She adored Bella and comforted her for a long time before her mood stabilized.

In order to avoid cross infection, the doctor took a set of disposable tableware for adoration and destroyed it immediately after use.

Inclined to allow with cloud Xuan to stand outside the glass wall, looking at the scene inside, can't help but cry.

Qiao's family -

Qiao Yekang was already waiting at the gate of the palace when he was leaning towards the blue.

Through the dark window glass, the boy looked at Qiao Yekang, an independent man left behind by the moon, but saw a small stone in his hand.

When the car stopped, Joe Yekang went to open the door for him and put the stone in his pocket.

"Little uncle?"

Tilt blue in the heart some steadfast, seem to enter the mansion is no problem, just Qiao Yekang how can stand here?

Qiao Yekang's gentle mouth slightly held up and said, "Your Highness, Prince, call me and say let me answer you. He is not at ease. He is afraid that we Qiao family will bully you."

Although the phone only said two or three words of adoration, it was not hard to tell from the faint tone of adoration that his body was weak. Qiao Yekang could not refuse the request of a seriously ill man. Moreover, he was the prince.

Qinglan is moved.

He nodded his head and said seriously, "I'd like to convey something to Lord Nalan."

Qiao Yekang is holding on to his shoulder with one hand, smiling at the beautiful flowers, and the flowing color in his pupils, which makes the starry sky pale: "go! Everyone knows you're here for elegance! "

Qinglan is blushed by Qiao Yekang.

He went in with him and drove directly along the lake into the courtyard of Xiage. (Qiao Xinxian and his wife live in Chunge, Qiao Yekang; Xiage is a VIP Building, staying for visitors; Qiuge and Dongge are not full of dramas because they are related to the top of their hearts!)

After getting out of the car, Qiao Yekang said with a smile, "Lord Nalan and Yaya live here. Your majesty appointed Lord Nalan as the left Prime Minister of the cabinet in the former dynasty yesterday. He wanted to give the prime minister's house to him, but my father said that Lord Nalan was quite like my mother's adoptive father, so they had the responsibility and obligation to take care of his old life, so they emptied all the summer pavilions for them to live in. "Lord Nalan is deeply attached to the Qiao family and is unwilling to move away, so they will settle down here later."

Qing Lan heard Qingya mention in the text message that they would live in Qiao's house in the future.

After Qiao Yekang walked into the villa Hall of Xiage, the cool breeze came to his face. Qiao Yekang suddenly thought of something and whispered in his blue ear: "by the way, Lord Nalan helped the prince with the Decoction in the North moon. Later, he came to know that the medicine was poisonous and blamed himself. So... "

"I see." Tilt blue nodded, shouldn't mention, he won't mention.

In the air, there was an impassioned sound of string music. Looking at it with blue, he saw a zither on the side of the small hall on the second floor, where he was sitting in a lilac gauze skirt for practicing.

He never knew she would play zither.

When Xu was in contact with him before, she always played the role of Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling can't play zither, so she didn't dare to expose it.

He stood quietly at Qiao Yekang's side, looked up and gazed, feeling the beauty of a young girl under thousands of lights.

He remembered that when he was a child, his mother and his mother asked their three brothers to learn the piano. They only admired the best. Even though they hated the staff, they insisted on it. At last, both of his brothers passed the piano grade 10. Only when he passed the grade 3 examination, he left it completely and refused to learn again.

Qinglan was filled with emotion. She was so good, and the Qiao family felt that he was not worthy of elegance, and there was no reason.

When Qingya finished playing the song, the Chamberlain of Xiage said with a smile, "Miss, the son of the world has come with his second highness."

Qingya was stunned for a moment. When she heard her second highness, she jumped up from the piano bench, jumped to the side of the railing and looked down: "sky!"

Tilt blue smile.

But see that the light purple shadow can't wait to run down along the handrail, tilt blue to be afraid of her falling, hurriedly shout: "slow down!"

Qiao Yekang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm such a big living person, but she ignored me."

Tilt blue some shy smile, not language.

At this moment, Qiao Yekang looks surprised and takes a deep look at tilt blue. With the impulsive and rash nature of tilt blue, he will stand here waiting for Qingya to rush down, rather than rush forward to embrace Qingya.

This young man seems to have suddenly changed his soul and become more stable, which makes Qiao Yekang feel incredible.

Qingya flushes down her cheeks and looks blue.

Qinglan then pulled her hand and stared at her: "you can also play zither. It's really good. Is this a fake nail? "

"Tortoiseshell, for zither. Before that, there was a pair of ivory ones. They matched the strings very well. They were given to me by my grandfather, but they were lost. " Qingya said, and her face flashed over her regret: "besides, ivory is so precious that it can't be found. Hawksbill's not bad either! "

She leans blue to hold up her hands and looks at them carefully. But she sees that her fingertips are all bound by flesh colored adhesive tape, and the tortoiseshell nails are all close to her fingertips: "I used to think that the fake nails were to be worn on the real nails, but they were worn on the fingertips."

Qingya smiled and took up his arm. She was very attached to him. She asked, "how is the prince's condition?"

The blue face is slightly coagulated.

He didn't want to hold her. In the past, he didn't care so much about pulling her and finding a place to kiss her.

But because adoration is still lying on the bed, he has no such mood: "it's that adoration is not good, so I can only take a short time to see you. I wish you had a good time here. I'll see you next time. "

Said, he raised his eyes and looked upstairs: "is Lord Nalan in the study? I'd like to convey your admiration."

There is a trace of loss on the elegant face.

She didn't expect Qinglan to leave so soon: "I, take you up. Grandpa works in the cabinet during the day and stays in the study when he comes back at night. He is always very busy. "

Then you go up to tell Lord Nalan that if it's convenient for him, I'll go up again. If it's not convenient for him, I can wait for him to finish his work

Qiao Yekang can't help but tut: "ah, our second highness is really different. He has grown up several years at once."

Qinglan is embarrassed by Qiao Yekang, but looks at Qingya and tells her again: "take Nalan's work as the first, don't force him."

Qingya tooted her mouth and looked at him for a long time. Before she turned and left, she could not help jumping up and kissed him on the cheek.

Looking at her happy escape figure, tilt blue to stand in place, raise hands to cover the position of being loved on the cheek, eyebrows and eyes filled with tenderness.

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