Shimmering lake light, shaking a pool of gold.

Yingying hands, holding up his silhouette of stepping out of the world of mortals, even lovesickness.

Yunxuan quietly watched the girl's white nose exude a drop of crystal sweat, the hot sun on the top of her head, in sharp contrast to the air conditioning temperature in the car just now.

He was also afraid that she would not adapt, so he thought about going back to the bedroom quickly, and entering the room, it would be cooler.

But -

I saw her lower body in front of me like this, holding his dirty shoelaces and tying them.

He still remembered that when he saw Beiyue stealing cave for the first time, she was obviously proud with a veil on her face; he held up his hand in the pagoda to narrate the words of life and death together, and her expression in her eyes was clear and firm; after saving Bella, she shot the vase in the hands of the Bodhisattva, and her persistent expression was clear and stubborn.

But her present appearance is clearly humble and gentle.

Yunxuan's heart moved. When she got up, she grinned at him: "OK! Let's go! "

He nodded his head, continued to rush forward, his face expressionless, and his feet were moving faster and faster.

She is like a little bird jumping around her side and behind her. She is clear and quiet, but he feels that the whole life is noisy.

Tiantian just went back to her bedroom with linglie and her husband. Her official dress was found by Qu Shiwen, and her room has been arranged, just opposite Yunxuan.

So when she went in, without waiting for Yunxuan to help her introduce herself, she had jumped to qushiwen's side and shook her hand with qushiwen's wrist: "Shiyi!"

Qu Shiwen smiled, looked at her from the bottom up, and said with a smile: "it fits well, not bad. Your uncle zhuoran called back and said that you and Doudou would come back together to get the porridge from his highness Sanxia. Wait, aunt Shiyi will bring it to you. "

Yunxuan didn't expect that her mother had met Tiantian, so she was a little embarrassed.

And Tiantian doesn't quarrel with him. She goes to one side and quietly appreciates the huge murals on the wall of the dormitory. One of them is full of thousands of paper cranes. She knows that it's forbidden to have fun.

Seeing that she still knows how to draw, Yunxuan stands without interrupting.

And the little girls in the dormitory, while his majesty and his highness are not here, all run out to pay homage to Yunxuan.

"Brother Yunxuan, this is my own handkerchief. I'll put it on you to wipe your sweat!"

"Yunxuan, the cake you brought for me last time is my favorite taste. Thank you! When my holiday arrives this month, I can go out and buy it myself. If you have time then, let's go together. Thank you! "

"Brother Yunxuan, can you see if I'm taller? You said last time that I was too thin. Let me eat more. I eat more now! "

Tiantian turns slightly and looks at three or four little girls in the palace people's service, making a lot of trouble around Yunxuan, who is polite to talk to them.

His majesty and his highness, these palace people dare not think about it, but Yunxuan is different. He is the future Royal servant, single, and so young and handsome. Naturally, he is more popular with the palace people.

The little girls will also think if they can marry Yunxuan, will they be able to become such a person as Qu Shiwen and be the chief housekeeper of the dormitory in the future.

Qushiwen came out with the heat preservation barrel, and she saw such a picture. She was used to it.

Looking at Tiantian standing aside, she smiled and said, "OK, take it to the hospital!"

Smell speech, little girls are red face retreat in succession in one side, but still each do their best to cloud Xuan wink.

Yunxuan knows that they are all little girls who are away from home. It's not easy to be a palace man. So in general, if you can help them, they will help them. That's all. But when it comes to the love between men and women, or the little ambiguity, he never did.

He has inherited the outstanding righteousness, which makes people see that he will not be associated with dirty and dirty things.

He took the delivery from his mother and asked, "is there any Arctic shell Xiaofeng likes? I'd like to see him today. "

Qu Shiwen smiled and said, "you'd better take the time to take a bath and change your clothes. You're busy, and you're still wearing overalls and shoes! It's all dirt! "

Yun Xuan smiled awkwardly, and subconsciously looked at Tian Tian, who was getting closer and closer. Then he said to his mother, "well, help me to prepare. I'll take Arctic shell to see Xiaofeng tomorrow."

Qu Shiwen folded himself and came back. He took two bottles of soda with straw in his hand and put them all into Sweet's hands: "this is our favorite flavor of beans. You taste it and drink it on the way back. It's just the way to relieve the summer heat."

Tiantian nodded her head: "thank you Shiyi."

She vaguely heard the little girls talking to her from a distance. She thought of the picture just now, which really made her upset.

What cloud Xuan, cloud Xuan elder brother, cloud Xuan elder brother, call really is harsh!

"Brother Doudou, have a drink. I'll take it for you!"

Tiantian holds a bottle of soda high, and the straw is just in Yunxuan's mouth. How many people are envious and jealous of that "Doudou elder brother"? There is humanity in the crowd: "that's what your highness is qualified to call Doudou elder brother."

Sweet picked up her eyebrows and looked at the girl innocently: "is that right? But in the previous phone call, his majesty always said to me: what's the matter with you Doudou? I don't know his other name. I know Doudou. "

Qushiwen bear funny, heart sigh: young good.

But cloud Xuan is quite embarrassed, vacates a hand to catch the bottle which she handed up: "I drink well by myself."


"Ha ha!"

In the crowd, two little girls couldn't help laughing at Tiantian.

Qu Shiwen sighed and looked at his son's eyes and scolded him: "go! Don't let the third highness starve for too long. "

Yunxuan is a straight hearted man. When he heard that the master was still hungry, he immediately turned around and left the dorm. He didn't wait for Tiantian. Tiantian's face was a little white. He grasped the soda bottle in his hand and walked slowly towards the door.

Cloud Xuan is also out of the door, just feel the hot sunshine outside: "I turn on the air conditioner in the car before you go up."

Finish saying, there is no response.

He looked around and found that Tiantian didn't follow.

After waiting for two or three seconds, she came out, but she was very emotional, as if something had happened.

He returned to her, and Wen said, "what's the matter?"

Tiantian shook her head. "Let's go."

Yunxuan looks at her and goes to the front. She doesn't understand. She thinks she wants to be a relative or something, but she doesn't bother.

On the way back to the hospital, she didn't talk to herself any more. Even her little face was always facing out of the car, sitting in the back seat!

Yunxuan looks at her through the rearview mirror several times and finds her unhappy.

All of a sudden, he thought a lot and smiled at her.

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