Bella knows how much cloud Dan Xi should know about the facilities in Crescent Bay. She dare not make big changes. She just changed linglie's suite with other suites. The rest is the same.

She has left the news that there may be changes in the dormitory at the place of adoration, and adoration will soon deliver the news. They will contact linglie as soon as they receive the news to prepare for the changes.

Today, she gave the structure chart to Yundan Xi. Even if Yundan Xi had to prepare for the control, it would take a certain time.

So, Bella was drawing and panicking, sweating on her forehead and biting her lips.

All her subtle expressions are in the monitoring picture, which is clearly seen by Yundan Xi. Yundan Xi smiles: "ha ha, this is the real picture. This little girl is to save her life and give up!"

In this moment of life and death, Bella's all expressions coagulate pain, struggle, guilt, regret, and determination to survive.

Yundan Xi doesn't believe it. If she didn't reach such a state, how could her grass bag perfectly integrate so many emotions in it!

When Bella finished, there was a voice in the room: "hold the painting on your head."

So Bella was obedient again.

In the process, she looked at the powerful bows and crossbows wrongly and uneasily, and even wanted to block her body behind the tables and chairs.

But when she moved the direction, the arrow of the powerful bow and crossbow followed the direction, which made her dare not move any more.

Cloud Dan Xi enlarges the picture captured by the probe on Bella '.

However, this does not affect the structure of this picture.

He turned on his cell phone and found the photos that Qingya had sent back when she was staying in Yueya Bay.

This is what he used nalantine's life at that time to force her to take photos and pass them back. In fact, from that time on, Yundan Xi had been eager to make clear the structure of the palace. But after she promised him to take a picture of the whole palace, she left with Qinglan and came back from Ningguo.

He is also going to ask her for the WiFi code of the dormitory and the law of Zhuo Ran's arrangement for the police force in the dormitory!

What's the result?

Qing Ya would rather die than sell the secrets of Ningguo's palace.

Just because of the elegant leave, the things of the structure chart of the dormitory are delayed again and again, until now!

But cloud Dan Xi looked at the picture that Bella drew, and looked at the picture that Qingya sent, looked carefully, and suddenly laughed!

"Yes, that's it. Hahaha! God help me, ha ha ha! "

Bella's heart was uneasy. When she held the painting on her head, her eyes were closed. She bit her teeth. Her small face was full of tears from fear.

Suddenly, there was a sound of mechanism turning in the air, and she cried out in fright, "ah ~"

It's been a long time!

Open her eyes again and she will see all the strong bows and crossbows in the small window of the wall are gone!

This little attic is back to what she saw when she just woke up.

Just as she raised her hand and gently patted her chest and breathed happily, Yundan's pleasant laughter came again: "don't be too glad that you are too early. If someone intrudes here and wants to rescue you, before that person comes in, the strong bow and crossbow on the wall has shot your charming little beauty into a hornet's nest!"

Bella pretended to gnash her teeth and said with hate: "don't lie to me, I already know Qingya has escaped! There's no such thing in her room! "

"What do you compare a straw bag like this with elegant one? Elegant is the Pearl of my life, I will not let her live in a room full of organs naturally! But you, you have met Luo Qingmu today. Do you think I will let you go out so simply? So you'd better start praying now! "

"Are you going to starve me here? If I'm starving... "

"It doesn't matter if someone gives you a meal, the bathroom is under the sofa, and you can move freely by yourself, but if someone wants to intrude improperly from outside, you are doomed!"

Cloud Dan Xi finish saying, there is no reply.

Bella was so frightened that she squatted on the edge of the sofa, shivering. Then she cried many times, crying and making, and the voice of the clouds did not appear again, and no one answered her.

Now I think back to yesterday's fainting moment, which was about to die of pain. She was sure that she was stunned last night with a mute electric rod!

Thinking of the clouds, she slowly stood up and looked at the sofa.

Everything else is fake. Now we need to deliver the message as fast as possible. That's true!

I tried my best to push the sofa. When I retreated a third, the sofa moved.

Sure enough, there is a step under the sofa, leading downstairs.

She hurriedly went down the steps, only to find that this is a simple toilet, the left room is toilet, the right room is bath, nothing else!

Bella died of anxiety.

She was in a hurry like an ant on a hot pot in the house, but she didn't dare to show any emotion. She was afraid that the cloudless eyes would stare at her somewhere, and then find out what was the clue.

She lay back on the sofa, pulled the blanket up and covered her whole body.

What to do and how to deliver the message?

Sitting up, she shouted to the quiet air, "I'm hungry! I'm starving to death! I want to eat! "

No response!

She was so depressed that she was too afraid to help her admirers. She failed linglie's trust, so she curled up and cried out in a low voice in bed.

Twenty minutes later, on one side of the wall, suddenly came the sound of the mechanism turning.

Bella opened the quilt and sat up to have a look. There was a small basket in the window with the crossbow.

She walked carefully to the other side, trying to take it down to have a look, but she was afraid that the arrow would come out.

Whispered, "this is for me?"

No response!

Bella took a deep breath and took the basket out of the window.

It's heavy.

When she put the basket on the table and opened it, she found that it contained a portion of pasta and a box of milk.

Bella finally knows that this mechanism seems to be a powerful bow and crossbow mechanism, but it can be controlled manually and flexibly from outside.

Her face, pretending to be very hungry, suddenly thought of the way to transmit information!

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