Yu Yunqing said in disbelief, "Girl, what did you say? Pretending to be sick?"

Han Fei pointed to Yu Qizheng and said, "Then you should ask your grandson carefully. He doesn’t know how to come up with this elm bump. You just believe his words too much, and you didn’t even look at it. Miss, with such a clumsy technique, if there is a doctor who is not bad at the scene, he can tell at a glance!"

Yu Qizheng panicked completely, and tried to quibble: "No, don't listen to what she says! Qiao'er is really sick, I can't save her, this woman is talking nonsense! Grandpa, dad, uncle, you guys Don't believe it!"


Yu Qizheng's entire face was crooked.

Yu Yunqing retracted his hand and said angrily: "Enough!"

Han Fei felt that the slap was really painful, but this bear kid did not learn from his shortcomings, and they had to come up with such a bad method.

"The girl is the messenger of the goddess, and no one is allowed to insult! Qizheng, you can tell me well, and make it clear, the city lord's daughter, is there any disease? And you, are you hiding anything from us! Say!"

Yu Qizheng was covering his face, his expression faded suddenly. He originally wanted to gritted his teeth. This was an agreement he had made with Qiaoer, but when he saw his grandfather's decadent complexion and his rickety figure, he still couldn't bear it. Live, admit it.

"Sorry, grandpa, me, I just... want to help Qiaoer..."

This time, even the dad who always petted him slapped him over, and said angrily: "Evil son!"

Han Fei looked at Yu Qizheng's original handsome face being swollen, and felt a little sympathetic, but she really deserved to be a father and son. The power of this fan is the same, and it is completely symmetrical.

Yu Yunqing turned his head to face Han Fei and knelt down. The speed of his movements made Han Fei too late to stop.

"Girl, it's our Yu family that troubles you. We are sorry for you."

Han Fei sighed and said, "You stand up first."

An old man kneeled to her, she was afraid that she would lose her life!

"You don't stand up anymore, then I don't have to say anything, I'll be locked up forever."

Yu Yunqing was quickly helped up, looked at Han Fei hopingly, and said, "Girl, is there a way?"

Han Fei raised her head, looked at the pig's head, and said, "Hey, the Qiao'er in your mouth, are you sure she is pleased with you?"

Han Fei asked so directly, Yu Qizheng was speechless for a moment, and finally blushed, and said: "Yes, yes...she said...will stay with me and fly..."

Han Fei said suspiciously, "I believe you for the time being, now there is only one thing you have to do, tell you that Miss Qiaoer, let her not pretend to be sick, and get better quickly."

Yu Yunqing said, "However, Qizheng and we are all locked up in prison, how can I tell the lady?"

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said, "It's you who are locked up in jail, but there is no one."

Everyone was surprised.

Han Fei took out the paper and pen he had prepared in advance, handed it to Yu Qizheng, and said, "Hurry up and write, tell your Qiao'er, and let her ask to see us, saying that her health is much better. It works, it's better to let her beg his father."

Yu Qizheng immediately took the pen and paper and began to write.

And Han Fei walked to the side of the iron rod railing and cautiously shouted: "Zero four~"

The voice was misty, like the cry of a female ghost. Fortunately, their position was at the very end, and there were no ‘neighbors’ nearby, and the jailer had no time to inspect them.

It didn't take long before I saw a black face, unwilling to show up.

Everyone was taken aback.

Han Fei smiled and said, "Zero Si, it's been a long time~"

Ling Si's face became more stinky, and she said stiffly: "Miss Han, if you put yourself in prison, the master will be angry."

Han Fei's smile stiffened.

Zero Si was happy, and added: "The master will be very angry, very angry."

Han Fei coughed twice, and said: "I will go out soon, don't tell the king... Young Master!"

Zero Four said solemnly: "I'm just reporting the truth."

Han Fei glared at him and said, "You wait! Humph! Now quickly send me a letter!"

Zero Four continued to solemnly said: "My task is only to take action when you are safe."

Han Fei raised her eyebrows and said in a long voice, "Are you sure?"

Zero Four finally gave in, stretched out his hand and said unwillingly: "Hurry up."

Yu Qizheng quickly took the written letter and gave it to Zero Four, and then looked at Zero Four with envy.

For the unarmed Yu family who all practice medicine, knowing martial arts or something is really jealous!

After Zero Four got the letter, she was ready to leave, and Han Fei quickly added: "Remember, it's the daughter of the city lord! Don't send it wrong!"

The answer to Han Fei was the neat and clean back of Zero Four. Han Fei sighed and lamented that Zero Four was getting more and more unfunny. When she turned around, she saw the whole Yu family's admiration.

Han Fei was a little startled, and said, "What happened...what happened?"

"The girl deserves to be a messenger, and her subordinates are equally powerful!"

"We are dull, and we hope that the girl will forgive her previous rude behavior."

"Girl, I'm really sorry."

The corners of Han Fei’s mouth twitched, but an excellent strategy came up, pretending to be mysterious, and said: "That person just now is not my subordinate. To be honest, I am also the master of my family. I said I wanted to help you, so I came, even if I was, uh, the messenger of the goddess, I didn’t have such ability, but the master of my family has compassion and can’t bear to see you trapped before sending me out. And the Shuiyun Army, my master asked me to help them."

Everyone was amazed, showing a look of admiration.

Yu Yunqing asked cautiously: "Dare to ask the girl's master?"

Han Fei shook his head and said: "The master's name is not something you can know now. Only those who are effective and loyal to the master can be qualified to know. The master will protect our safety. The master is extremely powerful, and it is the goal of my admiration."

The male **** is indeed the target she admires~

But when seeing these people showing their faith, Han Fei smiled secretly.

It is exactly the same as the legend.

Yuxiang’s Army has always been reluctant to fight because of its admiration of medical skills. There are no powerful people in the military. In order to protect themselves, they usually have to cooperate with other military forces. They stay together all year round. They worship the strong in their bones. It is also very easy to buy, as long as their safety is guaranteed.

According to Taobao, the wild history also recorded how the goddess conquered this magical army. After relying on a beautiful victory, the entire Yuxiang clan migrated over and voluntarily took refuge in the goddess' name and accepted it. The protection of the remaining Eighth Army was achieved because the Yuxiang clan was indeed skilled in medicine. As the last army to join and become the least like an army, they got along very happily with the Eighth Army and became the Ninth Army.

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