Could it be that amnesia can change a person's character so much? Bai Li Wenxiu could only comfort herself in this way, as long as she recovered her memory.

Thinking of this, Bai Liwenxiu said: "I have found a better doctor for you. He will check it for you, and you will be able to restore your memory soon."

'Han Fei' panicked, but she tried her best to calm down and said, "I, can't I keep doing this? I, why must I remember?"

Seeing that she was about to cry, Bai Liwenxiu softened her voice and said, "You will be more afraid if you forget so many things. It will be better if you think of it earlier."

"Han Fei" denied: "No! I think I'm doing this well! I don't need to think of anything! Really!"

"Han Fei..."

"Please, I don't want to see a doctor. I'm fine like this. It doesn't matter if I forget it. As long as I can live like this, I don't want to remember!"


"Nothing! Since I will forget, it means that those memories must be unpleasant things, so I want to desperately forget!"

"Han Fei" was very disturbed. She was afraid that once she was cured, she thought of those things, then she would take her body away from that one. Take everything from her!

How can this be allowed!

Seeing that "Han Fei's face" was pale, Bai Li Wenxiu quickly stopped, and didn't want to force her, put the matter aside for the time being, and waited a few days to see.

Han Fei floated in the air, arms folded, watching the acting of the original body below, I have to say that when people change, everything will change.

This original body is no longer the little fat girl who would have been bullied to cry, she has also learned to use scheming now.

It's just that it's hard to do. How can she tell Xiaobai that this person is not her?

Han Fei just tried again, but this time no matter how concentrated she was, she couldn't pick up anything.

I really want to be able to write just now is an illusion.

If she can't write anymore, she's like a deaf-mute person and can't do anything.

Han Fei's mood was even worse when she thought of this, she had to float out to let out a breath, otherwise she would be suffocated to death.

"Hey, are you new here?"

There was a joking voice behind him.

Han Fei turned his head in surprise, and met a soaked white and swollen head. He was shocked and drifted away fiercely.

"Hey, are you so scared of what I do? Everyone is a ghost, it's not good for you to do this! At most, I just soaked up a bit.

Han Fei barely calmed down his heartbeat, and looked at this person who suddenly appeared, no, it was a ghost, wearing the costume of a court lady, but the whole body was soaked, like a giant, and he couldn't see the facial features clearly.

Han Fei watched for a while, but it took a long time to realize that this is a ghost!

Han Fei was a little horrified.

"Hey, what's your face? Don't think you look better when you die, you can look down on me!"

The female ghost looked a little bit angry.

Han Feiyu quickly explained, "No, no, that, I just have some... uh, I'm not used to it."

"Did you just die?"

Han Fei thought about it for a while, right? She has no body to use now, so she nodded.

"Hey, I knew it! All the people who just died are as confused as you, what's your name?"

Han Fei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this obviously drowned ghost to be so talkative, so she had to bite the bullet and answer, "My name is Han Fei."

"Your name is strange. My name is Jin Ji. I was a court lady who burned fire in the royal dining room. What is your identity?"

Han Fei thought for a while and said, "I am not from Yun Zhu, I was brought here."

The female ghost looked at Han Fei's appearance and said, "You look so beautiful, but why do you have such short hair? Don't you know the parents of your body? How can you treat it like this? And the clothes on your body, What's the matter? Where are you from? Why do you dress so strangely!"

The female ghost's words made Han Fei stunned, and then asked afterwards: "You, what did you say?"

"I said you, you look so strange! Where did you get here?"

The female ghost's words were filtered in Han Fei's mind. She was stunned for a long time before she gradually understood the specific meaning, but then the whole person was horrified.

Han Fei has never paid attention to what she looks like since she got out of her body. Her whole mind is on how to get back. She hasn't paid attention at all, but the female ghost's words shocked her.

As a ghost, she couldn't look in the mirror, nor could she see herself from the reflection in the water, so Han Fei had never noticed.

At this moment, she was anxious and said: "You, do you know how I can see myself?"

"You do not know?"

Han Fei shook her head honestly, and said in a very sincere tone: "I don't know, would you please tell me?"

"Sure enough, he is a person who has just died. You don't even know this. You can see yourself in the mirror when you are ugly, but not at other times."

Han Fei silently recorded it, wishing it was ugly now.

"Oh, do you want to come and meet my friends? Recently, there have been more people dead in the palace, and we have more friends! I will take you to meet!"

Having said that, regardless of whether Han Fei agreed with him or not, she forcibly dragged her away. Han Fei looked back hard, wanting to take another look at the original body and Xiao Bai before leaving.

I have to say that after becoming a ghost, wherever I want to go is very simple.

The female ghosts, the little friends that Jin Ji said were all dead palace ladies and eunuchs. The most indispensable thing in the entire palace was the dead, especially during the turmoil some time ago, and there were more dead.

All ghosts are concentrated in the Lenggong. No wonder that in ancient times, Lenggong is always said to be haunted. This is not a legend, but a truth!

Ghosts like to hide there, not for anything else, because there are few people and heavy yin.

Among them, there are many ghosts of concubines and nobles. They are all harem beauties, but after death, they are no different from these eunuchs, and even because of which palace eunuchs were executed during their lifetime, they will change when it is their turn to die. Chenggui was bullied by these subordinates and went back.

Han Fei saw a female ghost who was obviously a concubine being taught by a group of court ladies. From time to time, she took a bite and ate something like a black gas, and the concubine ghost screamed, obviously in pain. Extremely.

Seeing Han Fei's eyes always looking there, Jin Ji kindly said: "That is the noble man Ling. Before he died, he was a grandfather's daughter. He was sent to the palace as a nun and sealed a noble man. He was proud of his gender. Like a peacock, cruel and cruel. I don’t know how many palace ladies and eunuchs died in her hands, but she is also unlucky. She is so beautiful that she can’t be the emperor’s heart. The emperor doesn’t even look at her. !"

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