"Immediately!" she said

He won't wait any longer!

Cloud Xuan let adore back a little bit, so adore will sit on the sofa excitedly, watching the small hole under the bed with thick fingers getting bigger and bigger!

But Nalan court walked to the wardrobe quickly, took the things that had been packed in the morning, and took a package of herbs that had not been fried for the adoration according to the instructions before the adoration, and took them together to show the light outside.

Nalanting, looking at his adored pajamas, always felt that it was not safe. In the future, the emperor would have to be dignified. Even if his body was not sharp, he could not lose his prestige.

Naranting really took adoration as the prince, thought about it, and took out a suit of clothes from the cupboard and handed it to adoration: "this is my son's south south suit, your highness, and I take it with me for a thought. If your highness doesn't give up, put it on. "

Admiring the old man, he looked into his eyes.

I have sacrificed my whole life for my country. This loyalty is really touching.

He immediately promised naranting: "Grandpa Naran doesn't have to worry. Your son and daughter-in-law are all the natural parents of Qingya. On this basis, the Luo family has identified Qingya as the daughter-in-law, and will surely rescue them together. What's more, you have made great achievements. In any case, we will save them! "

Nalanting's eyelashes were a little wet, and she nodded her head: "well, thank your highness!"

It seems that Yunxuan's stealing hole took 40 minutes, during which no one came in, but there is still an hour to send the living things and food materials. I am in a hurry to admire nalanting.

And when they were in a hurry, suddenly a circle around the cave fell into silence!

Although it's not a very spacious hole, it's enough for one person to crawl forward.

Nalan court a look, this hole is need to crawl back and forth, immediately for the adored lung to worry about!

The doctor said that the position of his lungs and chest was the most taboo to lie on his stomach, which would make his lungs bear great pressure and make his adoration worse. Therefore, nalanting was like a child in charge of his own family, and never let him sleep on his stomach.

He looked at adoration anxiously, but adoration saw his worry at a glance. He raised his lips and smiled: "Grandpa Nalan, let's go!"

Yunxuan lies at the entrance of the cave and looks at them. There is a bright light on his head for lighting. When he sees adoration standing in front of him safely, Yunxuan almost tears: "three highness, hurry up!"

Adoration nodded a head, clapped on the shoulder of Nalan Court: "Grandpa Nalan, hurry down."

"No, I'm behind your highness!" Nalantang is loyal to the Lord. If someone comes to the room and finds the stolen hole, he will fight to death and protect the country's emperor!

The admiration knew that it could not be delayed, so he immediately went in.

In the past, when I was training with Qingrong, crawling forward was really a piece of cake for adoration.

But this time, Yunxuan found that his face was pale. He doubted whether it was the white effect of the searchlight on his forehead. However, when he could not help looking back, he could always see his gray face.

Nalanting followed closely. He had already handed the backpack he was going to take to Yunxuan. Before he fell in love with Yunxuan, he had asked his subordinates to send things out first.

The cough of admiration is constantly ringing in the cave.

Because the space is small, the sound wave reflects back when encountering obstacles. He often coughs twice, but he can hear several echoes.

So that the whole process of crawling, we are listening to the cough out of admiration.

When naranting was worried about adoration, adoration was also worried about naranting. After all, the old man is old. How can they climb such a long hole with no end?

"Brother Doudou, how long will it take?"

At this moment, the voice of adoration trembled slightly, as if seriously injured!

"Cloud Xuan listens to the whole person to be startled:" 3 your highness how

I'm afraid grandpa Nalan is too old to climb too far

In front of Yunxuan, there is another man, who seems to be a middle-aged man, chuckling: "three highness don't have to worry. There are four exits with the appearance of forty or fifty meters, which can stand and walk out."

"Four?" I admire you.

The middle-aged man explained: "Your Majesty once ordered the informant to rescue Miss Shen at all costs if she did not respond for four consecutive days. So we don't have the topographical structure map of your side, and we are also idle, thinking that it would be good to dig a tunnel leading to the pagoda where Miss Shen is locked. Because we were afraid that the enemy would follow us cunningly, we deliberately dug two dead paths. "

All of a sudden, adoration stopped talking.

He recognized that this middle-aged man should be the strange man that the father and the emperor came to dig this hole!

It's just that there's an exit right in front that leads to the place where Bella is closed?

Silently crawling, when they really arrived at the small hall, there was a small slide like slope, they followed down, and there were four different directions of stealing holes in front of them.

And just when we all stand up and support each other, we can see each other's faces through the small lamp on the top of our heads.

Adore pointed to the four robber holes and asked, "which one is in the direction of Bella?"

Nalan court was surprised: "Your Highness! If we escape, Miss Shen is the only trump card in Yundan Xi's hand, and her life is more unlikely to be lost! "

Yunxuan naturally knows how to admire Bella's infatuation.

He immediately flopped down on his knees: "three Highnesses! You may not care about the relatives who worry about you day and night in Yueya Bay, but you can't ignore Miss Shen's painstaking care for you! Stay in the green mountain, not afraid to burn without firewood! "

Adore clenched his fist and struggled several times.

If he goes out and Bella stays, what's going on?

In other people's eyes, this is to use a Bella, for a prince and hero.

But in the eyes of adoration, it is the safety of his wife for his own happiness and freedom!

He looked up at the middle-aged man and said, "please send grandpa Nalan out safely."

The man motionless, chuckled: "I am only responsible for helping rescue and digging holes, the rest is not my work."

These strange people in the Jianghu wander north and south, regardless of the details, and seldom care about the Royal opinions.

Adoration suddenly covers her chest and coughs violently. They are frightened by Yunxuan. Nalanting takes out a bottle of medicine and sprays it twice to her mouth.

Adore closed his eyes and half fell on naranting's shoulder. After slowing down, he clenched his fist: "it seems that I'm really useless."

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