When Wu Yinyu saw the blade, she panicked.

"Wait! You can't do this! I am Wu Yinyu! I come from the Nanmin tribe outside the Great Wall! You can't hurt me!"

Wu Yinyu became frightened for the first time. She wanted to struggle, but was it an ordinary person who held her back? That was almost Yun Zhu's best guard, pressing her down.

Baili Wenxiu, holding the blade between his fingers, raised his hand to Wu Yinyu. The sharp side of the blade was deeply imprinted in Wu Yinyu's eyes, and the cold light was like a sickle of death.

"No, don't! You can't do this! You can't hurt me!"

Before he finished speaking, Baili Wenxiu slowly raised a smile, but this smile was not warm, and some were cruel.

"You hurt her, that's a treasure that even I can't bear to hurt her."

Bailiwen Xiu said word by word.

Wu Yinyu panicked, and defended: "No! You can't do this! She's still alive! I just slapped her with a whip! She can detox herself, and nothing will happen at all. The wound can heal after a while. Up!"

Yes, for Wu Yinyu, she was nothing more than a whip, and that ugly monster was not dead anyway! This is not to blame her!

Bailiwenxiu turned the blade, and the speed was so fast that only the shadow of his hand remained.

Wu Yinyu was afraid that the blade would be thrown on her face.

As everyone knows, she wrote this fear on her face, so Baili Wenxiu caught the fear.

The smile at the corner of his mouth deepened.

"That's it?"

Baili Wenxiu said lightly.

Wu Yinyu said lightly: "I, I can apologize! I can also make up for it! Really!"

Baili Wenxiu suddenly raised a question: "I heard...you lost, but when Han Fei turned his back, you attacked."

Wu Yinyu was suddenly speechless, her face still a bit embarrassing, but she still defended her stiffly: "I, I'm just a normal defense! Who told that ugly monster that dagger threatened me! I, I'm just too angry... …"

"You violated the intention of fighting, and even gave yourself a reason. You are really disgusting."

Wu Yinyu's face turned red all at once, and said angrily: "That's just an ugly monster, what do you care about so much!"

The next moment, the cold light in front of him flashed, and the blade between Bailiwen's fingers was stained with blood.

Wu Yinyu stared at the trace of blood blankly, and then realized that there was a tingling pain on his left cheek.

The blood flowed into the corner of the mouth.

Wu Yinyu let out a scream.

"My face!! My face! What have you done!!! Ah!!!"

At this moment, Wu Yinyu's delicate and beautiful face had an extra blood mark, the wound was deep, and there was still a steady flow of blood, but no matter how Wu Yinyu struggled, he would not struggle.

"Ugly human heart."

After Baili Wenxiu said such a sentence, he handed the blade to the person beside him.

"I don't want to see her face."

"Yes! The emperor!"

Amid Wu Yinyu's screams, the razor blade struck her face one after another, and immediately, blood dripped.

The face of that delicate and beautiful lady had long since become bloody, she couldn't see her original beauty at all, and Wu Yinyu was in the process of being dizzy and awakened.

The nose and tears fell together, but no matter how she screamed or cried, she could not stop the torture.

Baili Wenxiu just stood in the shadows, watching this scene, without any emotional fluctuations, as if such a terrible method was not what he thought of.

Finally, Wu Yinyu fainted with complete pain, and the blood had dripped on the ground and wet the bluestone. Wu Yinyu was driven by his whole body, and his subordinates ran over and Baili Wenxiu reported: "The emperor, people fainted. "

Baili Wenxiu nodded and said, "Shut down."

"it is good."

Wu Yinyu was thrown into the cell directly, lying on the ground, motionless, the wound on his face was not even treated, and the blood flow continued, condensed into scars of horror.

Baili Wenxiu withdrew and left the dungeon, he had more important things to do.

It was night, several dark shadows sneaked into the dungeon carefully all the way.

"Hey, I said, why did that girl Otowa come to this place!"

"How do I know? That girl has always been crazy, and I can't control it!"

"Does it? Who dares to care about her, you don't know, the elder spoils her more, if you care about it, you will be killed!"

"Hey, look at this girl who sent us a bounce this time. Could it be any trouble with speaking?"

"It doesn’t matter if she is in trouble, she can be cured of her stinky illness. She is used to being in the wild, thinking that the world is no longer in danger. The Central Plains is a place where many countries stand together. No one is easy to provoke. What moth came out, our plan has to be ruined!"

"Okay, okay, don't say anything, just say a few words, now I can find Otowa quickly."

"I feel a little uneasy here, it's weird..."

After several dark shadows arrived in the dungeon and successfully knocked out the guards, they looked for them one by one, and finally found the familiar figure lying on the ground in the last cell.

The slightly impatient person yelled twice, but the people on the ground did not respond.

They only regarded Wu Yinyu as having a temper again, and they were too slow to abandon them, so they refused to respond.

Reluctantly, they had to find the key, opened the door, and were about to pull up the person who was lying on the ground.

"Hey, Otowa, what is your temper..."

Before they finished speaking, when they opened Wu Yinyu, they were startled by the **** face, and their hands trembled, almost throwing Wu Yinyu to the ground again.

"How is this going?!!"

Someone immediately went to talk about Wu Yinyu's breath, and said hurriedly: "Quick! Only one breath left! Quickly send back for treatment!"

"Goddamn, what happened! How could this be!"

"Hey don't say it! Take people away soon! Otherwise it's too late!"

"If this is known by the elders, we are all done!"

Several figures hurriedly lifted Wu Yinyu, and hurriedly left the dungeon, looking terrified.

The entire dungeon was empty again, if it weren't for the pool of blood on the ground, I'm afraid it didn't happen.

When Baili Wenxiu received the news that Wu Yinyu had been taken away, he was silent for a while before his expression calmed down.

At this moment, they were in the carriage, heading back towards Yunzhu.

As for Han Fei, she hadn't woke up since she was in a coma. If it wasn't for her steady breathing, Baili Wenxiu would have thought it was a corpse.

The toxins in Han Fei's body have been removed, and the wound has been rarely taken care of. It is clearly developing in a good way, but...Han Fei has not woken up.

Baili Wenxiu looked at Han Fei's clean face, the covering on it had been washed away, and now she was showing a real face, which was shockingly beautiful, but her lips were also pale. Frightened.

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