His Highness, Don’t Leave! I Will Lose Weight For You!

Chapter 731: I am willing to pay this price

Slowly, the bulge on the belly gradually calmed down.

It seems that the things inside have no strength to toss.

Han Fei brushed and stood up, she hurriedly went to Xiaobai, she must find a way, she must wake up, or the baby will die!

The random Han Fei walked directly through the wall, holding the reason of the closest straight line distance, directly floating in search of Baili Wenxiu.

But Han Fei searched all the places Xiaobai might be, but couldn't find the familiar figure.

Han Fei became even more anxious, but couldn't find anyone at the most critical moment. How did she accept this? !

Do not! clam down! Think about it! You can definitely find it!

Han Fei thought for a long time. There seemed to be a traction telling her a direction. She floated away without hesitation, but when she found the place of perception, she found that it was a garden and it was still planting. With a lot of plum blossoms, there is not a single figure.

Han Fei floated around and found nothing. Will Xiao Bai be here?

Just when Han Fei was about to leave, she heard a faint voice.

Tick ​​to tick.

It sounds like a drop of water.

Han Fei slowly followed the voice to find it, which came from underground.

As soon as Han Fei was cruel, she flew towards the ground, penetrated the ground at once, and found a space underneath.

It was a huge stone room, empty, and the candlelight on the wall was still on.

At this moment, Han Fei was floating there, but felt a wave of shady rising from the soles of her feet for no reason, and slowly extended to her chest.

An extremely bad feeling came up.

How could there be such a place under Yunzhu's palace?

When Han Fei was hesitant, a thin voice came. The owner of the voice was still very familiar. Han Fei recognized it all at once. It was Xiao Bai.

With joy on Han Fei's face, she hurriedly floated past, turning a corner, and saw a door, she passed through without hesitation, and a back appeared in front of her, that back was Xiao Bai.

Han Fei hurriedly wanted to open her mouth and call out his name, but before she could speak, she heard Xiao Bai's voice.

"What should I do."

Han Fei was startled, thinking Xiaobai had seen her and was asking her.

But this is impossible, she will not be seen now.

"Really? Is this my last choice?"

Baili Wenxiu said again.

Slowly, Han Fei also realized that something was wrong. She suddenly drifted closer and found that Baili Wenxiu was standing by the side of this small pond. At this time, it was a very small pond, less than an acre. If you insist on talking about the pond, it is more like a spring, but the water here is black.

It's so dark that you can't see anything.

When Han Fei saw the black water, her heart beat, an evil feeling came from the pool, which made her take a step back uncomfortably, and Bailiwen repaired as if she felt nothing, her eyes Staring straight at the pool.

"I am willing to pay the price."

Later, Han Fei saw Baili Wenxiu unfolding her sleeves, revealing her arms, and only then did she see that Baili Wenxiu’s arms were actually wrapped in circles of patterns, which were black. Still very familiar, like...

The pattern on Qin Che's face.

Han Fei was terribly scared by this recognition.

How could the pattern on Qin Che's face appear on Xiao Bai's arm? No, there is still a difference between the two. The white pattern is black.

"You as soon as possible."

Afterwards, Baili Wenxiu stretched his arm into the pool, and his expression suddenly distorted, as if he was enduring extreme pain, even his brows were tangled.

Han Fei was covering her mouth, somewhat unbelievable. She saw the pattern on Xiao Bai's arm gradually spread, spreading to the place covered by the clothes, and his neck gradually showed the shadow of the pattern.

After a while, Baili Wenxiu finally pulled out his hand, and the pattern on it moved, as if it was full of nutrients, and it looked brighter, and it slowly disappeared after a long time.

Baili Wenxiu's face was already pale, as if all his energy had been emptied, he took a few breaths and whispered: "Don't forget, you promised me."

At this time, the pond made a grunting sound, and black bubbles appeared one after another, as if they had agreed to his words.

Baili Wenxiu showed a pale smile, then turned and left.

Han Fei didn't chase it out immediately. She found that she couldn't move her steps, as if she was stuck in place. She looked at the back of Bailiwenxiu, and then turned to look at this strange black pool. .

It seems that there have been related memories in her vague memories.

Just as Han Fei desperately thought about this vague memory, a sickle suddenly emerged from the pool. The sickle was constructed entirely from the black water in the pool, and it was cut straight towards Han Fei.

Han Fei was taken aback, and quickly backed away to avoid it, but her body became more sluggish, as if she was carrying a heavy load, she couldn't avoid it properly. She rolled around in embarrassment before avoiding the sickle. attack.

But then there was a soft pop in my ear.

As if something broke.

And a certain kind of involvement in my heart was completely broken and my heart suddenly became empty.

Han Fei's heart slammed, watching the black sickle as if it had completed the mission and stopped attacking, and then slowly sank back into the water.

An extremely bad premonition flashed in Han Fei's heart. She lowered her head and slowly looked at her feet. At this moment, the red thread that was tightly involved at any time was broken.

The red line fell to the ground and began to disappear little by little.

Han Fei's eyes widened and shouted: "No!!!"

She pulled up the red thread desperately, trying to re-tie it, but it was too late and the red thread completely disappeared to the ground.

The red thread connecting her body and soul disappeared.


The black water seemed to cheer for having accomplished a huge thing.

At this moment, Han Fei's expression was a bit desperate. The next second, she flew up desperately, exhausted the fastest speed desperately, and wanted to fly back into her body.


After all, it was too late.

The other end.

The body lying on the bed, the body with no breathing and no pulse, began to tremble slowly, and the calm chest started to fluctuate slightly, as if breathing.

Then, her eyelids trembled and she opened her eyes slowly.

In those eyes, there was a daze.

"I...Where is this..."

His tone was full of anxiety and fear.

She rolled over and got out of bed, her legs softened, and the whole fell to the ground. Only then did she stare at her holding hand in a daze, looking strangely, her eyes straightened.

Such slender fingers...

Is it really hers?

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