Qingya looks at Qinglan and immediately persuades liangye: "Ganma, Qinglan treats me sincerely, I......"

"You are still young. You don't understand the matter of marriage. Now that your parents and grandpa are not around, naturally I will take care of you! "

Cool night blows away Qinglan and takes Qingya's hand, and cage Qingya under her wings, saying: "don't say that I was brought up by your grandmother when I was a baby, Kangkang was brought up by your grandmother and your father. Before Kangkang returned to Ningguo in her third year, they followed me with no regrets and accompanied me through the most difficult period of life, This feeling, even Jinshan Yinshan, can't be changed. "

Qingya was moved by the words, but she was reluctant to give up blue: "Ganma, it's sincere to give blue to me. I don't care about the red tape. This is the most important thing as long as he treats me well. "

Tilt blue continuously nods: "mm-hmm! Uh huh! I am sincere to Yaya, and the world can learn from it! "

However, Liang Ye didn't buy the bill and said: "Ya Ya, you are good. Go back with your godmother first. Even if you agree with your second highness, you should have normal etiquette steps, instead of living in the past without any name. No matter think about it, or Bella, they are all legitimate Luo's daughter-in-law. How can they come to you and perfunctory? We Yaya are so good. What's worse than thinking about Beira? "

Smell speech, Ling lie smiled, raised his hand and patted him peacefully on the blue shoulder, then said: "what aunt ye'er taught me is that Qingya will ask ye'er to take care of her for the time being. There must be some etiquette, and the Luo family will certainly have some. "

Cool night gave Ling lie a "it's almost" look and smiled at Mu Tianxing: "empress, since your majesty also said so, I'll take ya back first."

"Father! Mother! " Blue is crazy.

Mu Tianxing also knows the meaning of cool night. Cool night is to tell them that Qingya is not a child who can be bullied by anyone even if her parents are not around. There is Qiao's family behind her!

She immediately looked at tilt blue: "be honest, don't be impatient, let Qingya go to Qiao's house first. If you really love her and do her good, you should respect her and cherish her, not only for her, but also for her reputation and status. "

Qing Lan takes a deep look at Qingya, and sees her smile to herself. He hesitates and says: "I go to the palace to see you every day. Don't look at my little uncle! My little uncle has someone in mind! "

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

Elegant but a chuckle: "fool!"

Does the teenager think it's so easy that she likes or doesn't like a person?

Linglie and his wife followed liangye, but their eyes were shining, their eyes were shining, they were staring at Qinglan, and they said in the same voice --

"someone in Kangkang's heart?"

"Who is in Yekang's heart?"

"If you agree, I'll go to Qiao's house today and eat and live in Qiao's house, then I'll tell you what I know about my little uncle!"

Qian Rong remembers that Qiao Yekang, with a beautiful bloodstone, was dazed at the sky.

That look is obviously missing someone.

That kind of deep eyes, mixed with the deep feeling in the eyes, because I have experienced love, I can feel it very much. I'm afraid that Qiao Yekang also has a deep memory in his heart!

And tilt blue will know, should also be before in the North moon, they get along with each other day and night for a while, what do you find?

Qing Rong is thinking about it, and he is also silently mourning for Qiao Yekang: the secret hidden in his heart for many years has been sold so easily by Qing Lan!

Cool night blurted out: "my lord mansion is so big, where can't put a bed for the second highness? If you know anything, your highness, just say it! "

Linglie and his wife are also in a hurry.

For the sake of Qiao Yekang's marriage, they have offended many important officials who have daughters to be married in their families!

Qing Lan stared at Qingya deeply and said, "last time we went to the bell tower to find Yaya in the palace square of the northern moon kingdom. At that time, I was in a bad mood. I admired and comforted my little uncle. We asked him if he liked anyone."

"And then?" Cool night is dying of his anxiety: "you are only 17 years old, how can you talk like a little old man, and you need to breathe in the middle?"

Qingya smiled and patted the back of cool night: "don't worry, Ganma. Listen to Qinglan."

She also gave a slight stare at tilt blue, indicating that he would stop selling.

Tilt blue is a wife slave, receive elegant eyes, frankly: "at that time, my uncle looked at the sky and said: if she doesn't come back, I dare not be old. So, we are all thinking that the girl must be younger, and the little uncle must be waiting for her! "

Breathe in the cool night.

Although this is an era of marriage freedom, she does not advocate interfering in children's marriage, but after all, her son has no object at the age of 30, can she not be in a hurry?

Now when she heard Qinglan say this, she was even more worried: "whose girl is this? If she doesn't come back, we will have to wait for Kangkang all the time."

Linglie heart knows, pitiful world parents heart, looking at tilt blue: "you also know what, said together, perhaps we can find."

"But the little uncle said this, nothing else. If there is one, I like to watch the sky in my spare time. "

"By the way!"

"My little uncle has a Bloodstone. It's very beautiful. It's very precious. He was holding the Bloodstone and looking at the sky yesterday. I'm sure he's thinking about who, because that look is the look of who he's thinking about. "

Cold night twisted eyebrow: "chicken blood stone?"

In linglie's words, when he went to check for the cold night, liangye suddenly changed his way: "ha ha, Kangkang has his idea since he was a child. No one can be his master. Let him go. Yaya, say goodbye to your Majesty's Queen. We have gone back to the palace. "

Qingya nodded and gave a serious salute to linglie and his wife: "Your Majesty, empress, Qingya went with Ganma first."

Mu Tianxing said gently, "don't worry. If you have any news from your family, I will let Qing Lan inform you at the first time."

"Thank you, empress!" she said

Cool night pulls Qingya to leave, leans blue big step to follow, laughs and says: "Auntie, my room need not be too good, as long as face-to-face with Yaya, or next door to her room!"

Cool night congeals eyebrow: "who let you follow? Lord zhuoran, keep your highness! "

Zhuo ran was also in some trouble: "princess, you just promised our second highness that..."

"Sorry! For generations, the Qiao family is full of loyal soldiers, and there is no room for traitors! " Cool night a word, the name of the blue sell Qiao night Kang's end!

Zhuo Ran has no choice but to stop tilt blue, and tilt blue is speechless and crazy to jump in place: "Auntie!"! You can't do this to me! You can't do this to me! Auntie! "

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