Linglie answered, looked up at him, and said quietly, "this is also a level-1 secret, even your mother and queen can't say it."

Tilt face repeatedly nods, but he feels that tilt blue has been guilty for this matter, so he asks: "can you tell tilt blue?"

Linglie shook her head.

"The little uncle?" she said

Linglie shook her head.

"Then why tell me?" she said

Linglie looked at him in the same confusion and innocently: "yes, then why tell you?"

Tilt capacity: "..."

Suddenly, linglie leaned back and looked up at her face with a smile like a jade chin: "you know the first-class secret, do you want to be killed by me, or do you want to be with me?"

Tilt capacity: "..."

Linglie hasn't teased this son for a long time. It seems that after they went to high school, their study and life have become very busy. He also rarely holds the children in his arms, just like he holds Qianyu. His body language with his sons has become less and less, as if it was from their middle school years.

In fact, this case is quite simple. He just gives it a chance to exercise.

However, according to the report from the Security Bureau, even when the case is not being tried, he often wears military uniform and stays in Colonel Li's office seriously.

The child has grown up.

Compared with his childhood performance, the growth of admiration was expected by all the elders, and the growth of Qingrong almost surprised everyone. As for Qinglan, he was late in understanding. Linglie believed that the three brothers would get better and better.

Inclined to allow some Leng Leng to look at the father, from the father's eyes in the light of a trace of comfort.

He whispered, "what does it mean to be in the same boat and in the same boat?"

"Hahaha!" Linglie smiles.

Turn off the computer with one click, get up and move closer and closer to tilt volume. He moves forward and tilt volume moves backward.

Soon, leaning back to the sofa, linglie bowed his head, raised his hand and touched his cheek, saying: "little fool!"

Turn back and stand, he walked towards the door: "seven days later, in the morning, go to the airport with me to pick up the son of heaven. This is the task of living with me. Don't tell others."

Tilt to allow to smile, sit foolishly, smile like a flower.

Linglie opened the door, turned to look at him: "still not go?"

If you don't go on, you should be hungry, and Mu Tianxing should be worried.

Tilt to allow to get up, but some hesitation: "those who engage in conspiracy, how to do?"

Linglie frowned, and said sternly, "this is also the first level secret. I don't want to mix with you. Are you sure you want to know?"

He shakes his head repeatedly, and leans to see his father's confident manner. Then he knows that the father can deal with this matter. He quickly steps forward and follows his father's steps.

Qing Rong soon returned to Ji's home and found that the housekeeper was really useful. Unexpectedly, before Ji Qingchen and his wife got up, they burned all the spells in the yard. They knew nothing about the things outside.

Beiyueguo -

Beira is going crazy.

She had heard Yunxuan's plan that day, and knew that they had made a steal hole under the prince's mansion, so she deliberately reminded them to think of her.

However, her ideas were all out, but Yunxuan didn't think of her at all.

Every day, she records a video to Shen and his wife to reassure their parents.

Just yesterday, she overheard that Yunxuan was still suffering from the terrain map without dungeons and was struggling with the tomb robbers in the house!

Bella couldn't stand it, so she offered to knock on the door!

As a result, Yun Xuan looked at her impassively, not surprised, but said, "Your Majesty said that if Miss Shen wants to go by herself, he will immediately send Miss Shen back to New York."

Bella was angry, but she couldn't use it any more.

She stayed in this tea garden for many days. Sometimes she would go downstairs to bask in the sun. She smelled the fresh tea. She thought that her admiration was shot and she was locked in the dungeon. Naturally, there was no sun. She felt sad.

At present, she was about to collapse. She stood at the door of Yunxuan's room feebly. After knocking twice, she said with an almost cry and choking tone, "brother Doudou, it's me."

Soon there was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near.

The door was soon opened. Yunxuan raised his eyebrows and looked at her. Before she spoke, he took the initiative to say, "Your Majesty said, send Miss Shen back..."

"I won't go back!" Bella's tears are falling and her eyes are red: "my adoration and I have got the marriage license! He's my husband! I've found this place and even got involved with the innocent drivers! Don't you want me to come back? Why can't you just give me a little faith? I can finish the task! I can do it! "

After hearing this, Yunxuan held up a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Don't waste your highness three years to put this girl on the tip of her heart. At the critical moment, her heart is still the most important thing for Her Highness three.

, "Your Majesty said, send Miss Shen to the square in front of the Royal Palace in the north of the country, and then create the illusion that you have just arrived in the North Kingdom, so that you can catch your eyes and take you to the dungeon."


"Your Majesty also said that Miss Shen needs to learn the telegraph code as soon as possible, so as to facilitate Miss Shen to pass on information after entering the dungeon. From today on, six days later, we must successfully break the stolen hole into the room of the third highness, because on the morning of the seventh day, his majesty will welcome us back at Ningguo airport. "

"Telegraph code?"

Bella was so excited that she didn't know what to say. She quickly grasped Yunxuan's arm and said, "I will study hard. What is it? How to learn? "

Yunxuan said: "Miss Shen goes back to the room first. I'm sorting out the telegram code. I'll go to your room and teach you in person later. You don't have much time. Tomorrow morning we will send you to the square. If you want to dig the stolen hole in six days, it means that you need to transfer the structural diagram at least in three to four days, because it will take 1 to 2 days to dig the stolen hole without sleeping. "

Bella fully understood: "that is to say, if I can get the structure diagram earlier, I can buy you more time to dig the hole?"


"Make sure you finish the task!"

Bella excitedly and nervously returned to the room, trying to tell herself to calm down, to be atmospheric, to be brave, not impulsive, not afraid, because her beloved man is waiting for her to save him!

"Adore, finally have a chance, I can also save you once!"

When Bella complains, Yunxuan finally comes.

He handed in a thick book, half as thick as a Xinhua Dictionary: "Miss Shen, please, you must recite it before daybreak. You can't get a single number wrong!"

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