When "Han Fei" looked at herself in the mirror, she was stupid.

Her hands pressed her face in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe that the woman in the mirror with a beautiful face would be her own.

This face... is so pretty.

Good-looking, it will make people cry.

Bai Li Wenxiu looked at "Han Fei" and burst into tears. He was a little confused and said, "What's wrong with you, why are you crying?"

"Han Fei" didn't answer, just staring at herself in the mirror, wanting to cry and laugh, it seemed a bit crazy.

After a long time, she wiped away her tears and said in a trembled voice: "This, is this me?"

Bai Liwenxiu's doubts deepened, but he still patiently said: "Yes, this is you, you are Han Fei, what's wrong?"

'Han Fei' shook her head and said, "I feel like I'm dreaming."

Bai Liwenxiu meant that she said that she could wake up like a dream, and said with relief: "You are all right now. I will ask the royal doctor to show you."

"Han Fei" nodded, and when Bai Liwenxiu's gentle expression was once again, she couldn't help but blush, her face was full of shyness.

Han Fei couldn't bear to watch this scene anymore.

She felt more and more sad.

How could Han Fei not understand the look of the original body?

The original body’s death was driven to death by those gossips. With such a strong body and low self-esteem, everything has changed now. This body has a perfect appearance and is no longer the fat man before. The original body’s crying is also excusable.

It's just that... The original body wouldn't be willing to give up his body, right?

When Han Fei thought of this, she suddenly became confused.

Bai Liwenxiu's weirdness grew deeper and deeper. Han Fei woke up like a different person. Her eyes were always disturbed and blank, still a kind of fragility, as if anything could defeat her, honestly Said, Bai Liwenxiu didn't think about whether something went wrong.

But... Han Fei, who woke up now, relies on him even more. As long as he takes a step away,'Han Fei' will cry uneasy and can't leave even one step. Such dependence is unprecedented, and Baili Wenxiu ...Can't refuse such dependence.

Especially when the face that had appeared countless times in the dream, but only showed him a shy smile, the hesitation in his heart would disappear.

This feeling influenced Bai Liwenxiu.

After flying and observing for a few days, Han Fei found helplessly, maybe she was about to die, the original body seemed to be holding on to the last straw, the nervous expression would not let out of the body at all.

Han Fei was anxious, but her anxiety was useless. She didn't care about her appearance. All she cared about was the child in her stomach.

Yes, it was her child, she and Qin Che's child, but now, this child is conceived in someone else's body, and she can't even touch it.

Fortunately, the original body that woke up was still immersed in her beauty, did not notice her huge and round belly, and even subconsciously felt it was normal. After all, when she was fat, her belly was bigger than this.

"Han Fei" didn't feel strange until Bai Liwenxiu brought the anti-fetal medicine.

"I'm pregnant?"

"Han Fei" said blankly.

Bai Liwen was shocked by the mistake and said, "Don't you know?"

'Han Fei' touched her belly and said, "This is because...I am pregnant?"


"I thought... I ate too much."

Bai Li Wenxiu couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "No matter how much you eat, it won't be so big."

'Han Fei' smiled embarrassedly, and then asked cautiously: "Then, then this kid...is our kid?"

'Han Fei' asked very nervously but looked forward to it, her eyes were a bit bright and she looked at Bai Li Wenxiu.

Bai Li Wenxiu's hand holding the medicine bowl trembled, and met the look of'Han Fei'. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

'Han Fei' saw that he did not answer, and said: "I, am I your concubine? I must be, otherwise why are you so gentle to me and so good to me? This child must be our child. that's nice."

While'Han Fei' said, she gently touched her belly. Although she didn't know what happened, why did she lose weight when she woke up, why she became so good-looking, and why was there such a A handsome and gentle man, why would he lead such a happy life at this moment?

These ‘Han Fei’ didn’t even know, but it didn’t affect her happiness. She even felt that it was a dream. If all this were a dream, then she would never wake up again.

'Han Fei' is not stupid, she is just a little bit timid and weak, and a little bit inferior, but her brain is still intact, she didn't think that maybe during the time she fell asleep, this body was no longer hers Now, perhaps the person this gentle and handsome emperor is waiting for is not her at all.

But what does that matter?

Since he said she had amnesia, she would treat her as having amnesia.

This is what'Han Fei' thought. She had suffered too much, was abandoned by the world, and now finally got what she dreamed of. She is like a person walking in the desert, dead to death. Holding the last source of water, he would never let go.

Bai Li Wenxiu was silent for a long time, as if he was organizing some language.

He didn't know how to answer this question. It was a very simple question, and the answer was clearly known. How could Han Fei be his concubine? And this child, how could it be between them?

This answer, but at this moment, no answer.

Han Fei, who was floating on the side, slowly raised her head from her thoughts. She waited for a long time and did not hear Baili Wenxiu's voice. She also heard the question of the original body. She thought Xiaobai would answer truthfully, but... Xiao Bai was silent.

Han Fei's heart tightened and asked silently, Xiaobai, what do you want to say.

After a while, Bai Li Wenxiu finally spoke, "Yes, this is our child."

At this moment, Han Fei's eyes widened.

Xiaobai, what are you talking about? !

'Han Fei' laughed after hearing Bai Liwenxiu's answer, smiling like a child, with bright eyes, touching her belly, and said: "Really? Is this our child? How old is it, I , I don’t remember, sorry."

Bai Liwenxiu's fingers were trembling, but on his face, he showed a perfect and impeccable smile, and said, "It's okay, I just remember it."

'Han Fei' said again: "Then I am your concubine too?"

Bai Liwenxiu changed his view and said: "You will be my queen, but you have to wait for you to give birth to a child."

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