That night.

The jailer yawned, a little vague, and it was the easiest time to get sleepy in the middle of the night. He energized himself, but he smelled a good smell. He couldn't help smelling a few more times, with a bang. Fell down.

When these jailers fell one after another, Mang Ye, who was desperately fanning outside, was almost exhausted.

He held a huge fan, squatting outside the tuyere, desperately fanning the pair of burning herbs in.

This is the Ecstasy that Han Fei spent a lot of money and energy to mix overnight. It can make people fall asleep for a few quarters of an hour, without any sequelae, and without a memory gap. The only drawback is that the time is too short.

This means that there is not much time left for Han Fei.

When it was confirmed that the inside had fallen down, Han Fei and Bai Li Wenxiu sneaked in, worrying all the way. Fortunately, Xiao Bai had been practicing martial arts for many years at this time, so Wu felt more sensitive and acted as a way to open the way. , And Han Fei's huge body just slipped in.

The prisoners in the cell were almost stunned, and the cell where the children were held was at the very end. Han Fei went all the way through, holding a bunch of keys taken from the jailer's waist.

When finally arrived, Han Fei saw the child who was still lying on his stomach, but changed her posture a little bit, which made her feel a little relieved, she would move at least not dead.

Bai Li Wenxiu looked at the little figure lying on his stomach and said, "You must save people, is that him?"

Han Fei didn't care about answering at all, but hurriedly opened the door. The more anxious she was, the more she couldn't open the lock. Her anxious sweat suddenly came out.

Bai Li Wenxiu couldn't see it, took the key directly, and said, "I'll come."

When the prison door opened, Han Fei pushed the door open and rushed in, picked up the child's head, and shouted in a low voice: "Che'er, wake up, wake up."

The child is still asleep, but Bai Ri Hanfei has mentioned that he has treated the wound. At this time, his condition is a little better, but he is still unconscious and can't even open his eyes.

Han Fei reached out and touched his forehead. He started to feel hot and terribly hot. Han Fei's heart was chilled all of a sudden. The situation she worried most had happened.

The child really has a fever!

This situation cannot be delayed at all!

Han Fei couldn't imagine that if she hadn't come to robbery tonight, the child would just die in the cell and no one would find out!

She gritted her teeth and picked up the child, cautiously, for fear that she would tie the pair, but at this moment the blood-stained legs were broken again.

Bai Liwenxiu had never seen such a miserable child, especially the slightly deformed legs. He could imagine how painful it was. How did this child who was younger than him endure it?

It's a miracle to be alive.

Seeing Bai Liwenxiu still staring at the child's legs, Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Xiaobai, hurry up, we're leaving now, we can't delay, they're going to wake up."

Bai Liwenxiu recovered and continued to lead the way, but before they could get out of the cell, Mang Ye had already rushed in and said with a pale face: "It's not good! Someone is coming! A lot of people! I still saw them. The guards of the palace!"

Han Fei's face sank suddenly, and the hands holding the child trembled.

Damn it!

Why did it appear at this time!

Mang Ye looked terrified, he was still a little younger after all, and was a little uncomfortable in the face of such a situation. If the prison robbery was caught, even his old man would not be saved! Not to mention whether he is willing to save him!

"What should we do? What should we do? They are almost here!"

Han Fei reluctantly kept calm and said, "Don't be nervous! Look for other exits in the cell!"

Seeing that Han Fei was so calm, the other two also calmed down a bit, and started to look for other exits in the cell.

Han Fei lowered her head and looked at the child's face flushing. As long as he has a high fever now, even the gas he exhales is hot.

Obviously the fever is severe, and if it is not treated properly, I am afraid it will burn stupidly!

Soon, the two returned, each pale.

Bai Liwenxiu swallowed and said, "There is no other way out."

Mang Ye's expression was about to cry, and said, "The person who designed this jail is definitely a master. There is no exit that can accommodate people to escape, even the windows are narrow. There is no other way out here, it's over. We're going to be caught by the back, we will definitely be put to death!"

Bai Liwenxiu was silent for a moment. He is the prince, but he is not the prince now. He still has many brothers vying for the position of the prince. And he came to Hanling to experience his father’s request. A requirement of his experience.

If he is caught by the chilling person here, it means that his trial is over, the father will not even save him, and he cannot expose his identity to discredit Yun Zhu.

It is false that Bai Liwenxiu didn't regret, and he didn't understand why he had to bet such a big bet to help a woman he didn't know each other, and now, such a result seemed to punish his impulse.

Han Fei looked at Mang Ye's desperate face, and looked at Bai Li Wenxiu's hands that hung down and clenched tightly.

And, the already audible footsteps, many people were approaching neatly, it was the footsteps of the Royal Guard.

They are about to arrive.

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly felt quiet.

She looked up, saw the two big water tanks in the corner, and said: "You hide in those two water tanks."

Bai Liwenxiu and Mang Ye were stunned at the same time.

Bai Liwenxiu reacted faster and said, "What do you want to do?"

Han Fei did not answer, but said to herself: "Thank you very much for your help this time. You are my best friends and most loyal friends. At least for this moment, I am very grateful to you."

Mang Ye also gradually understood what Han Fei meant, but he silently accepted it without speaking.

Bai Li Wenxiu's eyes widened, and anger flashed across his childish face, and said: "You are crazy! Do you want to face it directly?! You will die!"

Han Fei hugged the child tightly, his hot body was like a small stove, warming her heart.

Han Fei showed a relieved smile and said: "The size of that water tank can't hold me, you guys hide in first, and when the wind passes, I think you can find a way out."

Bai Liwenxiu disagreed, and said, "No! We can't just leave you behind!"

But Mang Ye reached out and caught Bai Liwenxiu.

"Xiao Bai, let's hide in."

"Mang Ye!"

"Xiaobai! Think about your current status! Once you get caught! You simply lose the chance to succeed!"

Bai Li Wenxiu was speechless.

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