"Host! This is not the point, the point is how do you plan to appear on the stage to be amazing enough?"

Han Fei looked at herself wearing a big red dress, which she took out from Bing Ling’s room. After minor changes, it is now very suitable for her body, especially Han Fei in order to please. Two bells were also found and tied to the waist.

"Taobao, do you think I can?"

Before the battle, Han Fei suddenly became a little uncertain.

"Is the host doubting himself? Perfect! Perfect! The host is perfect! This is the ultimate evolution without obesity! No ugliness! No vulgarity! Absolute! Perfect! Goddess!"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched, but she could barely dispel the anxiety in her heart. She waited patiently to watch the ice spirit girl downstairs dance like a dandelion, thinking about how to make her appearance amazing enough.

However, the concentrated Han Fei did not notice that a green shadow was hiding behind the pillar, looking at her in horror.

The green shadow is Lupin.

Below, when everyone was immersed in the fairy-filled dance of Bing Ling, Lv Ping, who hadn't seen it, chose to go upstairs to think about it, but happened to see a red shadow leaning on the railing and looking down, that enchanting and charming Just a glance at her posture made the powerful woman Lv Ping intuitively feel threatened.

So she immediately hid behind the pillar and watched in secret.

This observation made my heart cold.

Even if Han Fei's face is still wearing a veil, Lv Ping is stunned from the half-concealment, enough to see the stunning face of Qingcheng, that even she can't help but tremble and stay when she sees it. The face is so beautiful, it is too beautiful to contend.

When she came over in a daze, jealousy came up, and the powerful jealousy almost swallowed all her reason.

She gave everything for this year's Oiran Contest. She has lost for two consecutive years. She finally waited until the few people of the same level were redeemed. She also secretly ridiculed those former Oiran willing to marry ordinary people. She did this, just to fly to the branch, but she made mistakes frequently!

There was a Bing Ling who was threatened enough below. She didn't care that much. After all, Bing Ling was indeed beautiful and fresh and refined, but she was still a newcomer, which meant that there was not enough market, but this one was different!

When beauty has reached a state, everything becomes a decoration of nothingness.

Lvping knew almost instantly that she had lost, and she could not have won this woman who appeared here inexplicably.

Still lost without a chance.

With such a huge gap, Lu Ping felt that her heart was distorted.

Just when Han Fei was frowning, she saw a green figure approaching from her side. She turned her head and saw that it was a very feminine woman. Well, it looked like Boss Hao, but Boss Hao He has the aura of successful people.

What's weirder is that this woman is wearing green clothes.

Han Fei hates green the most.

"Why is this sister standing here? Hasn't she played yet?"

Lvping walked in with a gentle smile, even the words spoken softly.

Han Fei shuddered and said, "I, I'm here to let the wind through."

Lvping stood still, grabbed Han Fei's hand involuntarily, patted it, and said, "My sister is so face-to-face, where is the girl? Which madam left her sister such a beautiful girl."

Han Fei quickly followed: "I couldn't find my sisters, so I came up accidentally."

A gleam of light flashed in Lu Ping's eyes, and said: "So that's the case, my younger sister turned out to be lost, when did my younger sister play?"

Han Fei smiled awkwardly: "Probably the last one."

Without accident.

The hatred in Luping's heart is deeper, is she still delusional to appear at the finale? Such a bitch!

"My sister is so beautiful. My sister is really ashamed. What kind of show is my sister going to perform?"

Han Fei thought for a while, it seems that she knows very few things, that drum?

But where can I find eighteen drums now? Moreover, this is too easy to be recognized, so what else would she do? Do you count the etiquette learned by Amma Palace?

Han Fei scratched his head and said, "It seems that I can't do anything."

Lvping's face became stiff, she didn't know any talents at all. With her beauty, she wanted to take her position as an oiran? ! Such people just lack some small lessons!

"It doesn't matter, my sister is so beautiful, even if she doesn't know anything, it's all attractive."

Han Fei was taken aback, why did these words sound so mocking?

"Sister, how do you think Girl Bing Ling performed?"

Lu Ping pointed to the audience.

Han Fei watched it down. It turned out that it was Girl Bing Ling who had finished the dance, and the audience was caught in cheers. Even on the second floor, many people walked out of the cubicle and leaned on the railing to watch.

"Oh, look, what is the girl Bing Ling holding in her hand."


at this time--

"Be careful of the host!!!"

Han Fei was stunned. Before she could react, a thrust came suddenly behind her. Her body, which had been leaning forward, suddenly became unstable and fell down. When she returned to her senses, she saw the original gentle Lu Ping showed a vicious smile.

"The seat of the oiran can only be me!"

Han Fei scolded in her heart and was hit!

When he fell quickly, Han Fei's eyes widened instantly, strands of golden light flickered in it, and a red totem appeared faintly in her pupils. At this moment, the whole world stopped and she couldn't hear the building. I could not hear Taobao's anxious shouts, but my eyes saw the fishing ribbon.

For an instant, Han Fei suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed the ribbon. Her movements were quick and dexterous, unlike a normal person, but her posture was extremely graceful.

The fall was slowed down. Han Fei’s hand holding the ribbon was sore that her inertia was too great to stop at one time. She dragged the ribbon all the way down. In order to maintain her balance, she had to make her hands empty. Posture, at this moment, the colored ribbons dragged by her upstairs fell one after another, one after another, accompanied by the petals, fell suddenly from the sky.

Everyone was dazzled, and just watched as a fiery-red shadow floated down from the sky, the posture was graceful and soft and attractive.

Han Fei exploded in her mind and shouted angrily: "Taobao Taobao! Quick! Quick! I can't hold on anymore! Fuck! My hands hurt so much!"

"Host! Jump, wait a minute and just jump like this, I turned on the hidden function and I was as light as a swallow!"

"Fuck, are you serious? I'm going to fall to death!"

"Will not!"

Han Fei gritted her teeth and said, "In this case, I let go!"

"Yes! Light as a swallow to open--"

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