Looking at the way the nurses pushed the car to run with all their strength, Mu Tianxing was stunned at the spot and ran like crazy: "wait! Wait! Is there something wrong with my son? How's he doing in there? "

The nurse did not stop at all, but rushed to the door every minute!

Linglie saw Mu Tianxing like this, and immediately went up to hug her waist in her arms: "don't get excited! Darling, calm down! "

After Mu Tianxing is embraced by linglie, the whole person can only bow and cry in situ: "adore! Adore! Did you hear the voice of your mother? Bella is waiting for you, we are all waiting for you, you must strive for, admire! Did you hear me! "

"Darling!" Linglie wrenched her body painfully and held her face and stared at her: "listen to me, at this time, the most helpful is the medical staff! We will delay them for one second, which is probably the key to adoring life and death. Don't be excited! Calm down! "

"Why not me? I have suffered so much in the past. Why can't I include my son's suffering? Why do my descendants have to go through such dangerous things? Sobbing "

Mu Tianxing fell on linglie's shoulder and cried.

At the thought that the nurse didn't even have time to say a word, she couldn't imagine how dangerous the situation was.

It's said that the ICU on the floor of the General Hospital of the military region has the conditions for operation at any time. I just had the operation on the train. What's the matter now?

The whole person holding his head couldn't stand tilting blue. He wiped his tears and snivels, rushed to Mu Tianxing's face and fell to his knees with a thump: "mother! I'm sorry! It's all because I'm not good. I admire him because I see his feelings with the big brother are settled. But I'm still floating alone. He loves me so much that he can help me go to Beiyue! Besides, it's me too. I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I begged him to help me analyze, but I didn't expect that he would take me! At that time, I adored and told brother Doudou that if I had a chance, I would kill yundanxi. But I begged with Yaya. All of Yaya's relatives were missing in yundanxi's hands. Once yundanxi died, Yaya would never find any more relatives. But we didn't expect that, just after we escaped, we were shot twice by yundanxi! "

Linglie's eyes swept sharply to Qiao Yekang.

Qiao Yekang looked at all the soldiers at the scene with sharp eyes: "today's event, those who spread it around, die!"

All tiger body a shock: "yes!"

Mu Tianxing shivers all over!

She didn't even think of that!

Admiring the things in Beiyue, she was worried again. When she asked linglie, linglie only said that she would be at ease. It would be OK and soon she would be reunited.

But now she knows: "in such an emergency, adoration has arranged everything. Even when I am not on the scene, I can figure out the reason why adoration gives Doudou a chance to kill Yundan Xi! He is to strive for his own living space and time! What's more, once Yundan Xi died, there will be no one in charge of the northern moon country, and the status of admiration will be placed here. Naturally, the cabinet ministers of the northern moon dare not come here at will, and they will go to ask for instructions from the empress who has been suffering for a long time! "

Tilt blue to open wide eyes, can't believe to stare at Mu Tianxing.

Linglie sighed, not only that his second son's accomplishments were not enough, but also that Mu Tianxing had grown so intelligent.

Cloud Xuan is suddenly stupid.

He rushed to Mu Tianxing, knelt down with a thump like tilt blue, and said: "after the third highness was arrested, I thought that he should let me fight for time for him, but I didn't expect that there was such a deep meaning! It's my fault that I can't understand the third Highness for such a long time! I beg your majesty to punish the queen! "

He banged his head against the marble floor!

Linglie reaches out his hand and lifts him up with Qinglan. Looking at the angry Mu Tianxing, linglie says helplessly, "if you can guess all your admiring thoughts, how ordinary is your admiring?"

This seems to raise admiration, but it is also for the two kneeling children.

But mu Tianxing was not moved. He said: "if you want to kill Yundan, you will never find elegant family! But adoration is to try to find out where ya's family is! I can't forgive your self righteousness! Get out of the way! "

Linglie came up to hold his wife and coaxed him in a low voice: "well, you have said it. I admire you. If he wakes up to see you burning for him and see you angry with his brother, he will be sad. He is like a brother to Doudou, different from other soldiers, isn't he? "

Mu Tianxing's face is cold and he doesn't say a word.

What she's thinking now is, if the admiration is gone, how will she live?

"It's like the day when Qingyu and Beira were carried away. It's a disaster day! It's the end of the world! Wuwu "

" OK, not so exaggerated, it will be OK, everything will be OK. "

In fact, linglie thanked Mu Tianxing for being angry. He had a lot to say to Qinglan, but sometimes Qinglan would not listen.

So when Luo Jinrong comes, he will ask Luo Jinrong.

But now, Mu Tianxing said that he admired the bitterness, and he was relieved.

Especially looking at the blue so regretful, linglie felt that the blue was really grown up.

All the people were watching in silence on the corridor, every minute was so hard.

Qiao Xin is back soon.

When he came to the corridor, he saw that everyone seemed to have cried again, which was a different look than when he left.

Immediately asked Qiao Yekang nervously, "what's the matter?"

Qiao Yekang whispered in his father's ear, but seeing Qiao Xin's envious look at Qinglan changed again, he said to linglie, "Your Majesty, Lord Nalan has come back. He should be valued and rewarded. When the third highness wakes up, he should also be rewarded. The celebration banquet may be arranged on the night when the third highness leaves the hospital. I will also announce to you in public that I will accept Qingya as Qiao Xinxian's adoptive daughter! As for whether or not to make the granddaughter of a meritorious official the princess, your majesty will consider it on his own with such great achievements as Lord Nalan! "

This, standing in the position of Uncle generation, said to linglie, it's OK.

But standing in the position of the minister, he said to linglie that there was inevitably suspicion of pressure.

But admires the sky star, inclines to allow, inclines the blue, inclines the feather them, all looked at Qiao Xin to envy, in the Mou light obvious surprise!

Just now, the blue sky admirer suddenly stood up to support his son: "we can understand uncle Huang's respect for the Nalan family, but we can't accept uncle Huang's acceptance of Qingya as his adopted daughter! If it wasn't for Qingya's feelings, why should it take risks to save people? Now the old and the small are all back, and the big one is almost to be found. It's hard to enter the hospital. It's not certain whether he will die or not. On the contrary, uncle Huang doesn't admit the feelings of Qing Lan and Qing ya. Isn't it a bridge or a river? "

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