The pink little princess dress, put on the little girl's body, set off her more soft and tender.

She has a pair of snow feet. Each toe is crystal clear. Her eyes are blinking like black glass. She looks at the world innocently and thoughtlessly. Her little red mouth is half tooting. Her hair is white as snow.

In fact, this is not a deliberate gesture, but after this rebirth, her facial features and expression have been affected.

Even if she carefully calculated something, her people looked like pure crystal, pure eyes, it was easy to put down the guard.

She remembered that she had changed back only half an hour last time. She was afraid that her family would be sad, so she put down her skirt, took up her father with her left hand, and took up her mother with her right hand. She said, "I didn't change for a long time every time. Last time, I only had half an hour, so my family chatted while eating and tried to have a reunion dinner."

"Just half an hour?" Mrs. Ji's tears are winding again.

And Ji Qingchen is the voice of Wen: "don't be like this, you are like this, how hard it is for your daughter to see!"

Mrs. Ji wiped her tears, clenched her daughter's small hand, and said, "OK, let's hurry to have a reunion dinner!"

The small plate used by mink was quickly removed. When Mrs. Ji went to the kitchen to get the tableware, she found that all the people in the kitchen were squatting in the corner of the ground, shaking with fear.

Lady Ji's heart sank!

"What did you just see?"

She asked as quietly as she could.

The two maids working in the kitchen are scared to cry. One of them dare not speak, and the other holds her head and says, "nothing, nothing, whine"

they are all scared to death!

A good mink has turned into a human being. The butler and other servants have seen the movement just now!

Is Chengdu a demon? How could there really be a demon in this world?

Witnessed, and dare not say, in case said, will be the demon to eat?

When Mrs. Ji saw it, she knew that they didn't see anything. She silently took out a pair of chopsticks and looked at the whole family, only to find that all the servants were gone.

She went back to the table and sat down. She handed the chopsticks to her daughter and sat down with a smile.

But in a very small voice, she said, "the maid in the kitchen is scared. She squats on the ground and the housekeeper is gone."

As soon as this speech comes out, Ji Qingchen's eyes suddenly become fierce, seeming to be murderous, but in a flash they become peaceful.

Because these people are all slaves of the Shen family. The housekeeper was brought by Shen Dichen from New York and settled in Ningguo for many years. I believe that the Housekeeper will have a sense of discretion.

It's just that the girls in the kitchen are all outsiders hired by the housekeeper, not among the domestic slaves. After all, they are still young.

"Eat first, and I'll call Mr. Shen later." The dust of the period began to flow gently.

After all, my daughter is likely to become a mink soon. What a pity to waste time discussing these things if we don't get along well?

Mrs. Ji nodded, sat down and served her daughter a bowl of soup. She also sandwiched a lot of her favorite dishes in the plate: "think about it, you have more! Eat more and grow faster. "

"Thank you mom!"

She was influenced by the animal state, so when she smiled, she always narrowed her eyes. Her small appearance was pure, and she was directly sweet into people's hearts.

Inclined to look at her without blinking, it seems that even the appearance of her childhood wants to be engraved in her mind. He reaches out to touch her long hair and wants to tie up her hair. At this time, inclined to hand over a crystal rope, inclined to meet the past, quickly ran to the bathroom and took a comb.

Think about sitting there eating, drinking and talking to your parents and brothers.

And tilt looks like a close friend, standing behind her silently helping her comb her hair, helping her to tie up her beautiful silver hair.

As for the thought, Ji's family saw it and was moved in their heart. Ji also secretly vowed that he would support his brother-in-law in all his life, no matter what happened in the future.

After leaning into his seat, he thought about it and then smiled and sandwiched a sweet and sour spareribs for him: "you can eat them, too! Eat more! "

Looking at the spareribs in the bowl, his eyes suddenly became hot. Something crystal in his eyes fell and he wiped it off.

Many days before that, he made food for her. I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would bring my own dishes.

Everyone didn't laugh at him. They all knew that he was not easy.

As a matter of fact, everyone here quietly wiped their tears.

And what's surprising is that even though we haven't changed back after dinner, we still look like little girls. For Ji's family, a minute's reunion is a gift from heaven.

However, in the past, if they didn't go up after dinner, they could see servants consciously come out to clean up the table and offer tea after dinner. Today, there seems to be only a few of them left in the whole family, which is very quiet.

Ji Qingchen still thinks about his daughter's sudden transformation and says to them, "go to Xuehao room and talk. I'll call Mr. Shen."

So, the housekeeper of Shen family hid in the room, trembling with fear, but soon received a phone call from the master across the Pacific Ocean, and all the people in the family were called to the meeting.

The housekeeper said that what happened just now is nothing more than that the children at home play and become magicians. They will give each of them a pension as a sealing fee. If they take the money, they will keep it secret forever. Those who are willing to stay can stay. Those who are not willing to stay can take the money and leave here.

After we got together and thought about it, the two little girls in the kitchen finally decided to take the money and leave. The rest of the servants of the Shen family were willing to stay.

Now the housekeeper has a headache again. Tomorrow, he needs to find two cooks to solve the food problem of the whole family.

And these two girls, he must stay to warn again and again, let them leave after not to talk!

When Ji Qingchen came to his son's room, he saw that he was snuggling up in his wife's arms at the moment. His son and Luo's two children sat around each other. They seemed to be in a circle. In the air, they were talking and laughing.

"If, I mean, if you think about tomorrow morning or so, I want to take her to the palace to meet my father and mother!"

His two brothers' women have both gone back to Yueya Bay, and Ji Xuehao has also been there, only to think about it.

She always wanted to take her to have a look before, but she didn't want to go as a beast. She wanted to visit her mother-in-law in her best way. In this mood, linglie helped her to analyze.

So at the moment, he was so excited that he could not help but look at the pure and beautiful appearance. "I just want my father and mother to see her, so I can rest assured of us."

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