Bing Ling handed the warm teacup to Han Fei, and said, "Auntie, have a cup of tea and take a break. I'm afraid the building will be busy. Auntie has worked hard."

When Han Fei heard this, she tentatively said, "Miss, this oiran Douyan is..."

Bing Ling showed a bleak smile and said, "It's just a trick for those wealthy businessmen and dignitaries. It will be held once a year. This time it will be the Wanhua Tower's turn. By then, all the people in Huaqingcheng who said something , A farce that everyone will participate in, from the powerful to the common people."

Han Fei was surprised that a woman in the flower house's view of this kind of thing was a farce, and she did not forget that the women who had turned her away just now all wished to walk around twice in a flash.

"My sisters are all looking forward to this Oiran Contest. The position of the leader will get a hundred taels of gold and the name of the Allure. In the future, you will not have to be forced to pick up guests, have your own choice, and no longer have to wait on those bad men. . Speaking of it, this is a good thing, but where is the position of the leader so good? There are 31 flower houses in the entire Huaqing City, and countless beautiful sisters will gather together, I am afraid that the flowers will gradually become charming. eye."

Bing Ling's expression was very complicated when she said this. On the one hand, she was very disdainful of such a game, like a beam jumping clown, letting the people below choose, like buying and selling, without human rights, but on the other hand Extremely eager to get the leader, because once she becomes the leader, she doesn't have to bow down to others, don't have to receive those greasy, rude and vulgar men.

As long as the thought of those stinky men wanting to touch her, Bing Ling would disgust, but she couldn’t last long. Her budding day had already been set by the old bustard. If there was no turning point, she would have really lost her body. Smelly man.

Thinking of this, I can't wait to die.

Bing Ling still remembers her last tenure. The girl who came with her was bought by a fat and old rich businessman. She died that night. The screams came upstairs and scared her to sleep all night. , The woman’s body was taken out the next day and it was impossible to see it at all. I heard that the wealthy businessman could not do human affairs for a long time, and all those instruments were used...

Play people alive to death.

In the end, he lost a sum of money to the old bustard, and the matter was gone.

But this incident left a shadow in Bing Ling's heart. She couldn't accept the same fate, but she didn't know what to do.

Han Fei watched her face pale suddenly, and asked with some worry: "Girl, what's the matter with you?"

Bing Ling burst into tears and said, "Auntie, me, what should I do..."

Han Fei coughed, and said, "What's upsetting the girl? You can talk to, uh, auntie."

Han Fei has completely abandoned herself, so Auntie is just auntie.

Bing Ling jumped on Han Fei's body at once, but the softness of Han Fei's chest made her stunned.

This... is too plump...

Is it possible that older people are... well, older?

Bing Ling glanced at his flat chest, and suddenly felt a little bitter and slightly jealous.

Which woman doesn't care about this?

Han Fei is also a little embarrassed. By the way... she hasn't paid much attention to this place, but, ahem... I have to say that the body of this original body is well developed, very predictable, even if she is thinner now, her chest There is still no decreasing trend!

Han Fei was a little bit distressed, too big to run and feel uncomfortable!

"Auntie, I am in this place of fireworks, and I have no choice. I'm afraid I won't be able to get the top spot among the blooming flowers. Bing Ling doesn't want to wait for a place to commit himself, so what should I do... …"

As Han Fei listened, she came back to her senses, and said puzzledly: "Then why are you selling yourself to enter here?"

Bing Ling:...

"Auntie, there is no way Bing Ling can do anything. The family's father passed away, and the poor have no extra money to bury. Bing Ling has to sell himself, so he can't keep his father from being buried. This will be struck by lightning!"

Han Fei was puzzled again, "But you sold yourself to bury your dad and became a firework girl. If you know, your dad will be **** off."

Bing Ling:...

"Auntie, I didn't have any other abilities since I was a child. Apart from selling myself, there is no other way for me."

"No, look at me, I'm used to doing a lot of these rough jobs, as long as you have hands, why can't you do it? Your father's funeral is simple, and he won't blame you."

Bing Ling:...

She felt that her tears could no longer cry!

Han Fei has come to understand. This girl is kind and kind, but she's too stupid. She's probably a bit squeamish. She would rather let her work and sell herself here. By the way, this kind of place, except for that What, the living belt is pretty good, and there are people to do everything.

"Auntie, you, are you blaming Ice Spirit?"

Han Fei hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Auntie doesn't mean that, cough cough, do you want to be the top spot, don't you? Do your best over there, auntie believes that the girl is beautiful and beautiful, she will be successful!"

Seeing that this inexplicable aunt finally understood, Bing Ling was a little relieved, but said worriedly: "But all the older sisters are all beautiful and proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, how can I compare them?"

Han Fei touched her chin and said, "Then you don't take the usual path."

Bing Ling's eyes lit up and said, "Aunt, what does this mean?"

Seeing that she really wanted to know, Han Fei said, "Among the flowers, the men with rouge and vulgar fans are naturally tired of seeing them. Sometimes too much decoration may not be effective, but Everyone, think about it, there is no difference between a pair of women with similar makeup and clothes. A man will naturally get bored after seeing it for a long time. As long as you behave slightly differently, you may have a different effect."

Bing Ling's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, she couldn't help but hugged Han Fei fiercely, and said, "Thank you auntie! Thank you auntie! Auntie just stay here. If Bing Ling wins the spot tonight, she will be fine. Thank you auntie!"

After that, Bing Ling bounced and left the room, as if preparing something.

The system emerged at this time.

"Host, have you forgotten that your mission is also to participate in this oiran competition? Strictly speaking, this girl is still your opponent, so you actually helped the opponent to make ideas?"

Han Fei yawned and said, "Isn't it because she is pitiful."

"Then what if she really takes the top spot?! The host's mission will fail."

"Don't worry, it won't."

Taobao was astonished, "Why is this? Isn't the host just right now?"

"Man, this kind of creature likes to show off and like Xiaojiabiyu. Bing Ling's appearance is the latter. It's small and fresh. Maybe it will be very bright at first, and it will be pitiful. I want to take it back, but I will watch it for a long time. Think of it as a lover, just keep it and hide it, but in the end, the one that won't get bored will always be aura, mysterious, and amazing enough. A man is so vulgar."

"The host makes sense."

Han Fei triumphed, "That is!"

"Obviously, the host is a ten thousand year old single dog."


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