Qiao Yekang thought of the words he adored and told him again and again. He grabbed the blue shoulder with one hand and made a loud finger with the other.

All the people tied up on the ground were carried out by the National Guard.

The manager of the caf é rushed over. Qiao Yekang also told his staff to show their certificates and cross examined all the staff of the caf é.

A team of the National Guard has been exploring the direction of the tunnel. It is not known where the exit of the tunnel is.

After Qinglan's mood is calmed and stabilized, Qiao Yekang hands him over to Yunxuan. Yunxuan takes him back to the car, and Qiao Yekang quickly goes upstairs.

All the national guards guarding Qingya are sitting on the second floor. Seeing Qiao Yekang coming, they all stand up and salute. Qiao Yekang nodded his head, went to the innermost and opened the door of the private room, and saw Qingya sitting on the sofa with red eyes.

The girl's hands were still praying.

She looked at Qiao Yekang and asked, "is tilt blue hurt?"

Qiao Yekang shakes his head and laughs loudly: "I can't imagine that Qinglan alone has knocked down six strong men. Go down, he's in the car. "

The girl's nervous face broke the ice and smiled.

She carried her skirt, forgot her bag and rushed out recklessly.

Qiao Yekang helplessly picked up the bag for her and quickly ran after her.

Tilt blue is also wearing women's clothes and shoes, wearing wigs, sitting in the back seat of Yunxuan.

He hung his head down and didn't know what he was thinking, but his hands were red and swollen, and some joints were obviously broken. At first sight, he was severely injured.

Yunxuan looks at it and knows what's going on.

He said with a smile: "second highness, next time there will be such a refreshing thing, you don't take your own jade body to fight with them, cup, plate, bowl, vase, grab what hit what, don't hurt your own body."

Qinglan was too excited just now. Now that he has calmed down and has a better spirit, he feels that it's disgraceful to wear this suit today.

Suddenly, the side door was opened, a clear voice hit: "sky! Do you have anything to do? "

Tilt blue to look up at Qing ya, immediately back to a face not to see her like a strong to the other side of the seat!

However, when he gave up, he moved an empty seat for Qingya. As soon as Qingya sat down with him, he went with him.

Qiao Yekang saw a smile on the edge and said: "send them back to the palace to have a rest. Let Yaya stay with his highness in the bedroom these two days. My mother is with Lord Nalan. I'll talk. "

Yunxuan nodded his head.

Qingya also gave Qiao Yekang a grateful look.

She can't see tilt blue until she's good, and tilt Blue's current state, she's not at ease at all.

Joe Yekang watched the whole coffee shop on the road being guarded by the soldiers. He knew that he was busy next time and helped them close the door.

Yunxuan drives them back to the palace.

Yunxuan's people also take care of and escort them, driving all the way to the palace.

Qiao Yekang turns around and calls adore with great merit. He also intercepts the video of Qinglan riding on others and beating them angrily and sends it to adore.

He said that he would help tilt blue find a psychiatrist to guide him as soon as possible, but he felt that to open the door of tilt Blue's heart, the psychiatrist would inevitably ask a lot of confidential things from tilt Blue's mouth, which is not particularly safe, so he would explain Qingya separately, hoping Qingya could finish the task.

The way of admiration is that his brother is safe, and he has a long breath.

From morning till now, he didn't eat lunch, so he was afraid of something happened to Qinglan.

Hearing Qiao Yekang's suggestion, he chuckled: "yes, maybe we are all in vain. The potential of the second brother is not what we can predict. Maybe it can really untie his heart knot, but it's elegant."

I put down a big stone in my heart, and my mood of admiration is much better.

Bella took the opportunity to bring food to feed him again. He ate with a big mouth. When he was full, he grabbed Bella's hand and went to sleep.

Even when the nurse came to give him an injection later, he slept soundly.

- I am the amazing dividing line of tilt blue -

tilt blue always backs to Qingya.

Yunxuan is driving in front of him and watching.

Although the back picture looks funny, it's also very distressing. Because the second Royal Highness is like a stunted teenager, he is slower than the grand highness and prince in his ability of independence and acceptance.

Even if he is sensible, he is also a later matter, which is after the muyize couple left.

Therefore, the starting point of Qinglan's growth is slower than the other two brothers, but it has gone through so many things.

But when he needed time to organize, everyone ignored him, so that his psychological accumulation problems were not solved in time.

Qingya looked at him, her eyes and tone didn't laugh at him. She reached out her hand and gently held him tightly from behind Qinglan.

Tilt blue whole body a quiver, some words want to say not to export, difficult way: "you, you don't look at me."

He is not good-looking now.

Qingya probably understood his idea, reached for his wig, and pulled the zipper of the women's dress directly from his waist.

Tilt blue the whole person is like a little lion with fur blown open, holding his head forward to hide: "don't make any more! I want to be alone now! Brother Doudou, go by Qiao's house and put her down! "

"No!" Qingya immediately screams nervously, and throws a begging look at Yunxuan by the way.

Yunxuan didn't speak, but looked at Qingya through the rearview mirror and nodded to her.

Qingya is at ease.

She looked at her eyes twice and said, "brother Doudou, is there a curtain?"

Yunxuan immediately thought of something. He stopped at the side of the road, took out a set of men's clean shirt and panties from the trunk, and handed a pair of clean sneakers to the back. When driving, he put down the curtain in the car.

So, a car, the front row and the back row are cut off into two worlds.

Qingya put the clothes aside, jumped on them bravely, and stepped on them facing him!

The girl's sweet and close kiss follows the blue arm, hair and ears. She kisses wherever she catches, regardless of the reserve. The blue kisses are so annoying that she can't avoid them!

He reached out to stop, and she kissed his palm.

The soft feeling came, and his heart melted.

Originally, he could not be cruel to her. Seeing her like this, he was even more annoyed: "it's elegant! What are you doing! "

"Kiss you!"

She said it out in a big way. She grabbed the skirt of his thigh twice and said: "lift your ass! You're sitting in the skirt! "

"You, what are you doing!"

"Take off your clothes!"

"You are a rascal!"

"Do you want to get out of the car and go back to the dorm like this?"

"Let go! Where do you play, you! "

"It's not untouched!"

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