Han Fei didn't know how long he had stayed here. There was no sense of time passing in such a place, and some were just at a loss.

She had ran in five or six directions, but after going around, she would still return to the starting point. The wooden house she was familiar with, the beautiful lake would never be found.

Han Fei sat on the ground, folded her hands around her knees, and buried her face in her knees. She cried, her tears falling, and even she herself didn’t know why she was so sad. There seemed to be a kind of The subconscious mind was telling her that something happened to Qin Che, but she couldn't find him.

When her tears fell from her eyes, they disappeared into the air, like glittering stars.

"Just give up like that?"

Hearing the sound, Han Fei raised her head subconsciously, and the smiling face that had bloomed on her face froze.

This is not Qin Che.

This is an old man who has never seen him before.

A white robe, embroidered with weird patterns on the chest, the pattern of the moon, the sun and the stars, and there are strange incomprehensible characters on the cuffs.

What makes Han Fei feel a little funny is that this man's beard is very long, and the white beard has grown to the chest level, but his face is kind and serene, and it seems to be a layer of brilliance, which makes people unable to bear it. She put down her precautions.

"who are you?"

Han Fei wiped the tears from her eyes and asked in a flustered manner.

She didn't want her fragile appearance to appear in front of a stranger.

The old man smiled, the folds on his face were deep, and he looked like he was very old.

"Who am I? No one has asked me this name in years."

Han Fei pursed her mouth and stood up, but when she got up, the sky turned around suddenly, and her eyes were dark, and she almost fell.

"Be careful!"

The old man's hand did not touch Han Fei, but Han Fei felt a burst of force gently supporting her, making her stop firmly.

When Han Fei eased from the dizziness, she saw the old man in front of her frowning fiercely.

Han Fei whispered: "Thank you."

Although I don't know who this old man who doesn't know where he is from, at least, he has no malice towards her, so a simple thank you is a must.

The old man raised his head, looked at Han Fei, and suddenly said, "What do you think?"

Han Fei was confused by this inexplicable question, and said, "What?"

The old man seemed to be a little angry, and said: "You can't bear the second time!"

The more the old man said that, the more confused Han Fei was, and said, "What second time? I don't understand what you are talking about?"

The old man frowned fiercely and said, "Isn't it completely untied yet, sure enough..."

Han Fei had doubts in her own heart. This old man seemed to know what things were normal?

Han Fei couldn't wait to ask: "Who are you? Do you know what this place is? Why did you appear here?"

The old man waved his hand, and for a while, the snow field that Han Fei saw with his naked eyes was suddenly distorted, and then it shattered. All the snow was gone, everything around turned into darkness, and she and the old man stood there. In the darkness, only faint lights illuminate.

"This is where you are obsessed with."

The old man said so.

Han Fei was completely stunned. No wonder she couldn't find Qin Che in her subconscious. It turned out that this was not Qin Che's subconscious, but what she had imagined?

"It seems your demons are getting stronger and stronger, hey."

The old man's tone was full of sadness.

Han Fei couldn't help it anymore, and asked, "Who are you! And the words you just said are related to me? Can you tell me?"

"Tell you? No, I can't tell you, it's against the agreement."


"Breaching the agreement with the devil, even if it is me, it is hard to escape punishment, so I can't tell you, all the answers need to be searched by yourself."

"Magic? What is a demon?"

"The devil is the devil, and the devil can be any existence, beside you, in your heart."

Han Fei pursed her mouth, suddenly a dim light flashed in her eyes, and said, "Then, who am I?"

This question directly stunned the old man. He didn't expect Han Fei to ask this question.

"You said, you can't reveal what you agreed with that demon, then I don't ask, I just need you to tell me, who am I?"

The old man showed great admiration in his eyes, and said: "You are still as smart as ever. This does not violate the agreement. I can tell you that you are the chosen one."

"The chosen?"

"You are the one who stands out among the hundreds of millions of candidates, but again, you are still a loser. You personally destroyed your chance of becoming the supreme and become a loser. But now, what you have done makes You have become a rebirth again, disrupting everything, so now I don’t know who you are."

Han Fei remembered such a thing in the mist.

When everything was connected in a single line in her mind, all the things she had overlooked and the violations she felt were all revealed.

An idea came to Han Fei's mind.

She blurted out and said, "Is the memory that I took back again, is it wrong?"

This is not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

She seemed to affirm her guess.

Only such a guess can explain everything perfectly.

The old man stopped talking, he took a deep look at Han Fei, but what he thought was...

Demon, demon, the person you chose is smarter than you and I thought. Everything you try to hide may be wrong. In the future, this will be another knot that cannot be solved.

Han Fei couldn't wait for the old man's answer, but she didn't need his answer, she finally understood all the weirdness of Qin Che, and also understood what was left in her heart.

She has never thought that this memory will go wrong when she retrieves the memory again, because i is the memory she took out by herself and sealed it by her own hands. No one else knows it, so she has always believed in the memory in her mind. Is the most complete.

But now, this must be overturned.

Except for this reason, Han Fei can't think of any other reasons, especially since she can be sure that in her missing memory, it is what Qin Che has been hiding.

What happened in the memory that was very important but was seized by Qin Che himself?

Han Fei's mood at the moment wanted to fly in front of Qin Che, and personally asked him what he had been hiding.

The old man sighed, and said: "Choose, I can't give you an answer about your affairs. The old man didn't regret intervening at the beginning. All things are good fortune, and your good fortune is the old man who doesn't understand. Yes, everything in the future is unknown."

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