"I'm so angry! Take her down for me! I'm going to kill this peasant woman! I'll break your fingers one by one! Throw you out to feed the dog!"

Han Fei looked at her compassionately and said, "A person like you, even if he has the most beautiful appearance, is ugly, because your heart is black and ugly."

The woman didn't expect this old-fashioned peasant woman to be so eloquent. She had suffered such pain in the past, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Han Fei is good to see it well. At the moment, she doesn't have the mind to entangle with such ugly people. It's important to do business quickly. She also promised the male **** to go and return early.

But apparently the movement here has alarmed the people in Shennongjia, and a guy came over right now.

The woman seemed to have caught the opportunity and pointed at Han Fei and said, "This person wants to jump in the queue, you people in Shennongjia don't care about it!"

Han Fei frowned and said, "I am not interested in this mask."

She has the prescription! There is also an improved version, where can I buy it!

When the guys heard the woman's words, they immediately looked at Han Fei, rolled up their sleeves, and planned to drag Han Fei away, but the woman showed a smug smile.

Han Fei suddenly became irritable, and just as she was planning to do something, another peaceful voice came in.

"What's going on here? How can it be so noisy!"

The guy immediately put on a respectful look when he saw the visitor, and shouted: "The shopkeeper, someone is making trouble here and is about to take the person away."

The visitor was a middle-aged man, wearing the iconic shopkeeper clothes, and holding an abacus in his hand. He looked at Han Fei when he heard the words of the guy, and was slightly surprised.

Obviously she looks like an inconspicuous peasant woman, but those eyes are too bright, very conspicuous, a little plump, but not cumbersome at all, but she has a graceful posture, and the temperament of standing there is all Obviously better than that lady.

People who can be the shopkeeper naturally have a certain degree of vision. They did not subconsciously treat Han Fei as an ordinary person, but said: "This auntie..."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched, making her mood worse.

The shopkeeper felt a chill, but he didn't know where it came from. He still bit his scalp and said: "This lady, if you want to buy the medicinal film, you can just line up. This time, the amount of Feifei medicinal film has been increased. I bought it."

Han Fei became impatient and said directly: "I said, I don't buy medicinal film! I want to buy medicinal materials, but this line is too long, I can't make it, I just want to go through it! You Shennongjia will not give it back Did someone buy medicine?"

The shopkeeper was taken aback, his face was embarrassed, but he was also a little unhappy with Han Fei's blunt words, saying: "Auntie wants to buy medicine in the past, why bother to conflict?"

Han Fei smiled angrily, her eyes turned to the lady and said: "But some people just don't want me to go there, they insist on picking things!"

The woman was angry, "You!"

The shopkeeper frowned and said: "Why do you have to say madness, auntie, you still need to remember to be polite."

Han Fei suddenly felt unhappy, dare to hold on to this now, right? This continued to drag on, and things couldn't be finished again. After thinking for a while, she suddenly remembered that Boss Hao had given her a sign when they were parting. A small wooden sign with the sign of Shennongjia engraved on it, like a cross. , And also said that there will be any trouble in the future, as long as you take the sign to any place in Shennongjia, you will definitely get full help.

She forgot such a useful thing! Where is it from? She remembers that she always carried it!

Han Fei rummaged up and down, which made the people around him even more impatient. The shopkeeper thought it was just an ordinary peasant woman this time. He was going to order the man to take Han Fei. Take it away and stop doing this business.

But before the shopkeeper could speak, Han Fei found the wooden sign and took it out. The shopkeeper looked straight.

Han Fei held the wooden sign and shook it in front of the shopkeeper, and said, "Is this useful? Can I buy medicinal materials earlier?"

The shopkeeper’s face changed drastically, and all the impatience and contempt that had just occurred were gone. What was left was respect and fear, and he immediately bowed and said: "It turns out that it is a distinguished guest, disrespectful and disrespectful. It is because the villain has eyes but does not know Tarzan, please go inside. Please, I'm sorry for everything just now!"

The two diametrically opposite attitudes before and after the shopkeeper caused an uproar in the surroundings. More and more people noticed this. Han Fei immediately felt a little too ostentatious, so he quickly said: "Let's go inside and talk."

The shopkeeper quickly stepped aside and said, "Please come inside, please come inside!"

Han Fei took a step forward unceremoniously, making the lady behind him dumbfounded, and jumped out and said: "The shopkeeper! What do you mean! You don't care if she jumps in the queue! Is there any king?"

The shopkeeper immediately blew his beard and stared, and his back was in a cold sweat. He never thought that this ordinary peasant woman would actually hold the highest order card in Shennongjia, which was almost equivalent to the status of the big boss! If you are not a special distinguished guest, you are not eligible! This represents the importance of the big boss, and the whole Shennongjia must come up with the best reception to welcome it!

The funny thing is that he almost drove people out just now!

He should be driven out by Shennongjia now! He finally got into the position of the shopkeeper. If he was kicked out, no other drugstore would want to take him in! I can only pray that this distinguished guest will be more generous, forgive him for not knowing Taishan, and secretly glad that he has not done anything else just now.

The shopkeeper now regrets his death, and the initiator of all this is this indiscriminate lady! Now this lady still wants to pit him!

The shopkeeper immediately said loudly: "The Feifei medicinal film has been sold out, you go quickly!"

The lady was shocked and said: "How is it possible! This is not yet on sale!"

The shopkeeper said stiffly: "I won't sell you today, you can go, man, take her away!"

The lady was trembling with anger and said: "You, you, do you know who I am! You dare to treat me this way! You will regret it! It's just a small drug store, so bold! I won't Let go of you!"

The shopkeeper said without any fear: "Okay, today's medicinal film will not be sold anymore. If you want to say the reason, it is her. If you don't sell it, you won't sell it!"

This sentence exploded everyone in an instant, everyone staring at the lady, looking at the enemy, full of murderousness, originally, they were just watching the show, and now it is related to the lack of Philippine medicine. The film is over, how can this be tolerated! Someone jumped out of ule right now.

"You go! Don't hurt everyone!"

"That is, we have been in line for a long time, and we have been waiting from dawn until now, because you can't buy it, can your conscience live by!"

"The auntie wants to go there for a while, you have to say that they jump in the line, are you blind?"

The lady was so angry that she couldn't speak, she cried and ran away crying.

Han Fei suddenly felt a little uneasy in her conscience. Could she do too much? But... it feels so cool.

Don't be too good to bully others.

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