Zhuoshi sighed a little dejectedly: "both the highness and the second highness are interested in Xiaofeng. They fight in the Security Bureau. Xiaofeng took the opportunity to let the highness lead us to see the lime."

Smell speech, zhuoran couple face a happy.

No matter it's Qingrong or Qinglan, they will be the king of one side in the future. Xiaofeng will follow them, and their life will not be much worse than Doudou's, and they will have boundless scenery and bright future.

However, Zhuoshi had a headache: "Your Highness said, let me go in with Xiaofeng and talk to lime, and advise her to explain the story clearly, which can save her from death."

Qu Shiwen excitedly grabbed Zhuoshi's arm: "that's great!"

"What's good? My mother doesn't know what to do! I told my dad that I had been trying to persuade her. She was crying and jumping like a madman! I have to say that my father and I have colluded with your highness to deliberately harm her! She won't even say it! "

When Xiao Feng thought of the previous pictures, he was full of Qi.

He raised his hand and rubbed his stomach. Then he said, "I can't ask you anything. We are all in a hurry, but she is not in a hurry! I'm afraid that if your Highness has no patience, those unknown means and punishment will fall on her. After all, in front of national affairs, your highness is not good to tell us about human feelings. "

Zhuo ran nodded.

He felt that Xiao Feng was an understanding person from beginning to end. Although he was young, he was very good at looking at problems.

The next time is when Zhuo Xi is vomiting bitter water.

Zhuoran and his wife listened in silence, while Xiaofeng listened. His head was askew and he fell asleep.

Qu Shiwen took a small blanket out of the room to cover him, took a small pillow to cushion his head, and then they continued to talk.

Finally, Zhuo ran gave a suggestion: "divorce."

Zhuo Xi looked at Zhuo ran in a daze: "big brother?"

Qu also agreed with her husband: "divorce. If Ni Shao can't explain, he won't. The road of lime is her own choice. Now she has reached the tip of the ox horn. She can't hear anyone. Many years ago, China didn't have any Falun Gong? I think lime is like this. It's washed by the clouds. Hi, you are still young, and the road ahead is still long. Even if she will not be shot, she will be imprisoned for life, or sentenced to 20 or 30 years. Are you still guarding for her? For so many years, you are at home to serve her as a cow and a horse. You don't owe her! You're up to her! "

"They all say that if you eat a little bit, you will gain wisdom. What about lime? But she doesn't know how to accumulate experience and lessons to reflect on herself! "

Zhuo ran also looked at Zhuo Xi and was very serious: "besides, Xiaoyu is still small. She will come out of the juvenile Management Institute in the future, and you need to spend a lot of effort to guide and educate her. She will also work and study in the future, and also love and marry, just like Xiaofeng. Whether it's a death sentence or a long prison sentence, you should think about the future of the children, even if you don't think about it for yourself? "

Zhuo Xi lowered his head, thinking of Xiao Feng and Xiao Yu, Xia Qingning's just being stubborn and willful, and the couple's feelings with Xia Qingning for so many years. He held his forehead in both hands and said with great difficulty, "I'll think about it."

The Security Bureau -

after they left, they sent him a box of rice. He sat in Colonel Li's office, filled his stomach, and was very worried about the summer lime.

To be honest, he didn't want to waste too much time on the summer lime.

Take out the mobile phone and call Ji Xuehao a video call. When it is connected, Ji Xuehao's pure and lustrous face is immediately in front of him: "brother in law!"

"Qing Rong smiled:" how about your sister

Ji Xuehao also smiled: "I knew you didn't want to see me! Wait, we're in the new house now. It's just begun to be renovated. My parents brought my sister here to have a look. "

After waiting for a while, Qing Rong watched Ji Xuehao walk through the rooms one by one, and then found the mink.

Ji Xuehao holds mink in his arms and holds his mobile phone to it: "see? The mink is delicious and delicious, so you can do your own work at ease! "

In the picture, mink sees the face of tilt face, a pair of lovely red pupils open smoothly in an instant. After hearing Ji Xuehao's words, mink squints his eyes again, nods to tilt face, and signals him not to worry about himself.

No matter how tired she was before, at this moment, when she saw mink's lovely appearance, her heart softened: "well, I'll finish this case as soon as possible and go back to accompany you as soon as possible."

Mink nodded, put out the pink meat pad, put it on his mouth, and quickly waved it out!

What's the meaning of this?

Ji Xuehao chuckled and said, "brother in law, this is a kiss!"

I suddenly realized that I was in a good mood and laughed.

On the other side, the mink, too embarrassed, leans to her head and puts out her claws to block her cheek, looking "I'm so shy".

She is infatuated with the purity and loveliness of mink. She thinks that after she becomes a mink, she is more cute.

Every time it is embarrassed, or makes a mistake, or embarrassed, it will block its cheek, or turn its back, as if it can't see others, and others can't see it.

Qing Rong said goodbye to mink and Ji Xuehao and asked Ji Xuehao to take good care of him. After the call, he stood up, found the person in charge here and gave an order: "torture Xia Qingning! It's bound to be clear before dawn tomorrow! "

The person in charge was relieved. After so many days of delay, the case was finally punished.

In normal times, such important criminals are directly punished in their hands. Everyone is saying that the eldest highness is young, so he is kind-hearted, so he is afraid that he can't ask for anything.

Now I have made up my mind and the person in charge is very happy: "yes!"

Beiyue -

nearly 18 hours of ferry, seven hours of long-distance bus, and two times of walking and riding donkeys, Bella finally arrived in Beiyue capital.

In the sun, she wore a low-key light blue linen shawl to wrap her long hair and head. She also bought a headdress in the nearby village. This is the dress of a famous local woman. If she walked in the street like this, others would not see her face, and would subconsciously regard her as a woman of the nearby ethnic minorities.

As soon as she came, she went down the road to inquire about the mansion.

Because there is no temporary residence permit here, nor is it through proper channels to enter from Beiyue country, so she can't choose comfortable luxury hotels, only choose suburban accommodation.

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