According to rumors, Master Taiming used his stamina many times for the chilling national destiny due to continuous practice and peeping into the heavens, causing his body to fail and fell ill.

This incident immediately attracted the attention of the people, and they began to pray for Master Taiming spontaneously, wishing Master an early well-being, and the enchantress who will be executed on the winter solstice was also temporarily replaced by Master Taiming's disciple, Master Huiming.

Qin Huang was very worried when he learned of this, and sent all the doctors who had spoken in the imperial doctor's room to check on Master Taiming. The result was unexpected. It is reasonable to say that Master Taiming is old and suffers from the backlog of sickness in the earlier years. If they broke out, they would suddenly fall ill, but as long as they had a good rest, they would be fine.

The Emperor Qin was very moved, so he could cultivate with peace of mind, and appointed Master Huiming as the temporary abbot of the Imperial College.

Master Huiming is about fifty years old, and is also a respected master on weekdays, but his edge is hidden under Master Taiming, and he doesn't speak much at ordinary times, but he is unexpectedly popular among the masters of the Imperial College, otherwise he would not be Taiming. As soon as he fell down, he was the one in charge. It wasn't that no one had ever doubted whether there was someone behind this Master Huiming, but no matter how the background was checked, he was clean and flawless.

What’s even more surprising is that after Huiming took the power, he fought a lot, causing everyone to fall through their glasses. The biggest thing he took over was the affairs of the demon girl. For this reason, Master Huiming personally went to the place where the demon girl was detained. I learned about Han Fei's birth date from Prime Minister Han, and went back to calculate it.

Soon, shocking news came from the Imperial College, that Han Fei is not a demon.

When this happened, everyone was surprised.

Master Huiming unhurriedly issued another explanation, Han Fei is not a demon girl, but this woman's fate is very bad. She is destined to have many fate, and her fate is quite dangerous. There are many life and death hurdles in her life. I retaliate against others, so it will cause a vision on the day of birth, and I will kill my mother’s life. It stands to reason that people with this fate should not appear in the world, but perhaps it is God’s momentary negligence that caused it. Han Fei was born.

Master Huiming said again, the reason why Han Fei got so fat was because his life was too bitter, which caused the body to swell. Such a person's life is bleak, but after all the suffering, there will be different good fortunes, but if you can't resist it, you will be restored by God. Taken it back, this time she suddenly fainted because of her recurrence of life and death, but judging from the current situation...this woman may not be able to resist this life and death.

This interpretation was so reversal that it almost overturned the previous judgment of Master Taiming. For a time there were a lot of doubts, but the Imperial College unexpectedly divided into two factions. One faction was the judgment of Master Taiming, and Han Fei was The demon girl must be dealt with, and the other line is standing in Master Huiming, thinking that Han Fei is not a demon girl, but her desolate fate is destined to not live for too long. The only chance to live is to find someone with the same fate. Complement each other, but there is still a ray of life.

But who else has such a bleak fate?

At this time, there was a voice from the people, and there was another person who was similar to this Han Fei...

That is the disabled prince.

The third son of Emperor Qin, the king of Qin who was named the king early but did not see anyone.

It is rumored that Qin King Qin Che was born bleak and ruined. Master Taiming also asserted that he could not be kind in his life. He needed to be shown in a mask all day long, and his lower body was disabled and unable to stand. It was a joke of Han Ling and a failure of the royal family. .

No one would want to marry such a prince. It’s like jumping into a fire pit. It is well known that King Qin is a sick child, and may be dead at any time. A widow accidentally becomes a widow. The emperor is so worried that he will open the Amma Palace. He chooses his wife, but if there is not a prince who is also choosing a wife at the same time, I am afraid that no show girl will participate.

It happened that this Han Fei was specially trained to participate in the training of the Amar Palace show girl. No one would think that this Han Fei was thinking of marrying the eldest prince, and they all thought it was to make up the number. After all, the appearance and life experience were completely The comparison continued, and even at the beginning, some people claimed that they could not stay for three days, but they stayed in the end, and even returned with the scepter.

Could this... be destined by heaven?

This Han Fei’s fate is similar to that of King Qin, and it is also bleak and tight. A fat woman and a handicapped woman, isn’t it a match made in heaven? I haven't heard Master Huiming say, find someone with a similar fate to marry him, and there is still some chance of passing life and death.

This statement has been strangely supported by most of the civilian population. Most of the people living in the cold capital are rich and prosperous. They are most curious and concerned about the imperial family. At the moment, they have to submit a collective letter to express the opinions of the people. Ling's folk customs are open, and the relationship between the royal family and the people is fairly close.

One side supports the execution of the demon girl, and the other side supports the marriage of King Qin, so that two people with such miserable lives can be together and stop harming others.

The voices on both sides began to quarrel fiercely, but the matter became like boiling water exploded with Qin Huang's voice, completely boiling.

King Qin appeared on the day of the winter solstice and performed at the same time. On the one hand, the ritual was held. If Han Fei did not show the attitude of the enchanting girl, he would be married on the spot. Even if this Han Fei died, King Qin would marry her tablet back!

The words of Emperor Qin caused great repercussions. Many people sympathized with the king of Qin even more. Even if his fate was not good, he didn't want the emperor to like him, and even the dead had to be married back. This, this is not a pitfall. Well! ,

No matter what the folks and the outside world say, Han Fei doesn't know that she has been floating beside the male **** for several days, and every day like a spirit behind, closely following him.

She saw with her own eyes how Qin Che lived and spent every day.


The more I look at her heart, the more distressed.

She expected that the life of the male **** was not good, but she did not expect that the soup would be so weak.

Due to the inconvenience of walking, he would hardly leave the chair, especially not like being touched by others, but some unavoidable behaviors were also reduced as much as possible. His daily activities ranged from desks and windows.

The whole house is very gloomy. Han Fei can guess that it is cold even if he can't feel it. The male gods don't wear much. She looked at him and her fingers were frozen pale, as if they were transparent. The chest warmed him, but the male **** seemed to be unable to feel the cold, sitting on the chair and looking out the window for a while.

Occasionally, he would write before pressing the table. Han Fei looked closer and suddenly realized that although her handwriting imitated the male god, it only imitated the surface, and did not imitate the profound, the image is not like the god, and she is away. Qin Che's words are still a long way away, and she feels ashamed.

But more often... Qin Che is doing something.

Read her letter. ,

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