Han Fei grabbed the atmosphere and calmed down. She also felt embarrassed and withdrew her hand, but fortunately, the bones all obeyed the order and left, like a tide, and quickly withdrew.

Han Fei felt tired of talking to puppet Nan, so she got off the round stage and said, "Where will they go?"

Puppet Nan lowered his head and said, "Guard every inch of the imperial city."

Han Fei hesitated for a while, still asked: "Have you been guarding? Never see the sun?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Han Fei tried hard to ignore the word "Your Majesty" in his words, it was because of the bracelet.

"Then, what's the matter with that maze?"

"It's just to imitate the means to prevent outsiders from entering, and you can't go on stage."

Han Fei was taken aback, remembering the various legends circulating in the palace, and said: "Where are the people who have come in?"

On the side of Puppet Nan's face, a murderous air came up, and said: "Those who break in without permission, die!"

Han Fei understands, most of those people have gone and never returned, no, wait!

"Will all be killed?!"

"That's natural."

"Fuck! Those show girls!"

Han Fei is in a hurry, so many show girls have come in, won't all of them be solved?

Seeing His Majesty's anxious appearance, Puppet Nan paused, as if thinking of something, and said: "My subordinates told me not long ago that many living people came in, but they have not had time to deal with it."

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "Don't move! Don't move any of those people! They belong to the girl's family. It's not a good thing to kill all of them, right? Please pity Xiangxiyu!" , Added another sentence: "Well, this is what your majesty said."

Puppet Nan showed a confused look, and said: "Girl? No, this time it's not just the girl's house, but also many dirty people. Someone followed your Majesty before."

Han Fei instantly understood the meaning of this sentence and said, "You mean, there are other people coming in?"

Puppet nodded.

Han Fei's eyes changed, and there was a bad premonition.

Entering the maze is the final level of the test. It stands to reason that there will be no other talents besides these show girls, but Nan's look is not like a deceit, and there is no reason to deceive himself.

If this is the case...

Han Fei was in a cold sweat on her back.

This test was promulgated by Emperor Qin himself. When the maze was opened, the palace rules were strict. No one could get in. The Emperor Qin and the Queen personally saw him off. All court officials were waiting for the result of this test. It is logically impossible to insert human hands!

Unless...it was Emperor Qin himself.

This test is basically Qin Huang's conspiracy.

When this speculation came to mind, Han Fei’s heartbeat missed a beat. She forced herself not to think about it. Qin Huang had no reason to solve them. Besides, she didn’t say anything about other shows. Women are the young ladies favored by every big family. If there is any accident, it would be difficult for the Emperor Qin to explain to the world!

Han Fei couldn't help thinking about the bad side. She bit her lower lip, frowned, and began to construct this cause and effect in her mind. There seemed to be a dark line connected together.

"Puppet Nan, you have been underground for so long, do you know what has changed in the world on the ground?"


"Then do you know Hanling Country, Yunzhu, Qingyin, Luoyun?"

As soon as Han Fei finished asking, the puppet glanced at Han Fei with a look of a fool, and whispered: "Your Majesty, is this to test the loyalty of his subordinates? How could his subordinates forget the name of Lord Shenwei. "

Han Fei was taken aback and said, "You mean, these four names are people's names?"

Puppet Nan was a little admired, and thought, this majesty's acting skills are getting better and better. It really seems to be a stranger, and he said: "By the way, how about the four **** guards? What about the other eight armies? Up?"

Han Fei squeaked for a long time, and didn’t know how to tell this white bone spirit. Thousands of years have passed. I am afraid that only the puppet army guarding the underground palace in this world can escape the dispersal of time. The so-called four gods guards do not know why they formed the current four great nations.

"Let's not talk about this for now, how can I find those who break in?"

Puppet Nan's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he drew out his bone sword with a single stroke, and said: "Your Majesty will do it yourself, we will wipe out all the thieves who broke in!"

Han Fei quickly held it down and said: "Don't be impulsive! I am not going to kill them! I mean, um, just kick them out. Did you forget? Your Majesty asks you not to kill them, as for those dirty You can dispose of it."

As soon as Han Fei finished speaking, Puppet Nan whispered: "But... some girls have already been killed."

Han Fei went all over, clenched her fist hard, and said, "What did you say?!"

"Those filthy people are very fast, and some of them have been killed after they have gone far. I guess the bodies are still in the aisle. Will your Majesty save these people?"

"Fuck!! Why didn't you say it earlier! Hurry up! Save those show girls first! How many can you save! How many can you save! Set them all fainted and wait for me to deal with them myself!"

Han Fei was in a hurry. If all the show girls were dead, she would be extremely weird if she was still alive, and she might not be able to wash her off by jumping into the Yellow River by then!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Take me out of the palace! I want to find someone myself!"

Han Fei was a little worried about Li Xiangjun. She didn't want the young Xiangjun to have an accident. That was the first person in the Ama Palace to be sincere to her!

The puppet said in disapproval: "Your Majesty does not need to go personally, just leave everything to his subordinates."

"take me to."



Han Yan walked in the aisle and her hair was messy, her clothes were cut open, and bleeding was still bleeding in some places. Her expression was extremely tense. She never thought that someone wanted to kill her in this place. !

Had it not been for she had learned some flamboyant skills at the time to meet the setting of being a heroine, and with the help of dodge props, she would have been killed!

But at such a critical moment, Jing Dong didn't even react. This is undoubtedly terrible. She can only rely on her to save her life. She has never tried such embarrassment, and even the stunning face is not half-glamorous.

Han Yan was very tired and stopped to rest. There were invisible passages before and after. She didn't see anything else appearing at all, let alone looking for a cane. Footsteps came from behind, scaring her. Her face was pale, and she didn't even care to rest and walked forward quickly. She knew the killers were still looking for her.

Damn it!

What the **** is this!

Han Yan had never resented Jingdong who had suddenly disappeared at this time.

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