold, and he said: "Then if I want you not to marry forever, what would Che'er think?"

Qin Che paused for a while, and said, "The court will not allow it."

"This is my court, and you are my emperor, who dares not allow it!"

Qin Che said word by word: "The world is forbidden."

The king does not marry, the people’s opinion is not in harmony with the system of etiquette, and it is not in compliance with the rules. Sooner or later, the courtiers of the court will ask for marriage from the sage in order to calm the people, even if the people they marry are poor people.

Qin Huang squinted his eyes. At this moment, the emperor's aura suddenly struck, but Qin Che in front of him seemed to be unable to feel it, sitting calmly in his wheelchair, letting Qin Huang stare at him.

After a while, Emperor Qin burst into laughter, and his momentum was taken back in an instant, as if he was just an ordinary person at the moment. He stepped forward, took a few steps, and stood beside Qin Che, his burly figure suddenly It blocked the moonlight outside the window and plunged the room into darkness, but his eyes were quite dangerous.

"Does Che'er stay comfortable in this prison palace?"

"Father, the Palace of King Qin has been built."

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere solidified in an instant, and the air pressure suddenly dropped. Between the two of them was like a frozen statue, motionless, but Qin Che did not give in.

"Does Che'er want to leave the palace?"

"The palace is built, and the child stays in the palace with a bad name."

"This is your mother's palace, don't you think so much?"

Qin Che did not answer, but his trembling fingertips slightly revealed his emotions.

"When the palace is built, there is no reason for the king to live without reason, for the feeling and reason, and the child has no reason to stay."

Qin Che's words gave a stern look, as he pressed the ritual world, Qin Huang became even more angry, and directly squeezed Qin Che's chin, and said fiercely: "Che'er, do you want to leave the father so much!"

Qin Che stared at Emperor Qin's ferocious eyes with indifferent eyes, and said, "Father, you have exceeded the distance."

Qin Huang said suddenly: "Your eyes are very similar to your mother."

Qin Che waved away Qin Huang's hand and lowered his head. A tyrannical murderous intent flashed through those cold eyes in a place where Qin Huang could not see.

Emperor Qin didn't care about Qin Che's movements, his eyes were a little dazed. On Qin Che's body, he seemed to see that beautiful shadow looming, and the face that amazed Fanghua with a gentle smile. His eyes slowly revealed a touch of obsession.

"Che'er, if you refuse to take off this mask, I will not embarrass you, but I want you to promise that you must always wear this mask in this life. If you have seen the face under this mask, I want him to die!"

The last four words were sonorous and powerful, and the murderous intent was almost overflowing.

The sarcasm of Qin Che's lips deepened. He restrained his tyranny, his face was still cold, as if unmoved, but said: "Father, it's late at night, you should go back."

Qin Huang straightened his collar, took a few steps back, turned around, and said naturally.

"Che'er, you want to go out of the palace, I promise you, if you want to marry a wife, maybe you, Amma Palace was opened for you and Muer. Among the many beautiful women, do you have someone you like? But it doesn't matter, I will give you a marriage."

Obviously speaking such ordinary and even concerned words, but at this moment Qin Huang's eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

A face appeared in Qin Che's mind, a round face, his eyes sparkling with tears, his face full of tears and embarrassment, he said to him...

Lord, don’t marry a wife, okay?

Lord, don’t marry others, OK?

Lord, don't leave me, okay.

Lord...Qin Che...

Qin Che closed his eyes and whispered: "The daughter of cabinet bachelor Li Zhengyang, Li Xiangjun."

On the other side, Han Yan was a little lost in this dilapidated palace, and even a little scared. Everywhere was empty and there was nothing. The rustle of cold wind blowing over the leaves from time to time scared her to death. She couldn't help but turn around and left.

"Jingdong! Are you lying to me?! Where are people staying in this horrible place! How could the king of Qin live in such a place?!"

The system complained endlessly, and had to say: "This, this, it is indeed shown here! The host is looking for it carefully."

Han Yan swallowed, and said, "Isn't it haunted here? How could it be so desolate?"

"Host don't be afraid!"

Han Yan is becoming more and more dissatisfied with Jingdong's work efficiency. If it weren't for the replacement, she would have to rely on it, I am afraid she would have been unable to stand it long ago.

Not long after walking, Han Yan got tired of walking, found a clean place and sat down, shivering with the cold, huddled and curled up, thinking about whether to continue searching here tonight or to go first. Go back and talk about it another day.

Before Han Yan could think clearly, she heard a sound behind her.

"Who are you."

Han Yan's body trembled and hurriedly stood up, but the movements were too great, she accidentally stepped on the long cloak on her body, her center of gravity was unstable, and she fell straight behind.

"Be careful!"

With an exclamation, Han Yan fell into a warm and generous chest.

If Han Fei saw the plot of this man and woman embracing like a romantic novel at the scene, he would definitely take a sip and curse secretly; what a couple of dogs and men!

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