The whole person of Yunxuan stood in the same place in astonishment, listening to the chiseled words in the girl's mouth, he felt that she was not only horrified, but also seemed to be joking.

She went on, holding a thick pink rose oil candle.

In fact, at this time, the soldiers gathered together, and the overhead searchlight was able to light this piece as bright as daylight, so there was no need to light candles.

Yunxuan suddenly grabs her arm and says, "we 20 soldiers have almost the same strength. Eight forces are working in one direction. I'm afraid I can't grasp the strength. Is it true that if there is a slight difference, the whole army will be destroyed? "

The young girl's delicate Danfeng eyes glanced at him lightly: "twenty soldiers plus you are 21. Two soldiers are in one group, divided into eight groups. The remaining five are guarded at the entrance of the robber's cave. One is in the middle of the robber's cave. The other two are here. One is in the door of the top floor. The last one is you. Go in with me and save the third princess. I just want to control the power of the mechanism source, so I need strong resistance. But I'm afraid that the power of this resistance is uneven, so I can set eight directions according to the heaven and earth, and make the eight forces disperse in the same direction. Do you understand me? "

Yunxuan felt that she was like a schoolboy being preached in front of her.

When she just appeared, she was obviously like a little boy and was taller than him.

They are different men and women, different ages, can they be the same height?

But now, she is also like a wise, step-by-step strange person. Although she is young, the tone between words is not small, showing a compelling temperament.

Yunxuan nodded her head and gradually let go of her arm: "first, girl, please."

The girl sticks to the candle and moves on. Yunxuan lights three soldiers, who are divided into three parts: the cave, the cave and here.

But the girl looked back, then pointed to three again, said: "you three keep, the rest continue to walk."

Yunxuan felt that she was deliberately unable to get along with herself, but the girl saw through his mind and smiled, as if everything was in her strategy: "when the tug of war, fat and thin, who will win? Who will win, the tall and the short? "

Yunxuan suddenly realized!

The three she picked out were not the same size as others in the team, the fattest, the tallest and the shortest.

What she means is to keep the closest body shape and go in together!

Just for a short moment, Yunxuan's heart was filled with different feelings. For the first time, he was curious about the girl, and wanted to see the face of the one eyed girl urgently. He was so smart.

There is no difference between this pagoda and the pagoda in the common scenic area. On the first floor and the second floor, there are all Buddhist sutras on the first floor and meditation on the second floor. On the third floor and the fourth floor, there are scriptures copied by eminent monks and monks. On the top, there are all kinds of Vajra, arhat and Bodhisattva.

All the way along the golden and brilliant steps, we dare not touch anything, dare not say anything, and quietly come to the second floor from the top to the bottom.

The girl suddenly put the candle in her hand aside and raised her finger to the top: "in the middle of the mural, there is a vase in the Bodhisattva's hand, which is the top mechanism. You see, on the wall here, I've tied the rope. There are eight of them. You two go there. I say pull, you pull. Then I'll go up with brother Doudou and bring the third princess down. "

The soldiers were uneasy, but they went forward without hesitation. They stood in front of the rope and looked at the girl. They were too late to start. They only waited for her to give orders.

Seeing that the soldiers were also timid, Yunxuan said, "in a minute, we will bring down the third princess!"

The girl sniffed: "at least two or three minutes, because the top floor is a duplex! If you are lucky, you can take her down directly when you see her using the bathroom at the lower level of the duplex. If you are unlucky, you will find her sleeping on the upper level of the duplex. We need to wake her up first and then take her down. Well, maybe a bath towel or clothes. "

Yunxuan: "..."

Before, in Qiao Yekang's training base, for this mission, the brothers practiced many times, but they never thought that what they experienced in the future was totally different scenery.

He could not help but also nervous, eyes solemnly in a circle of people swept once: "at most two minutes!"! I promise you, so don't hide and tuck in, and use all your milk strength! "


The soldiers answered in a low voice, looking at Yunxuan and the girl.

At this time, the young girl suddenly took Yunxuan's hand, and the feeling of her hands folded was very delicate. Yunxuan was shocked. He looked up at the young girl, but saw her eyes staring straight at the vase in the hand of the Bodhisattva on the top, and said: "when I go up with Doudou, there will be tens of millions of sharp arrows coming towards the direction of Doudou and me. If you pull them firmly in time, We will go up safely. If we can't hold on, we will be shot to death. "

Yunxuan: "..."

A girl took her hand, called him Doudou, and said she might die with him

This kind of feeling, very strange, the heart lake of cloud Xuan falls and falls, unexpectedly forgot to be afraid, feel particularly warm.

But the soldiers heard the girl's words, the tiger body a shock, immediately beat up the spirit more than before.

The girl looked up and looked at Yunxuan. Her voice was sweet: "brother Doudou, are you afraid?"

Yunxuan looked at her beautiful single eyelid: "not afraid!"

The girl seemed to smile. She gazed at the vase in the Bodhisattva's hand, stretched out her other hand to the direction of the vase, and suddenly shouted: "pull!"

At the same time, there seems to be a switch in the bottle just to open, because the resistance is closed!

The girl breathed a sigh of relief. She shot a drill at her waist and went straight up to the roof. She took Yunxuan and swept it up. She thought they would bump into the wall. Then she found that the Bodhisattva's position was an illusion. They went straight through it.

Yunxuan is taken upstairs by a young girl. As soon as they stand, they rush to the top of the compound building.

During that time, their hands were tightly held.

Rushed up, saw Bella is sleeping on the bed, cloud Xuan immediately came forward to call: "Miss Shen!"

I don't know how long the soldiers can last. They must be faster!

Just after he finished shouting, people had come forward to pull Bella's arm up. Bella opened her eyes and was confused. When she saw Yunxuan, she was not excited. Just about to open her mouth, Yunxuan pulled her down again: "it's too late. Let's leave first!"

At this time, the girl said: "you go first! I'm behind the mat! "

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