Qingyu tries to think about it, but the more he thinks about it, the more anxious he is. At last, he can't think of anything.

Outside, there was another conversation between the young man and the master.

She quickly pricked up her ears and then listened --

the venerable shook his head, saying: "at least in the next six months, you will not go back, because to open the door of time and space, you must have the cooperation of time and space. What did you meet last time you came here? "

"Total solar eclipse!" Ji Xuehao said immediately!

The venerable smiled: "that's right. Last time there was a man from Ningguo. I sent him back with the total solar eclipse. At present, according to my observation of stars, there will be no stars in the next six months. Six months later, I'm not sure! This kind of things, sometimes people's life may not meet once! "

"That man is the legendary general Yekang?" Ji Xuehao looks at him.

The venerable said cautiously, "how many days have you come to know general Yekang?"

"His name is Joe!" Ji Xuehao blurted out, saw the face of the venerable changed, and said: "he is the uncle of Qingyu! One's father's younger male cousin! The great grandfather of Qingyu and the grandfather of Qiao Yekang are brothers! "

The venerable trembled and his heart seemed to have missed half a beat. The surging waves in his eyes were about to flow out and then he was restrained by Sheng Sheng. Then he got up and came to Ji Xuehao. He pressed his hands on his shoulder and dared not put his channel: "you said that the feather is Lingyu's descendant?"

"Yes!" Ji Xuehao nods.

Because the excitement of the venerable is too obvious, the young man easily catches the deep meaning.

From the Liuguang incident, Ji Xuehao also heard that some of the old ancestors of the Luo family are immortal. Is this the old man of the Luo family?

Ji Xuehao is full of doubts, but he is more thoughtful than Qingyu.

He was afraid it was a trap.

At first, the old man accepted him as his apprentice, and then the old man brought him to meet him. Now, the old man still lost his memory. In her heart, naturally, the old man, the master, is closer.

Jixuehao is not afraid of anything else. He's afraid of meeting someone who purposefully uses Qingyu as a threat to force him to comply.

"Master, do you know general Ling Yu?"

Tentatively, Ji Xuehao stares into the eyes of the old man. The flowing dark light in the young pupil is full of doubts. It seems that he wants to see through the old man in front of him!

The venerable saw his doubt, and slightly pulled at the corners of his mouth, saying, "you don't have to doubt me. Who am I? When you go back to modern times and meet Kangkang, you will understand. "

The venerable sighed, and suddenly he was full of incomprehension: "don't you have any reason to come here? Kangkang was born with the responsibility of history. He was destined to come here to save the mowa nationality. The mowa nationality was the most important part of the later Ningguo. In the long history, gradually with the unification of Ningguo, Kangkang became a nation. Therefore, there is no ethnic minority in the modern Ningguo. Kangkang finished his mission and went back. And what are you here for? "

Ji Xuehao looks at him, not sure whether he really believes him or not.

But he can only fight, because he is dying in a modern hospital bed, there is no time!

Ji Xuehao suddenly lifted his robe and knelt down to the venerable one in front of him: "elder generation, the third brother of Qing Yu, who is now the prince of Ningguo, is in great danger! Herbs that can detoxify the crown prince have disappeared in the modern northern moon kingdom! I came here because of our mistakes. It wasn't us that we were going to come, but Liuguang and Doudou! "

"Prince in danger? Streamer? "

When the venerable heard this, he immediately helped Ji Xuehao up and said solemnly, "get up and speak slowly!"

Therefore, Ji Xuehao tells the modern things to the venerable.

Listen to almost, the heart of the venerable seems to be more anxious than Ji Xuehao: "the antidote you said is called yuyancao! But now is not the growing season of Yuyan grass! This kind of grass only lasts for one season, one season and three months. After three months, it decays and disappears. Only seeds that cannot be recognized by the naked eye are buried in the soil, waiting for the next year to draw out seedlings! "

Ji Xuehao's heart tightened: "then, when is the next growing season?"

He's not afraid of anything else, he's afraid that he can't wait for admiration!

If they find herbs, but can't meet the total solar eclipse, or the total solar eclipse comes, but they haven't found herbs yet, what should they do?

"Qing Yu is the love of my life! Her brother is my brother! What's more, in order to save my sister, the Luo family sacrificed thirty years of cultivation! No matter what, I can't find yuyancao this time. Ji Xuehao vows not to go back to modern times! "

The youth's words are loud and full of emotion.

When the girl in the door heard the words, her heart suddenly filled with emotion.

Whether she had been in love with the teenager before, at this moment, she seemed to have been moved by him.

If in another distant era, she still has her loving parents and her dying brother, how can she stay here peacefully?

Qingyu's mood is also excited. She wants to find yuyancao and hurry back to save her brother!

The venerable looked at them helplessly: "you shouldn't have come at all. Because the antidote is on Kangkang! "

Said, he rubs his eyebrows and heart with chagrin: "Alas, even if you don't come, I'm afraid you won't know that the antidote is on Kangkang, even he doesn't know himself!"

"What do you mean?" Ji Xuehao is shocked by the words!

The venerable man closed his eyes and said: "Princess Jinzhu's aunt and Kangkang really loved each other. At that time, Kangkang was going to live in a miasmal swamp. She would hide from Kangkang and go to the steepest mountain peak every night to pick up the yuyancao. After saving a basketful of it, she would grind the herb into powder, use her own blood as a guide, send it to me, and burn it into a powder A Bloodstone. When her son, Kang Kang, set out, she gave him the stone and said with a smile that it was love, which made him inseparable in this life. "

Ji Xuehao suddenly thought the story was beautiful, but he grasped the key point again: "so, the Bloodstone on his body can save his Royal Highness Prince now?"

The venerable returned to his position and sat down slowly: "yes. Because yuyancao only exists for one season, the way to keep it for a long time is to add the blood of the first son and burn it into stone. Now the Bloodstone in Kangkang's hand can not only protect him from all kinds of poisons, but also prolong his life and have the effect of keeping his face. His Royal Highness's symptom, as long as the stone in Kangkang's hand is grinded a little powder and fed to him, it's so simple! "

Ji Xuehao: "

Suddenly, Ji Xuehao's bedroom door was pushed open!

Chui Yu ran out of it recklessly, looking at the venerable nervously, "master! Where is the aunt of Princess Jinzhu now? Is she with my cousin Kang? "

Ji Xuehao also took a step forward and pulled the hand of Qianyu: "no, he is 30 years old and has not got a wife. He stares at the Bloodstone every day!"

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