So, put Wei Xin back into that house quickly!

Ling Shaotian agreed very much and said, "You are right. In order to avoid panic, we still have to deal with it as soon as possible! Come!"

"Subordinates are here."

"Kill me the thief!"

"Yes, Young Palace Master!"

After that, someone wielded a knife and walked towards Wei Xin.

Pang Wei Xin was so frightened that his legs and feet became soft, and he couldn't say a word.

Han Fei was shocked and said, "Wait! Young Palace Master, what are you doing?"

After being interrupted for the third time, Ling Shaotian looked at Han Fei with bad eyes, and said, "Brother Han, you seem a little strange today."

Han Fei straightened her face and said, "I'm afraid it's wrong."

Ling Shaotian sneered and said, "What's wrong?"

"Palace Master does not seem to be able to explain it after dealing with it this way."

Ling Shaotian waved his hand and said, "Since the thief in the house is gone, then Wei Xin is the thief!"

Han Fei was dumbfounded.

This clearly means the crime of withholding.

Ling Shaotian simply followed his own thoughts and didn't care about whether the reasons were justified. He just used the topic and wanted to deal with Wei Xin.

Seeing that Han Fei stopped speaking, Ling Shaotian pressed down on the slight doubt that Han Fei had given birth to, and instead drew out his saber and walked towards Wei Xin.

He decided to solve this little **** by himself.

Just when Ling Shaotian's sword was raised, he was about to pierce the thin body of the young man.

"and many more."

There was another sound.

Ling Shaotian tried his best: "Brother Han! What are you..."

Before the words ‘what do you want to do’ were spoken, a dagger hit Ling Shaotian’s neck, and his body stiffened in an instant.

The surrounding crowd panicked all of a sudden. They didn't expect such a turbulent scene to happen, and they took out their weapons to face Han Fei.

At this time, Han Fei's hand holding the dagger didn't tremble at all, and she just put it on Ling Shaotian's neck. At this time, her face was unprecedentedly calm, and said, "If, I want to protect him."

Ling Shaotian didn't dare to move, and his face was extremely gloomy. He never expected that the person he saw would be the first to betray him.

"Han Fei, have you figured it out clearly?"

This time, Ling Shaotian never called Brother Han affectionately, but called her first name and last name.

Han Fei laughed and said: "Palace Young Master, I know you are angry with me, but there is no way. I think that young man is pleasing to the eye, I don't want him to die like this."

At this time, Wei Xin, who was being buttoned, couldn't wait to wipe his neck. He was very guilty, because he wanted to save him, so that His Majesty was exposed now, and he was blamed!

Xiao Shaotian seemed to be still persuading Han Fei, saying, "Han Fei, have you figured it out clearly? Are you really going to be an enemy of me? Where can I sorry for you? What can this **** give you! You want prosperity and wealth , I can give it to you if you are an expert!"

Han Fei suddenly smiled and said: "But, I want all of these, sorry Palace Master, please come with me."

Ling Shaotian gritted his teeth, his eyes are full of irritation.

Han Fei looked at Wei Xin and said, "Come here."

Pang Wei Xin quickly broke free and ran towards Han Fei, but those people were still in Han Fei's hands, so they did not dare to stop Pang Wei Xin.

"Okay, let's go."

Just like this, Han Fei held Ling Shaotian under the gaze of the entire Ling Hades, and slowly left with Wei Xin.

After leaving the house, Han Fei immediately kicked off for Xiao Shaotian, clutching Wei Xin with the other hand, his figure flashed, and several jumps disappeared.

Ling Shaotian, who was kicked to the ground, jumped up and roared, "Why are you still stunned! Chase me! The whole city is sealed off! I want them to flee! I want them to die!"

The whole Ling Hades began to mess up.

Ling Shaotian vented all his anger. Everyone feared to blame on themselves, and hated the so-called senior Han. For a time, Han Fei became the most annoying from everyone’s respectful name. first name.

Han Fei herself didn't care if she hated her at all. At this time, she took Pang Wei Xin to a dilapidated earth temple for a short break.

Fortunately, Wei Xin is thin, otherwise she would definitely not be able to carry it!

Wei Xin shrank from the side, looked at Han Fei with a guilty expression on his face, hesitated, and said, "I'm sorry, your majesty, it's all my fault, I..."

Han Fei stretched her waist and said, "Okay, it's not the time to talk about this. Is there any way you can contact your people?"

Wei Xin hurriedly said, "Every fifteenth, we will meet in the forest outside the city!"

Han Fei thought for a moment and said, "Tomorrow is fifteen."

Pang Weixin nodded and said, "Yes, so tomorrow is the best time, but we are now...Zhaotian will definitely block the entire city gate!"

Han Fei glanced at Wei Xin and said, "I'm not afraid that he will block the city gate, but I can't take you out."

Pang Weixin was a little bit disappointed, but then said with a face of righteous indignation: "Your Majesty! I'm fine! Don't worry! Just go!"

Han Fei laughed and said, "If I don't leave here for a long time, you will be captured by Li Shaotian."

Pang Weixin could not speak, because this is the fact that he is the weakest in the entire Pangshan army, but his brain is so good, and he once felt complacent because of his intelligence and talent. Relying on such an age, sat on the seat of palace lord as an outsider.

But now Wei Xin knows that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy talents are fake!

Han Fei looked at him lost, but there was no comfort. Teenagers always had to experience some setbacks to grow up.

"Get up."

Han Fei said suddenly.

Wei Xin raised his head in surprise.


"I will take you to a place."


"Just follow me."

"Where are we going..."

Han Fei glanced at him diagonally and said, "Go to a place where you can be safe."

Wei Xin is really curious, is there such a place in the city?

Therefore, when Baili Wenxiu saw Han Fei appear with a young man, his straight figure seemed a little stiff.

When he was about to leave in order to restrain his evil thoughts, Han Fei came by himself? !

Han Fei smiled and said, "Oh, Xiaobai, we meet again!"

Bailiwenxiu took a deep breath and said, "Why are you here?"

Han Fei pushed out Wei Xin, who was beside him, and said, "Help me take care of this stupid boy for a while."

At this moment, Wei Xin's jaw was about to fall.

This, this, this...

Isn't this the Emperor Bailiwenxiu of Yunzhu! ! !

He is a member of Pang Shanjun, how could he not know Baili Wenxiu's appearance and identity by relying on intelligence for a living!

God, this is the king of a country! ! !

How could a small person like him be able to see it!

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