Qing would never forget that when Xue Noble entered the harem, she noticed different emotions in the eyes of the emperor for the first time, but an emotion she had never seen before.

For so many years, the Qing family has accompanied the emperor from the prince to the prince to the righteous master of the court. She believed that she had understood the emperor’s mind, but that was the first time she felt danger. Since ancient times, the emperor has not moved the truth. She has never expected the emperor to have true affection for her, as long as she respects her as a guest, so the Qing family never cares how many beautiful women enter the harem every year, but Xuegui is different!

A woman whom the emperor really likes is destined to be her worst enemy!

From rewards to being promoted as a single pet to threatening her position step by step, if Qing hadn't used the public opinion of the court to suppress the Xuegui, the emperor had reduced his enthusiasm, otherwise, even this post would be taken away by the woman. Up! On the face of it, the emperor seemed to have neglected Xue nobles and put her into the cold palace, but in reality they were just looking for a way to suppress the public opinion of the court and prepare for the future promotion of Xue nobles.

Qing had never been so jealous of a woman, so when Xuegui gave birth to a prince, she knew she couldn't wait any longer.

Everything behind, including all the fate of the evil man, can be said to be caused by the Qing clan blocking all the desperate bets. The evil man can no longer stand up, but it is a pity that he is still alive.

But how can a disabled ascend to the throne?

Qing thought that she only had to endure this cruelty to live in the world, as long as she waited for Muer to ascend to the throne, she would have the opportunity to slowly torture the evildoer, however, everything went wrong.

And this mistake started from the Ama Palace!

Speaking of it, Niezi’s age has reached Shangqin, but because of her troubles, Niezi has never had the opportunity to marry, but the emperor suddenly opened the Ama Palace and borrowed the name of Muer, attracting a large group of courtiers. His daughter entered the Ama Palace. From this time on, the Qing family could not understand the Emperor Qin.

So that everything in the back was unexpected.

Especially when the evil son disappeared. When the emperor issued the wanted order regardless of the opinions of the people of the world, Qing knew that he could not continue to bear it. Even if she had to use her natal power, she would not hesitate to let anyone become a shepherd. Obstacles to the throne!

As for Qin Yuan? The Qing family did not pay attention to it at all, neither could he be favored by the emperor, and his natal family was weak and not threatening.

"Mu'er, you remember not to go in front of your father these few days, it's best to walk with courtiers more."

Hearing what Qing said, Qin Mu's expression was a little strange, and there was a hint of hesitation, and said: "Mother, queen father is still young, if the child minister acted rashly, would it arouse the suspicion of the father?"

Qing clan sneered and said, "You should pay attention to whereabouts, and don't be too public. Your father is sometimes confused."

Qin Mu was taken aback. He had never heard the empress say this to the emperor father, and the deep disappointment in that tone was almost overflowing.

"By the way, what happened to the staff in the Han Mansion?"

Qin Mu bowed his head and said, "I have already inserted as the queen mother's wishes, but the mother queen, Han Shangqing is just a prime minister without real power, why do you care so much?"

This is what Qin Mu didn't understand.

When Qing asked to insert people to Han Shangqing's place, Qin Mu asked questions, but at that time the mother did not explain, just said it was useful.

"Losing a Han Fei, but she can also be regarded as helping this palace to complete one thing. That wicked son will never be able to attack him if he stays in the palace, because the emperor will be the first to doubt this palace. If it is taken away, my palace will have no worries about starting. Han Fei is gone, but there is still one Han Yan."

After Qin Mu heard this, he understood a little what the queen meant, and said, "Han Yan? It's just a beautiful woman. What's the use for the queen to care about her?"

Qing's smiled and said, "Mu'er, you are still too young. I have heard about it. This Han Yan did a lot of things during the training in the second level of the Ama Palace, and it was not bad in the poor area. It's kind of useful, she will be useful in the future, so remember to keep her."

Qin Mu said with some disdain: "It's just some poor people's stuff, why do you care? But her dancing posture is pretty good."

What impressed Qin Mu the most was the dance of the Allure. He admitted that this Han Yan did indeed have an alluring appearance, but he was not very greedy for beauty, and power was the thing that men should pursue most.

Qing looked at her son with some relief, greedy but not obsessed with sex, and knew which one was more important. This is the child she taught and will inherit the seedlings of Datong.

"Go down first, remember what the queen mother said, the queen won't let that position be compromised by anyone."

Qin Mu retired, and Qing clan stayed alone for a while and then ordered to summon Han Yan.


When Han Fei and his party were summoned by the city lord again, the lord’s complexion was obviously much better, and his attitude was not too bad when he saw them. He just urged them to see his daughter as soon as possible. After it was cured, the Fang family had sent someone to inquire about the situation and ordered them to administer the medicine within three days to cure the illness, otherwise they would still die.

But this time, Yu Yunqing asked for a separate consultation, otherwise it would be difficult to cure the disease. After several disputes, the city lord reluctantly agreed, but more people were sent to guard at the door. Once there was an abnormal situation inside Caught them immediately.

After the Yu family and Han Fei were left in the whole room, the city lord’s daughter who was lying on the bed could not pretend, she got up from the bed and walked towards Yu Qizheng, but was shocked by his swollen face. , Said: "What's wrong with you? How come it is so swollen?"

Yu Qizheng was really embarrassed to explain that it was his father and grandpa who beat him, so he had to laugh.

Han Fei stood up and interrupted their conversation, and said directly: "You don't want to marry that Fang family, right?"

Miss City Lord looked at this ordinary peasant woman with some doubts, but still nodded and said: "Everyone knows that the Fang family is domineering in Linnan City. Fang Ming, the son of the Fang family, is tyrannical, and has tortured how many women! It's better to die!"

Han Fei said solemnly: "Then why does the city lord push you into the fire pit?"

Miss City Lord smiled sadly: "Father just wants the Fang family's business. The Fang family runs the auction house and is a profitable business. The Fang family is willing to take out 30% of the shares in exchange for my marriage."

Han Fei touched her chin, thought about it, and said, "Do you think you can escape by pretending to be sick?"

Miss City Lord nodded and said: "The Fang family has a requirement for marrying a wife and concubine, that is, they must be absolutely healthy, not a trace of illness, so Dad has dragged on until now, but... I know, I can’t pretend for long, and I don’t want to involve Qi. positive……"

Han Fei was clear in her heart, but she had a good impression of this Miss City Lord, but she was kind, not using the Yu family.

So this time, saving the daughter of the city lord is actually just fulfilling her wish, right?

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