His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 270: Foolishness of the Nine Army

Han Fei raised his hand weakly and said, "Hi?"

The two giant mountains did not move.

Han Fei coughed and said, "Well, I have no intentions. I'm here to find someone from the Yu family?"

"Please go back."

Two words came from the urn sound.

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you sure?"

"Please go back."

Han Fei never replied empty-handed, especially she could not go out for too long, once the male **** woke up, she ran away for nothing.

"I really just came here to help you."

Han Fei explained one last time.

"Please go back."

Han Fei reduced her smile, and there were a few silver needles in her fingers.

Just when Han Fei was planning to do something--

"Wait! Wuzhuang and Wuxiong stop."

Two people as tall as a hill retreated to one side.

Several figures came over with the candlelight, and Han Fei calmly retracted the silver needle with his fingertips.

"What's the matter with the girl here? The Yu family doesn't welcome outsiders, and the situation is inconvenient now. Please ask the girl to go back, so as not to harm Yangchi."

Han Fei dispelled a bit of displeasure, and looked at the person who came. He was a little older, a grandfather, with a benevolent look and a gentle old man in his face.

Han Fei stepped forward and said, "I am here just to help you."

No, to be precise, I have to help.

The old man frowned and said, "Why did the girl say this? Our Yu family doesn't need help."

Han Fei shrugged, stretched her voice, and said, "Are you sure?"

The old man took a deep look at Han Fei, then changed his tone and said, "What can the girl help us?"

The middle-aged and young people behind the old man stopped doing it and said, "Grandpa, she is just an ordinary woman, what can you do for us?"

"Yeah, Grandpa, don't make extravagances at this time. Our house is already messy enough."

One of the calm middle-aged people directly shouted: "Be quiet! Dad, keep talking."

The old man sighed and said, "Qizheng is still being buckled, what else can we do? This is not the time to act hard!"

Everyone was silent, obviously there was no way to refute it.

A skeptical voice sounded, "But grandpa, can such an innocent woman who runs over in the middle of the night help us?"

As the "woman who ran over in the middle of the night", she accepted all the sights, stood calmly, and said, "Have you finished?"

The old man stepped forward and said, "Dare to ask the girl your last name."

Han Fei waved his hand and said, "Where is my name, you don't need to know it, anyway, is your situation worse than this?"

The old man is speechless.

There is indeed no more.

His pro-grandson Qizheng was detained, and the entire Yu family became a thorn in the eyes of the city lord. In the past, several families that had been close to each other closed their doors and thanked guests. They no longer accepted their requests, were unwilling to help, and even left their relationship Clean and completely blind, the entire Yu family really became an isolated family.

This made the old man seem to be ten years old overnight. He was already full of energy, but he didn't dare to fall. The whole Yu family was not safe yet, so he could only hold on, so even if he suddenly popped out now A mysterious woman, he also chose to hold the weak hope to leave people behind.

"What can the girl do?"

Han Fei pretended to be mysterious and said, "Do you think, where is the most critical part of this matter?"

Someone couldn't help but said angrily: "The Lord of the City is ungrateful! All the good deeds we usually do have been wiped out!"

Someone agreed: "There are also those families who usually have a good relationship! If something happens, there will be no one!"

Someone said: "No one wants to help us!"

Han Fei shook her head with a distressed look.

The old man frowned and said, "What is the girl's opinion?"

Han Fei sighed and said, "No wonder you were dealt with so easily. I said it was weird. It turned out to be such a thing. I haven't figured out the cause of the incident for a long time. No wonder your surname is Yu, I'm afraid you are stupid!"

The voice just fell, the audience was quiet.

The old man's face looked as if he had seen a ghost, dumbfounded.

Han Fei was stunned, and between the flashes of lightning, she thought of what she had just said and a similar scene in her memory.

Fuck, Yu's, Yu's...Is it impossible...

Han Fei poke Taobao fiercely in her mind: "Taobao Taobao, is there a branch in the Nine Army called something? Yes! It's Yuxiang! What are the characteristics of this army?!"

Taobao said quietly: "Host, you finally remembered, when I am still waiting for you to find out!"

"Say fast!"

"The Foolishness of the Nine Army is medical treatment. It is the most special army under the goddess. Their combat ability is very weak, but they are especially important among the Nine Army and are extremely popular because every soldier in the Nine Army They are all highly qualified doctors who are indispensable during the march."

Han Fei knew it, and said: "It turned out to be a medical soldier, no wonder, this was all run into."

Seeing Han Fei hadn't spoken for a long time, the old man couldn't help it anymore, and said, "Why did the girl say this! Or does the girl know what?"

Han Fei recovered, looked at the old man, and said, "I've heard the name of Yuxiang's army for a long time."

The old man was completely shocked, and showed hostility towards Han Fei, saying, "Five villages and five bears, take her down for me."

People like the two giant mountains began to move, trying to catch Han Fei.

Han Fei sighed, she hated this kind of fighting!


A fierce light flashed in her eyes, and she even hated others who beat and killed her!

Han Fei made a keen movement that was extremely inconsistent with her figure. After flashing, the silver needle flew, and within a few breaths, two people like giant mountains fell suddenly.

The old man was shocked and shouted: "Five villages and five bears!" Then he ran over to check the situation. The rest of the people looked at Han Fei, but no one rushed past without fear of death.

As medical soldiers, they are indeed weak in combat effectiveness.

The old man was angry: "The girl is so cruel!"

Han Fei sighed, and said, "I didn't kill them, I just let them fall asleep. Now, can we speak well?"

The old man, Yu Yunqing, put away the stormy sea in his heart and stared at Han Fei closely. He just checked and confirmed that there is indeed nothing wrong with Wuzhuang and Wuxiong. Two silver needles were inserted into their sleep. On the point, but because of this, I was shocked!

In such a night, under such low visibility, the needle can be inserted into the sleeping acupoint with great accuracy, which is quite demanding for the needle provider.

At least, he can't do it now, maybe he can try one or two when he is young.

Who is this sudden woman?

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