Listen to her positive voice, Qinglan suddenly finds that she is not a human being, or how to do it is not a human being on both sides.

He didn't know how he could fall into this field, but at this moment, he felt that he was alive, different from others.

Other people can also contribute to their families and the country, and he will drag them down.

He would even think, if only he died.

"Well, I'll wait for you in the last compartment on the second floor of the coffee shop at two o'clock this Wednesday. I'll see you later."

Finish saying, he hurriedly hung up the phone!

He didn't tell anyone that he had an appointment with Yundan, the last room on the first floor of the cafe!

The blue brain flashed a kind of possibility quickly, which was too fast for him to be sure, but he was already driven to retreat by the condition of adoration, and was also driven to schizophrenia by the cloud.

The teenager and the military training instructor took a day off. They sat by the bed for hours, motionless.

On Wednesday, he was still on sick leave.

In the morning, as Yundan Xi said, he received a package as expected. After opening the package, he found that there was only a dry weed in it. He had never seen such a grass, and he was not sure whether it was Yuyan grass, but it was not hard to see that it had a history of many years.

With a little excitement, the boy rushed out of the school with his backpack on his back and called Yunxuan to let Yunxuan find Liuguang and go to the hospital.

So they gathered at the door of the adoring ward.

Through the transparent glass wall, admiring clearly felt that there was something wrong with Qinglan's mood. He was not afraid of anything else. He was afraid that Qinglan would suffer the least setbacks and exercise since he was a child, and then he would have some psychological problems.

I want to tell my parents that I'll find a psychologist for Qinglan, and I'm afraid that my parents will be upset because of Qinglan.

So, he said that he planned to wait for downdip blue to leave. He told Qiao Yekang to find a famous psychological expert in China to coach him.

It has to be said that the heart of admiration is for the people around us to turn around and rest until death.

Liuguang takes a transparent specimen bag and looks at the herbs inside.

The dried herbs can't judge the original vein of stems and leaves at all. However, in the face of the expectant eyes of Qinglan and qiaoyekang, Liuguang can't bear to tell them the truth: "this is not yuyancao."

Leaning blue and smelling words, his face was pale: "why not? Did you see it clearly? "

Liuguang sighed: "in fact, it's not necessary to look at it at all. Although yuyancao has a wonderful effect on the anti-virus maintenance of the living body, it's only one season a year, three months a season. After three months, even if it's picked and collected by someone, when the time comes, it will be stored in ashes and turned into nothing. So far, I haven't seen anyone who can save the jade grass. "

Tilt blue back two steps, a heart suddenly fell to the bottom!

Yundan deceived him!

At the same time, admiring looked inside, and immediately said to Bella, "the second brother is not right, let Yunxuan take someone to follow him quietly!"

Bella quickly obediently takes her mobile phone to send a text message to Yunxuan.

Yunxuan stands outside the glass wall, sees the text message content, and makes an OK gesture towards the glass wall in the invisible corner of tilt blue.

He turned to the wiring staff and went down the stairs quietly.

Qiao Yekang seemed to think of something, saying: "I seem to have heard that when the ancient North moon, there was a way to pass down the yuyancao, but this method was not known to outsiders."

Liuguang smiled: "I know that's the secret method that all generations of saints can learn when the ancient North moon is here. But there are four elders besides the saint. They are the four masters who supervise the saint. If the secret law learned by the saint is used to protect the people of Beiyue, she will be praised and worshiped by the whole Beiyue. However, if she uses the secret law to help other people, she will be punished most severely. And the saints of all ages were chosen from the sisters of his mother and compatriots. "

Qiao Yekang suddenly looked at Liuguang nervously: "what kind of punishment?"

As she asked, she prayed in her heart: she has helped herself more than once, and must not be known by her four masters!

Liu Guang stared at Qiao Yekang's eyes and said, "I don't know, but I hear that I will lose my freedom for life and suffer from the purgatory of the world."

Qiao Yekang's heart aches!

Wrong open eyes, his heart firmly a thought: No, she will not!

On the topic of yuyancao, Qiao Yekang has been far away from Liuguang, and she stands there with blue face as if she were dead gray, then turns around silently and leaves without saying a word.

I admire to see his unusual today, because he has a big backpack behind him.

He immediately sent a message to Yunxuan: "the second emperor is down."

At the same time, Qiao Yekang's mobile phone rang. He took a look. It was Qingya who called. He immediately looked at tilt blue, but tilt blue had disappeared.

He answered, "Yaya?"

"Do you have any time later? I'm going out! " Qingya's voice was very anxious. I told Grandpa, but grandpa didn't allow me to go out. I went out by myself, and the guard of the palace stopped me again. But Qinglan asked me. I haven't seen Qinglan for half a month. "

Qiao Yekang waved his hand to the streamer, and to the admiration in the glass wall, and turned to the elevator.

"Qinglan was here just now, but she has already left. Where's your appointment? "

Qiao Yekang enters the elevator and looks at his watch. It's noon now. He can have lunch.

I thought that Qingya had a meal with Qinglan. But Qingya said, "two o'clock in the afternoon. The cafe at the gate of their school! "

Joe frowned at night.

In fact, if Qinglan didn't leave just now, he wanted to ask Qinglan where the yuyancao in his hand came from.

No matter what, he is also Qinglan's uncle. Naturally, he wants to ask questions, but Qinglan leaves too soon, and he doesn't even have a chance to ask questions.

Qiao Yekang always thought something was wrong: "well, then you have a good meal in the house. I'll park my car at the gate of Xiage at one point, and then I'll drive you there myself, OK?"

Elegant smell speech, finally happy to smile: "too good, really thank you!"

"Silly girl." Qiao Yekang knows how hard she has been guarding these days.

On the other side, two plain clothes national guards of Yunxuan wiring quietly follow Qinglan to return to his business school by subway.

It all seemed normal, but at the last stop, I went into a separate cubicle bathroom shared by men and women, and then I never came out again!

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