Qin Che's face turned a little red, and his originally sickly pale face was stained with an abnormal red.

Han Fei was taken aback, and hurriedly hugged the male god, and patted him, "Qin Che! Qin Che! What's wrong with you! Qin Che!"

When Han Fei's hand touched Qin Che's forehead, she was immediately scalded by the hot temperature. She pulled her hand back suddenly, her face looked very ugly.

Qin Che has a fever!

She was careless! The male **** has experienced the side effects and exhaustion of long-distance travel, and he has to bear the side effects and exhaustion of walking. How can it be really nothing at all! He has been holding back.

And she was stupid not to find out!

At this moment Han Fei couldn't wait to strangle herself.

The human skin mask on the ground was brought to Qin Che. Fortunately, Han Fei's slimming effect had arrived. She hurried back to the inn while supporting Qin Che halfway.

When Jifeng saw Han Fei almost dragging the prince back, the soul was scared away and hurriedly greeted him. As a result, the prince was placed on the bed.

"What's wrong, this is! Why did the prince faint?! Hey, girl Han, why are you..."

It's so strange...

Han Fei interrupted Haofeng's words directly and said, "Take my medicine box. Hurry!"

Haifeng didn't dare to delay, so he hurried to fetch the medicine box of Han girl.

Han Fei looked at Qin Che who was lying on the bed, first took off the human skin mask on his face, and saw that the handsome face was full of sweat, and the exhaled air was hot, and his originally pale face It's a bit ruddy, it's really good-looking, but Han Fei now prefers him to return to the original shape.

Haifeng hurried back with the medicine box.

Han Fei said without looking back: "Get out! Guard the door!"

Haifeng was taken aback, took a deep look at Girl Han's back, and chose to believe her, turned and left, guarding the door firmly.

Han Fei took a deep breath, and then began to examine the body of the male god. When she saw Qin Che's legs, her eyes still became round involuntarily, and she bent over to look closer.

I saw a faint smell of blood coming from Qin Che's legs.

But it was not clear under the cover of dark clothes, so Han Fei didn't notice when she was in the alley.

Han Fei stretched out her hand, took out the knife, and carefully cut off the cane of the universal wheelchair. Qin Che's muffled hum was heard in her ear, and it was very painful to think about it.

Does it hurt? !

Han Fei saw that the cane had been squeezed into the meat. How much effort did it take to walk?

She finally knew that she couldn't walk longer at all, but he had been holding on.

Han Fei felt that her eye sockets were a little hot, but she still gritted her teeth to cut off all the cane, and then took it out carefully, but in the process, it would inevitably hurt Qin Che. As expected, Han Fei heard his hoarse voice. Sounded.

"Han Fei, don't be so careful."

Han Fei raised her head in a daze, her tears flicked off, and big hot teardrops dripped onto Qin Che's wound, but she didn't know it.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I'm all to blame, I'm not good, I shouldn't run around, oh oh oh..."

Those wounds and the wounds squeezed out of the cane made Qin Che’s legs full of bloodstains, and the bones of the parts that had not moved for a long time were soft. Han Fei didn’t know how to withstand this degree of injury. How much bitter you have to endure in it.

Just think about it, my heart hurts badly, and my tears are even more uncontrollable.

"Don't cry."

Han Fei immediately covered her mouth, trying to keep herself from crying.

But she started to hiccup.

The horrible makeup on Han Fei's face was muddled by tears and it was even more horrible. Her hair was messy and she was extremely embarrassed.

Looking at her stupid and stupid appearance, Qin Che smiled helplessly after all, and said, "Continue."

No one knows that when Qin Che saw Han Fei falling from the sky in Wanhualou, his heart contracted for a while, but the gaze of the whole audience watching Han Fei almost made him crazy. It was a kind of own possession. The illusion of peeping.

He didn't have any doubts, he was sure this was the fool.

No reason, no reason, but an intuition.

Even though her appearance was ever-changing, he could still know who she was.

But he couldn’t bear it. Bai Liwenxiu looked at Han Fei’s gaze, which was more terrifying than those men’s obsessive beauty and sordid gaze, because it was the same as him, looking at the other one through her. look. Bai Li Wenxiu is also looking for the real Han Fei.

Qin Che did not deny that in that instant, he even wanted to kill Han Fei. If she was unwilling to stay by his side, but yearned for a higher and farther world, then he would rather leave her forever. Even a corpse is good.

But in the end, he didn't do it because he saw the fool when he heard someone call him lame. She was angry and even wanted to hit someone. It was a purely subconscious action, which represented a person's true thoughts. , It turns out that she never put him down.

It was at that time that he put away his killing intent.

He is used to the names that the world calls him, wicked, crippled, wicked, lame, and even lame.

But no, that idiot, she always fought for him time and time again, expelling those within human power, her angry eyes seemed to burn his soul.

Qin Che likes to look at Han Fei like this, and for her like this, he is the only one in his mind.

Therefore, when Qin Che saw Han Fei's tears, he sighed.

"Am I making you cry again and again."

Han Fei was taken aback, never expecting that the male **** would say such a thing.

"Han Fei, you will keep me alive."

Han Fei wiped away her tears, nodded heavily, and said, "Yes, I won't let you die."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I, I, I..."

Han Fei gritted her teeth and said, "I just feel distressed."

Qin Che smiled, that extremely handsome face looked like a monster under the night, and he wanted to drag her soul into the abyss.

"Remember your current mood, only I can give it to you forever."

Afterwards, Qin Che closed his eyes.

Han Fei finally calmed down and said seriously, "Han Fei will fulfill his mission."

Han Fei, who had calmed down, moved quickly and terribly. She started to treat Qin Che’s leg injury step by step, wiped, disinfected, sprayed medicine, bandaged, and then pulsed, acupuncture, and controlled Qin Che’s body temperature step by step. , There is no slightest error.

After everything was done, Han Fei found that the male **** was asleep, breathing smoothly, and even the heat on his face dropped slightly.

Han Fei summoned Haifeng and asked him to take care of him, and first went to wash off the filth on his body, and the clothes could not be kept, it is estimated that the entire Huaqingcheng is looking for her new oiran!

Until I was alone in a room, the system finally popped out.

"Host, you did a good job."

Han Fei hit the table with a fist, and said, "No, it's not good at all. If it weren't for me not to notice, how could the male **** be injured like this."

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